Welcome to Hell

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Hey guys! So before we start this chapter, I'd like to give my best friend sadiegay a shout out! She is new to Wattpad and has been very supportive to my story. She has recently started her own story based off the (best) anime series "Diobolik Lovers". If you (or anyone you know) is also interested in that (best) series, than she has it for you! Please go show her support and read her fantastic, amazing story based off of (the best anime series) "Diobolik Lovers". Oh, and did I mention it's the best anime series? Alright, I'll stop. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please do go so my friend's story some love and support. Thank you!


   My eyes flutter open. I wait for my vision to adjust and then look to see where I am. I'm back in the dark, cold cement room. I'm guess now that it's a basement.
   This time I'm not tied to a chair, my hands are tied up from a rope tied to the ceiling. I'm just hanging here, like a peice of meat. That is all I am to these...people - I'm just fresh meat for them to slowly pick at until there's nothing left.
   I don't even try to escape, don't even try to run away, I just stay in my hanging position. I can't escape from this, I realized that now. The rope is out of my reach now, there is no getting out.
   I notice that theres blood runing down my arm. I look up to see the scars on my wrists reopened and exposed. I was raped, abused, why? What did I do to deserve this? What did Luke do to make Levyesinth so angry? He did kill her, and then she came back to life, so yeah she must be pretty pissed.
   I can't even think right now. All I can think about is that I was raped and I feel violated and disgusting. There's nothing I can do. My head drops and my eyes close, with me not even trying, and I fall asleep.


   Something harshly slaps my face and I wake up in shock to see Levyesinth standing in front of me, smiling her evil, mischievous smile. I glare at her. "Did you enjoy your time with Steffin?" She asks. "Why would you do this to me? What did I do?" I ask, my eyes beginning to water. Levyesinth laughs. "Oh you poor, poor baby," she begins while she places her hand on my cheek, "You didn't do anything, it's just fun to torture you. Welcome to hell, Bitch." She says.
   I glare at her once more struggling to escape so a can rip her smug face off. She just continues to laugh at my action. "Oh, and speaking of Luke," She says, magically making a glass ball appear in her hand, "Look! He's almost to the trap! He should get there in about an hour. Isn't this just...exciting?" She says. "Levyesinth, you don't have to do this!" I say struggling with the rope again. "Your right, I don't have to.....but i want to." She says.
   She laughs as I try to escape from the rope that contains me. "Why don't you understand that you can't escape me? Your trapped. And for now, you're my bitch." She says. I struggle and struggle with the rope until she slaps me across the face once more. "You really should do as you're told. Now, we need to prepare you. We need bait if we want this to work." She says.
   My eyes widen at her words. "Steffin!" She calls, Steffin walking in shortly after. "Steffin, make preparations to travel down to the trap. We're ready." She says, looking at me with a smile. I begin to have a bad feeling in my stomach, and with one wave of her hand in front of my face, everything instantly goes dark.


~Luke's POV~

   I can smell him, he's so close! I know I was going in the right direction. Not even caring about my clothes, I shift into my wolf and start running through the trees. I have to get my mate back, I will get my mate back.
   I begin to a bright orange glow through the trees as I get closer to the smell. Excitement begins to run through me and I run faster. I'm so close. Don't worry Ben, I'll save you.
I stop at a circular opening in the trees, with torched circling the perimeter. I see Ben tied up and past out on the dusty, dirty ground in the center of the opening. I want to run over to him, but I stop myself. Something doesn't feel right about this. It's set up too perfectly. Oh my God, this is a trap, and they're just using Ben as bait! Those fucking Bastards! But I have to play along, I have a plan.
   I shift into my human form and run up to Ben and try to wake him up. His eyes slowly flutter open and his face beams brightly once he sees me. "Luke!" He crys happily. I hold him tightly. I put my lips to his ear. "Just play along, you'll understand." I say.
Suddenly I hear rustling in the tree. "FIRE!" I her a familiar male voice shout shout somewhere in the trees. I run off to the side and dodge I net that fell to the ground and landed over Ben.
   Those shadow creatures from before start rushing out from the trees all around and towards me. I shift into my wolf and run towards them and begin to claw and bit at the creatures who face and come across me. I make sure they get no where near Ben. I'm not losing him again.

~Ben's POV~

   A net fell over on top of me and I was hard to see what was happening around me. I could tell that Luke was fight those shadow creatures. I still don't know what they are. All I know is that they're being controlled by Levyesinth.I wish I was out there fighting with Luke. He can't fight all of them alone. I have to get out of this net.
   I begin to crawl through the net and towards one of the ends to escape. Once I make it to an end, I slip through it and begin to crawl towards the woods as fast as I can, then hide begind a tree as I tried to escape the ropes that contain me.
   I notice a rock with a sharp edge and I try my best to use it to cut the ropes. Once they're off, I continue to hide behind the tree and watch as Luke fights off the shadow creatures, clawing and biting at them until they're all dead and nothing but dust.
   Luke looks to find me not in the net anymore and I see the worry on his face. "Ben?" He calls out. I come out from woods, revealing myself to him. "I'm here." I say running up to him. He holds me close to his chest into a tight hug. "Oh, isn't that sweet?" A familiar male voice says behind us.
   Oh no, It's Joseph.

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