Finally Hungry

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   It's 9:30pm. I haven't talked to Luke since our last talk earlier, which was hours ago. By this time I'm in only my shirt and boxers lying in bed, and I'm  having trouble sleeping.
   I'm starting to get a bit hungry. I haven't eaten anything today other than this morning's breakfast with Luke, where he told me his sad story about his past.
   I get up from the bed and walk down stairs to see if there was anything to eat. I don't turn on any lights to try and not draw any attention. I don't want to be rude and just take something of Luke's. Luke never said "help yourself to anything you like", although that does sound like something he'd say- I think.
   I grab a bananna, assuming that he wouldn't notice, and walk back up stairs. I peel the bananna and take a bite. I've always liked banannas, there one of my favorite fruits- And strawberries are delicious.
   I finish eating the bananna, but it's  not enough to fill my stomach. I walk back down stairs and look around a bit more for something else. I look in the fridge, again, and the cabinets, but find nothing. I sigh and lean on the counter. I stay there and look out the window to see the moon. It's silver glow reminds me of Lukes eyes. I notice how it's glow brightens the forest and wood outside, and shines into the kitchen.
   Suddenly, I hear a noise coming from the living room. I get I little freaked out and my body is stiffened. Soon after, I see Luke walk out from the living room and room and stop once he sees me. He's wearing tennis shoes and gym shorts. He has his shirt off and around his neck, and seems to be a bit sweaty. I can't help but stare at his built, masculine body structure. I have never seen him without a shirt before. I mean, I'm not complaining, but it's shocking nonetheless.
   Hot damn.
   He looks at me confused. "Is something wrong?" He asks. I snap out of my trance and look at his face instead. "No." I say. I turn around and look in a cabinet to distract myself from looking at the sexy man behind me.
   I hear him walk behind me and lean against the counter. "I hope you enjoyed that bananna." I hear Luke's deep voice behind me say. My body goes a bit tense. "What bananna?" I ask. He chuckles and walks over to the banannas. "I just bought these, and I've only eaten one of them since I bought them, but now there are two missing." He says with a grin. He's toying with me.
   I close the cabinet and look at him him with crossed arms. He has his shirt back on, but his shoulders are still bulging from the short sleeves. "I was hungry, okay?" I say. "Oh really? Cause if I do recall, you 'weren't hungry' the first time we met." He says. I scoul at him. He had to bring that up. "Well, you got me to eat, and I thank you for that. Not only did you save my life from preventing my suicide, but you also by preventing me to starve myself." I say. He continues to look down at me, and I realize his eyes are glowing again.
   I'm starting to wonder if he was really born with that. "So, what were I doing out there?" I ask. "Just going for a run." He says. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "At night in the woods, in the dark?" I ask, very confused. He chuckles. "I know the forset around here like the back of my hand." He says with a smirk. "If you want, I could take you with me next time?" He asks, more of a statement then a question. I think to myself for a moment before answering.
   It could be fun! I mean, he might take you someplace special.
   I look up at him with a smile. "Sure, why not?" I say. "Great. We'll leave at 9:00 tomorrow night." He says.
   This should be fun.


I'm sorry the chapter is so sort, and that it probably sucks. I'm doing my best here since I'm in pain right now and I'm just trying my best to keep going with the story and keep updating since you guys like it. Anyways, I'm probably going to get bored and write some more anyway. Love you!

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