I'll Be Strong, For You

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Hey guys! So thus might not be important information, but I changed the wooden pole the Ben is tied to into a chair. I thought a chair would be more understandable than a wooden pole in the center of a room. Anyways,  I hope you enjoy this chapter!


   The shadow creature put the knife back down onto the cart and rolls it out the exit behind me and closes the door and locks it.
   I sit there, tied to a chair, in the center of concrete room, the bloody cuts on my arms and torso leave my body in pain, as much as my heart. A tear escapes my eye, and another, and another. I sob quietly as I let my head drop.
   If Luke were here, he'd tell me to keep my head, and that everything would be okay. He'd hold me in his arms and I would listen to his sweet, steady heartbeat once more.
   The thought of this eases my sobs and helps me calm down. I Lift my head up and take a deep breath. I keep the though of Luke in my mind and relax.
   Don't worry Luke, I'll be strong, for you.


~Luke's POV~

   Ever since Ben was taken I've been searching the woods. I had changed into some clothes before I left so I wasn't some strange naked guy walking around in the woods if I ran into any hikers.
   I continue to walk through the forest looking for clues, smells, anything that can help me find Ben. So far I have found nothing, but my instincts are telling me to go West. My instincts have never failed me before, I'm sure that they'll lead me to Ben.
   As I continue walking in my current direction, I notice a ripped peice of cloth or fabric on the dirty ground. I kneel down to pick it up and I lift it to my nostrils. My eyes widen once I smell a mixture of strawberries and lillies, oh the sweetest lillies. A sort of rush begins to run through my veins as I stuff the peice of fabric into my pocket and I run as fast as I can through the forest trees and brush.
   The sound of a raging river runs through my ears and I suddenly have to stop myself from runing off of a cliff. I stare down the canyon and at the strong, rushing river below. There's a cliff on the other side and I just might be able to jump across.
   I know it's risky, and that I could die trying, but I'd rather die trying to get my mate back than not try at all. The real question that I'm thinking right know is how I'm going to get my clothes across, considering my wolf will jump farther if I shift.
   I look around and see a good size rock. I remove my clothes and start tying them to the rock. Once they're tied tightly, I take the rock in my hands and I throw it across to the cliff, and successfully make it.
   I walk back aways so can get a good running start, take a deep breath, and dash towards the cliff, shifting into my wolf and running faster. Once I get to the edge of the cliff, I push hard off the ground and fly across the sky.
   The edge of the other side is almost in my reach. I shift back into my human form and prepare my legs to land onto the ground, and then they do, and with my luck I land right on the edge. My foot slips and I begin to fall if the cliff, but soon grab a branch sticking out of cracked rocks and dirt.
   The raging river below seems to scream in my ears, leting me remember that if I make one wrong move, I'm nothing but dead. I reach for the edge of the cliff only to have my hand slip. I reach for a second time and grip tightly onto the stone. I reach my other hand up and begin to pull myself up.
   Once I make it up I lie on the ground, breathing heavily and feeling tired. I let out a breath of releaf and pick myself up to find where my clothes landed.
   I spot my tied up clothes and I go to put them back on. Once I finish puting my shirt on, I sit against the bark of a tree behind me, still panting from exhaustion, the thought of Ben glued on my mind.
   I remember his beautiful face and his most delightful scent. I pull out the cloth I found earlier and lift it to my nose and sniff in the scent, his scent, oh his sweet, lovely scent. His green eyes greener than the freshest forest, his smile which makes even the sun jealous, and his soft, soft voice. Tears fill my eyes and trickle down my cheeks.
   "Oh Ben, I failed you. I promised to protect you, but I couldn't do that. This is all my fault. I failed, Ben, I failed. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." I say to myself. All I wish for at this moment is to hold my mate in my arms again and make it better for both of us. Who knows where he is, or what is happening to him. He could be getting tortured at this very moment! What the fuck am I doing sitting here! I have to save him!
   I get up and head back into the forest, the feeling if rage, and worry running through me. I have to save him, I have to stay strong.
   I have to stay strong. I have to stay strong. No matter what happens, I have to stay strong.
   I continue through the forest, with rush in my veins, success in my mind, and the love for Ben, my mate in my heart.
   Don't worry Ben, I'll be strong, for you.

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