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   What happened last night was amazing. It was the most exciting and thrilling thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, but it seems a bit fuzzy in the end - I don't really remember what happened after all that.
   I wake up to the warm feeling of soft sheets and the light of the sun shining brightly through the window. I sit and rub my eyes before looking around the room. I find that I'm not in the guest bedroom. I'm in a room much bigger with a much bigger bed. Where the hell am I? Is this Luke's room? Oh god, did we...?!
   I start to freak out a little bit. I notice that I still don't have any clothes on. I look around the room and notice that my clothes are at the end of the bed. I get up from the bed and put on my clothes, only they feel different. Did Luke wash my clothes?
   I don't care if he washed my clothes, It's a nice thing to do, but I'm more concerned if we fucked or not! He better have used a condom! That is if we did.
   I hear footsteps coming to the door and then it opens and I see Luke. "Hey, you're up!" He says with a smile. He has clothes on now, but thats not what I'm worried about. His smile soon withers away once he sees my worried facial expression. He comes closer to me puts his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks. "Luke, I don't remember the last thing that happened last night! Please tell me what I'm doing in you're room, did know...?!" I ask frantically. His face goes shocked. "What?! No no no! We didn't fuck." He says, trying to calm me down. "Are you sure?!" I ask, still panicking. "Ben, look at me," He says, holding my chin with his strong hand, "I assure you, we did not have sex, okay?" He says, staring into my eyes.
   I start to calm down a nod my head to tell him I believe what he's telling me. "Okay, I believe you." I say. He smiles back. "Ben, what do you remember?" He asks. I stare into his eyes and then suddenly press my lips against his, hoping that would give him his answer. We part our lips and he grins. "So you do remember." He says. I take his hand and smile. "Of course I do, Wolfy." I say, adding a cute nickname. He chuckles and kisses me again.
   We separate our lips and stare into each others eyes and smile. "Now what?" I ask. "Breakfast, BenBen." He says, also adding a nickname. I giggle. "BenBen? Really?" I ask, not amused. "Hey, you gave me a ridiculous nickname too." He says. I smack his shoulder playfully. "Whatever, Wolfy." I say. He chuckles and picks me up bridal style. The action surprises me. "Hey! Put me down you douche bag!" I say. He chuckles and walks out of the room and down the stairs.

   We sit at the table and eat the breakfast that Luke made. "So why did you take me into your room?" I ask. "It was closer to the stairs. Plus, I didn't think you'd mind." He says, taking another bite. "I don't mind, I was just curious." I say. "I know, BenBen." He says. I hesitate before taking another bite. "Are you gonna call me that from now on?" I ask. "Only if you want me too, BenBen." He says, and takes a bite of his food. "Alright, Wolfy." I say.
   He looks at me an intimidating smile. "You can call me whatever you like,...Benny." He says. I pause at the name spoken. "What did you call me?" I ask with a conserned look. "Benny. I-Is that wrong?" He asks. I don't answer and just sit there staring at the food. "Ben," Luke says, puting his hand on mine, "What's wrong?" He asks. I hesitate before answering. "My perents used to call me that," I begin, "But they also kicked me out and pushed me away because I was gay. I disgusted them." I say, feeling tears escape my eyes. He hesitates before saying anything. "Is that why you cut yourself ?" He asks.
My body stiffens. "How did you know I cut myself ?" I ask. "I saw the scars on your wrists, but I figured you didn't want to talk about them." He says. I roll up my sleeves and look down at all of the scars on my wrists. "Yes, that is why I cut, because I'm nothing but a disappointment." I say, as a tear rolls down my cheek.
   Luke scoots his chair closer to mine until he's right next to me. He takes my wrists and examines the scars before placing his lips to them and kissing them. He is so loving and passionate with the kiss he places on my scars, almost as if he was hoping that if he kissed them, they would all go away.
   Luke looks up at me as if he has an idea. "You know, your not the only one that has scars." He says, chuckling after. "What do you mean?" I ask. He takes off his shirt and and points to a big scar on his arm near his shoulder. How did I not see that before? "Where did you get that?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. "Fighting." He says. I raise an eyebrow. "Fighting? What were you fighting?" I ask. He puts his shirt back on and grins. "A witch." He says. "A witch? As in an a short old lady with warts and an evil cackle?" I ask jokingly. "No," He says chuckling, "I mean a real witch. With spells, magical abilities, everything. In fact, she was over two hundred years old, yet she looked as if she was only twenty." He continues. I become more interested. "As we were fighting, she striked me with this poisonous dagger, and it stung and hurt like hell. Thankfully, I killed her long ago." He explains.
   His story makes me want to know more. "Why were you two fighting?" I ask. "She wanted something I had - a stone. An enchanted stone that shone brighter than the sun and protected any living thing." He says. The stone he speaks of reminds me of the stone he told me about in the swimming hole from last night. "A stone like the one in the swimming hole?" I ask. "That's the stone I'm talking about. She stole it from me. She wanted to make it into something completely opposite of what it is. She wanted to make it into a weapon, a weapon if darkness and destruction." He says.
   I become even more interested and more questions pop into my head. How did he find the stone? Who was this witch? Magic is real? "I'm going to be honest, I have a lot of questions right now." I say. "I understand. It's probably weird to think that their are other mythical beings out there." He says. It is hard to wrap my mind around that fact. "But I'm willing to answer your questions, hell, I've got all the time in the world for you." He says. His words make my heart flutter and I can feel my cheeks start to get warm and red.
   "So, what was this witch's name?" I ask. He pauses before answering, as if something bad would happen if he did, but he soon responds.


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