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   My eyes flutter open. I find myself lying in Luke's bed as always, his strong, masculine arm wrapped over me, holding me close into his chest. Only something is different. Oh right, I'm naked, and so is Luke. Memories and images flow into my head, making me remember what happened last night. It was amazing. I find my hand placed in his, our fingers intertwined. I smile.
   Luke starts to move and his breathing goes still, telling me that he's now awake. He sniffs my head, sending my scent into his nostrils and he hums in delight. He kisses my head and moves down to my cheek. I grip his hand tighter to tell him I'm awake as well. I turn to face him. He smiles. "Well good morning, beautiful." He says. "Good morning, handsome." I say.
   He kisses my lips passionately and continues to do so as I climb on top of him and he pulles me closer. I place my hands on his face as he places his strong hand on my shoulder and his other on my waist. "Well last night was fun." I say. "The best." He says with grin. I stare into his beautiful silver eyes. They seem the glisten in the morning light. I can almost see my own reflection in them. "Come on, let's get dressed." I say.
   I start to move off of him before he grips my shoulder, stopping me. "Hey, where are you going in such a rush?" He asks. He pulles me in for kiss and lays me back down on the bed as he climbs over me. He rubs me sides as I place my hands on his strong back. He moves down to my neck and kisses all over it. "Luke," I say, gently pushing him off, "Come on, let's get up." I say. He grins. "Alright." He says. He kisses my lips passionately one last time before getting up.


   It started raining outside this afternoon. The sound of the raindrops against the ground is soothing as I gazed out the window, watching the raindrops fall and splash once they hit the ground, or make ripples once they land in puddles.
   I remember when I was five I would always go out and jump in the puddles and laugh as I let the drops land on my tongue, but as I became a teen I wouldn't let the drops land on my tongue, but rather land on my face as I closed my eyes and mouth in silence as I listened to the relaxing sound of the raindrops against the ground. The thought of it made me want it, to feel the rain on my face again.
   I turn to Luke, who is sitting on the other couch playing on his guitar. The melody he plays as his fingers softly picks on the strings, as he plays a slow tune, is just as soothing as the rain. It almost sounds like the rain, in a way.
   I go over to the couch he's on and sit next to him, placing my head in his shoulder. I feel his lips kiss my head and then release. "Hey, luke?" I say trying to get his attention again. "Hm?" He responds. "Want to go outside?" I ask. He stops playing. "Why? It's rainy and wet." He asks. "I know, but I just think it would be nice to feel the rain on our faces, you know?" I explain. He sits there quietly, possibly thinking about my idea. "Okay." He says. I look up him and see a smile on his face."Let's go."
   I smile bright and take his hands, helping him off the couch. We put on our shoes, but leave our coats behind. I tug him behind me, practically almost draging him, and lead us out the back sliding glass doors. We walk off the porch and onto the large gravel opening behind the house.
   Luke and I play and dance around like children, laughing and jumping puddles as the soakes our hair and clothes. He runs up to me and picks me up bridal style and starts spinning. It all happened so fast that it startled me and I started laughing as I held on to him, Luked looked down at me and chuckled. He stopped spinning and pulled me kiss, still holding me in his arms. Our lips seperate and our foreheads come together.
   He sets me down and I feel dizzy. I place my hand on my head and chuckle to myself. I look up at him to see him smiling at me. He continues to smiles before it fades and he sniffs the air. His face goes serious and his eyebrows furrow. "Luke, is everything okay?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. He walks up to me and takes my hands into his. "Yes, my Love. Everything is-" He cuts off and he sniffs the air with a serious face again. "Ben, I need you to go in the house." He says. "W-what? Why?" I ask. I'm so confused. "Get in the-" He gets cut off and grunts in pain before falling to his knee. He grips his back. "Luke!" I cry, falling on my knees with him. "Ben, get...in the house." He says, barely able to talk. I help him up and quickly lead us into the cabin.
   He sits in a chair and I check his back. There's some sort of dart that has been stabbed into his back. How did this happen? Where did this come from? I look at the dart. I know what I have to do. "Luke, this might hurt, I'm sorry." I say. I pull the dart out of his back, and he grunts as if it was just like a shot at the doctor's office. I put the dart aside and check on Luke. "Luke? Luke look at me." I say. He looks up at me, his eyes barely awake. I help him up and lead him into the living room.
   I lay him down on the couch. I grip his hand and his grip is harder on mine. I see that his eyes are filling with tears and my eyes do the same. "Ben..." He says, lifting his hand. His fingers brush against my cheek before they drop and his eyes close, his grip on my hand loosens. "Luke? LUKE?" I ask desperately, but get no response. A tear runs down my cheek.
   My phone, that I left on the table the night of the creepy prank call, starts ringing. The sound bangs in my ears like drums. I pick it up and read the name.
   I hang up, but it calls back right after. I pick it up and put it to my ear. "Who the hell is this?! What do you want?!" I scream into the phone. "You should have taken my first warning, that was just a sencond warning shot. How is your boyfriend anyway?" Says the person with the deep voice from the other night. Not only am I now angry, I'm infuriated. Rage and sadness runs through me. "You did this? What the hell did you do to him?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" I yell. The man just laughs. "Don't worry, it's only temporary. She's very angry with you, by the way. You have one more chance to leave, or else." He says. I start pacing. My heart is racing and my breathing is heavy. I stare down at Luke and tears flow out if my eyes. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?" I scream.
   The phone call ends and I throw the phone at the wall. It doesn't break, but it falls to the floor and I see a crack through the screen. I turn to look at a mirror that was on the wall. My eyes are red and stained with tears. I can still see the rage and sadness in my eyes.
   I turn to look at Luke, his arm is hanging from the edge of the couch and his still face is shinning from sweat. I walk over to him and place his hand on his chest and wipe the sweat off his head. I place my hands on his face and caress it with my thumbs. Tears trickle down my cheek. I kiss his head and my hands grow shaky. "Please wake up, Luke." I say to myself, feeling more tear fill and escape my eyes.

"Please wake up..."

Eyes of Silver [A gay werewolf love story] (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now