A Story to Tell

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   I wake up to the bright sun shining trough the windows and the sound of birds chirping outside. I soon realize that I'm not in my bed, or my room. I sit up and my heart starts pounding in my chest as I get a scence of worry runs through me. I soon remember what happened last night with the train and Luke and I start to calm down.
   I get up and walk into the bathroom and strip from my shirt, boxers, and socks, and get into the shower. The warm water soaks my hair and I take the soap and rub it onto my skin and clean myself. I wash the grease out of my hair and wash my face.
   I get out of the shower and dry myself off. I put on my shirt, boxers, and socks, and walked out of the bathroom and put on my pants. I check my phone to see what time it is. 8:45am. My battery is also at forty-five percent. I put my phone in my pocket and walk out of the room and head down stairs.
   I smell something delicious and the sound of sizzling coming from the kitchen. I walk over to the doorway of the kitchen and see Luke making scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. I see  Luke flipping the bacon strips and stiring the eggs.
   I knock on the wall to let him know that I'm here. He looks over at me and smiles. "Hey." He says. "Hey." I respond. I walk into the kitchen and lean against the counter. "So...um, do you need any help?" I ask. I want to try and repay him for letting me stay. "No, it's fine. You can just sit down at the table, breakfast is almost ready." He says smiling. "No, please, let me help. I want to repay you for letting me stay. Plus you helped me eat my first meal in days." I say, looking into his grey eyes.
   He looks down at me and smiles. "Alright," He says, "Could you get some plates from that cupboard?" He asks, pointing at the cupboard. "Sure." I say, opening the cupboard behind me and grabbing two plates. "And cups from the cupboard next to it?" He asks. I grab two glasses from the cupboard next to the other one and put them on the counter next to the plates.
   Luke walks over to the plates with the pan with the scrambled eegs in it and scraped some onto the plates. "Hey, could you go to the fridge and grab the orange juice and pour it into the glasses?" He asks. I walk over the refrigerator and pull out the orange juice. I walk back over to the plates and pour the juice into the glasses and put it back in the fridge.
   Luke puts some bacon on the plates and then gets the toast slices and puts them on the plates. "Where is the silverware drawer?" I ask. He turns to the drawer behind him and pulls out a fork and hands it out to me. "That one." He says with a smirk. I grab the fork only to drop it shortly after. We both bend down to pick it up but I get to it first.
   I come back up only to find myself centimeters away from Luke. He looks down at me and I look up at him, our noses almost touching. We each look into each others eyes. I notice something in his eyes that I hadn't noticed before. Not only was there just a hint of blue that I hadn't noticed, but there was a sort of sadness. I wonder if something happened in the past that pains him to this day?
   As we stand this close, I'm so tempted to just kiss him. I want to so badly but I soon back away. "I'm just gonna...um...go sit at the table." I say, scooting past him. I took a plate and a glass of juice and walked to the dinning table. I try my best to shake off what just happened in the kitchen.
   Luke walks out with his plate and glass and sits down at the table. I scoop some scrambled eggs onto my fork and stick it into my mouth. Luke does the same. I'm assuming he's trying to forget about what happened as well.
   I continue eating until I decide it's a good time to start a conversation instead of just sit in awkward silence. "So, I've been meaning to ask you this, why exactly did you save me?" I ask. He looks up at me with a questioning look. "Well, I wasn't just gonna watch you die." He says, like the answer was obvious. "But, of I'm being honest, I  wasn't just doing it to save a life." He saus. "What do you mean?" I ask. He looks up me and back down at his food and he puts his fork down. "I have seen too much death in my life, and I wasn't about to witness it again, even if it was a stranger." He says. He starts to get a sad look on his face. What did he mean he said he didn't want to see anymore death?
   We sit in silence for a little bit. "So, when you say that you've seen too much death, what do you mean by that? Did something happen?" I ask. He looks up at me with a sad look and sighs. "A long time ago," He begins what sounds like a long story, but I'm willing to listen.

"I had two brothers. I was the middle child. One summer day when I was fifteen, my brothers and I went to this swimming hole not too far from where we lived. While we where playing, my younger brother decided that he could go deeper down into the swimming hole. He went under the water and started swimming deeper and deeper. He didn't come up for a while so my older brother and I started getting worried. I swam down to go and find him. I found him with his foot caught onto a vine and he was unconscious. I tried my hardest to break the vine or pull it out of the ground to save him, but it was too strong. I swam up to the surface and told my brother to go and get help, and then I grabbed a sharp rock and went back down. I tried to cut the vine with the rock. The vine finally cut loose and I grabbed my brother and swam as fast I could to the surface. I brought my brother on land and tried pressing the hardest I could against his chest. I tried blowing air into him but nothing was working. I cried my heart out when I found out it was too late. I, myself, had to carry him back to my perents. My mother, father, and brother were as devastated as I was. My father died shortly after from slipping and falling off of the roof our house one winter from the ice, and my mother died of a broken heart. My brother and I went our separate ways and I don't know where he is now, but I miss him everyday. I miss my whole family." He says.

   I watch as a tear rolls down his cheek. I place my hand on his and he looks up at me. I feel so bad for him. He's lost so much. "Luke, I am so sorry. " I say. He looks down and starts to cry. I stand up and walk over to him. He stands up and hugs me and I hug him back as he cries.
   His tears turn to sniffles and we separate from the hug. Luke looked down at me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "Thank you." He says smiling. I smile back and look into his grey eyes as he looks into my green ones. I, then and there, just wanted to kiss him, but now wasn't the time. Plus, he probably wasn't even gay, and was just a friend.
   We sit down and continue to eat breakfast in silence.

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