A Night to Remember

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   Luke told me to wear something formal, since he wants to make this "A night to remember". I'm sure he doesn't mean really formal, but nice. take a shower and comb and gell my hair.
   I look in the mirror and examine myself. I make sure my shirt is nice and straight and my hair is neat and right. Perfect. For clothes I wear a dark blue sweater (almost black), black skinny jeans, and some black converse.
   Luke walks in the room. He's wearing his tennis shoes, gym shorts, and a hoodie. Once he sees me, his eyes soften and his mouth drops. He stares at me for a little while. "Is everything okay?" I ask. He seems to snap out of his little trance, or whatever it was. "Y-yes. It's just..." He seems to not even be able to say the last part. "You look...amazing." He finally says. I feel my cheeks warm  up.
   He smiles at me and I smile back. "Where are your formal clothes?" I ask, still smiling and crossing my arms. "I left mine at the Luna Lily sight, so that they didn't get ruined when I shift." He says. I nod my head and walk up to him. "Are we ready to go?" I ask. "Do you have your jacket?" He asks. I grab the hoodie that Luke gave me the night when he confessed his feelings for me, and when he confirmed that he was a werewolf. "Yup." I say, puting it on. He grins and we walk out.


   Luke and I make it outside. "Are you ready?" He asks. I nod my head. Luke shifts into his wolf form and I get on his back. He runs off through the forest, only this time it feels different. I have this feeling inside of me that tells me that this time it's special, that maybe Luke isn't just taking me to see some flowers.
   Everything seems to move in slow motion. The ground seems to be getting steeper and higher and Luke starts to speed up. It almost doesn't seem possible, but at this moment I think we're going up a hill....or maybe a mountain. It feels like magic. For all I know it could be.
   We seriously got here in a matter of minutes? Damn Luke must run fast.
   I look ahead and I see an open clearing through the trees at the top of the steep landscape. As we get closer to the opening, I feel that we're getting closer to the destination of the Luna Lilies.
   Once the opening is but feet away, Luke jumps up and out of the trees, and onto flat grassy land. I look around us and notice that we're now in an open, grassy meadow, that appears to be on a cliff. The only trees to be seen are now behind us and all around us from everywhere else is beautiful, open star lit sky. In the grass, there are closed up flowers that lie all around. The only light source is the moon and stars above us. I remove my hoodie and throw it aside.
   Luke runs off into the shadows and in a matter of seconds, is walking out in clothes about as casually formal as mine. He wears a black botton down shirt with black jeans and black and white converse. I feel myself get warm and tingly inside at how apsolutly hot he looks. He grins at me as his eyes glow a brighter silver. "Like what you see?" He asks. I nod me head and smile. He walks closer to me and takes both of my hands into his. "Me too." He says. I blush.
   I look around to see that there is nothing that looks like a flower except for these closed up plants. "So where are the Luna Lilies?" I ask. Luke checks that watch that is now on his wrist. "Any second now." He says. I raise an eyebrow, confused on what he means, until, out of my peripheral vision, I see a glow forming around us. I look behind me and see that all of the flowers that were closed are now in full bloom, brightly glowing a beautiful light purple glow.
   I look above us and see that the moon is closer and shining brighter. Luke did say that the flowers would bloom at the moon's brightest glow, but I didn't expect it to get so close and beautiful. "Oh my god! The moon is huge tonight!" I say amused. "The Moon Goddess must be happy tonight." Luke says, coming up behind me. I raise an eyebrow. "Moon Goddess?" I ask. Luke chuckles. "Yes, The Moon Goddess. Her name is Luna. She watches over the Earth and protects us mystical creatures. You may not believe me, and you don't have to, but she is real." He says. I stay silent and I look up at the moon. "So that's why these flowers are called Luna Lilies." I say. I feel Luke's hand on my shoulder. "Yes. Yes it is." He says.
   I turn to face Luke and his eyes soften and he goes serious. "Ben, I didn't just bring you here to see some flowers." He says. My eyes soften and my eyebrows farrow. "What do you mean?" I ask. He stares into my eyes. "I brought you here for another reason, I have something I have to tell you, or else I'll surly explode." He says. I lift my the side of my mouth and form a side grin. "Then what do you want to tell me?" I ask. He continues to stare into my eyes as he gulps nervously. "I love you, ben. That's what I wanted to tell you. That's what I've wanted to tell you ever since I first layed eyes on you." He says.
   He stares down at me, his eyes full of passion and lust. I stay silent. I have no words. I wish I did, and I try to find some, but there are none. "Ben, every time I look into your green eyes, I see a great forest of color and vibrance - greater than the one we stand in now. Not only do I see a magnificent forest, I see an entire galaxy of stars. Every time you smile, the sun it's self gets jealous, for it could never shine as bright and beautiful as you. I love you, Ben. I really do, more than anything else in this world. You are my prized jewel.
   I become even more speechless. It is at this moment, that I realize how I really feel, how much Luke really means to me. How I want to spend every waking moment with someone as wonderful and amazing as him. "Luke, I don't know what to say. I have so many thoughts and feelings that are running through me at this very moment. Theres so many, that it's hard to keep track of all of them." I say.
   Luke seems urgent yet hesitant, as if he wants to hear what I'm going to say next, but is scared what it's going to be. "But there is one thought, one feeling that I now know is perfectly clear." I say. Luke seems to ease up. "Luke," I begin, puting my hands on his stubbled face, "I love you too." I say. I smash my lips onto his, causing an explosion of passion and lust inside of me and around us. Luke kisses back, which leads to another kiss, and another, and another. It was an excellent moment of Luke's lips on mine. It was perfect. This is definitely a night to remember.


   Luke and I walk into the cabin. "Well tonight was eventful." Luke says. I close the door and walk up behind him. "Luke." I say, spinning him around. I smash my lips onto his. I seperate our lips. "Luke, this night is special." I say. "Yeah, it is." He says smiling. "So why don't we do something?" I begin. I pull him closer to me. "Let's make this night more special, let's make it great, let's make this our night." I say.
   Luke looks surprised, getting message what I mean. "Ben, do you think we're ready?" He asks. I stare up at him and stare into his eyes before smashing my lips onto his again. After about a minute, we separate our lips. "I think we are." I say.
   Luke looks excited and his eyes are full of lust. We smash our lips together for the third time. We start to kiss even more rough. Luke walks forward, causing me to move backwards. He pins me up against the wall behind me by my hands and he separates his lips from mine. His eyes start to glow a bright silver. God damn he look sexy.
   He smashes his lips on mine again and I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me up the stairs and into the bedroom, slamming the door behind us shortly after.


This is getting, eh?
Just a heads up, BIG warning on the next chapter.

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