The Fire: part 1

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After breakfast, I stand up to go and put my dirty plate away. "I'll take that." Luke says, taking the plate from me. He walks into the kitchen and I hear the sound of the fosit running and dishes being washed.
I walk around into the living room and I see something that I hadn't noticed before. On the wall by the TV, there is a portrait of a big black wolf. I hope that's not some sort of pet that I don't know about. "Are you looking for something? Or just looking around?" Luke asks. I get startled and turn around and face Luke. I didn't even hear turn off the fosit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He says with a chuckle. "It's okay, I wasJust looking around." I respond.
He looks at me and gets a sad look on his face. "I guess you have to go home today, huh?" He says with a frown. I completely forgot about going home until he brought it up.
I lean my back against the wall behind me. That place isn't even my home, it's just where I live. I feel more at home here then I do at that shitty apartment. "Yeah, I guess so." I say, looking down at the floor with a sad look matching his.
You don't deserve him anyway. You should just leave.
We stand there in silence for a little bit. "If I'm being honest, I feel more at home here then I have at my shitty apartment." I say. He smiles and walks closer. "But, I still have to go. I still have that apartment and I have a job. I have to go back." I say, finally looking up at him. I stare up at his grey eyes as he looks into my green ones.
He puts his arms on my shoulders and looks down at me. "So when do you want to leave?" He asks. Usually I would have this voice in my head that would tell me bad things, but this time there was a good, soft voice. It was almost like a voice of love and lust.
I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave this log cabin, I don't want to leave Luke. But I have to. "I should go soon, I don't want to take up anymore space then I already have." I say. He looks at me and frowns. "You haven't been taking up space, it's been lovely having you here. It gets pretty lonely out here." He says smiling. I smile up at him and stare into his eyes.
Are you growing feeling for him?

I put on my shoes and get ready to go back home. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see who it is. It's John! Oh shit! I forgot to tell him I wasn't going to work today! I unlock my phone to see what he has to say.

John: Hey, why aren't you at work? Are you still feeling sick?

Me: Yeah, I'm still not feeling too well.

John: Oh okay, well get better. Just don't die on me, you're my only employee.

Me: Alright, see you later.

I put my phone in my pocket and head down stairs. I see Luke walk out of the kitchen and look up at me on the stairs. He smiles and runs his hand through his brown hair. "You ready to go?" He asks.
No, I'm not ready to leave you.
I nod my head and walk down the rest of the stairs and follow him to a door I haven't been to before. I'm guessing it must be the garage.
Luke opens the door and turns on the light. I was right, it's the garage. There a workbench with a tools box sitting on top of it, and in the middle of the garage is a white truck with tinted windows.
Luke walks over to the truck and is about to get in until he notices me still standing at the door. He looks at me confused. I don't want to leave. Something about Luke makes me want to stay and know more about him. I still have so many questions- I still have so many feelings.
He continues to look at me with a confused look. "Are you comin' ?" He asks. I stand there hesitantly, but I move towards the truck shortly after. I get in the passenger side of the truck and fasten my seat belt. Luke starts the truck and then we're off.

We drive through town in silence. "So, are you happy to be going home?" Asks Luke, breaking the silence.
I look over at him and he peeks at me before looking back at the road. "No." I reply. He looks at me, then back at the road and smirks. "Gonna miss me?" He asks with a smirk.
"At this point your one of my closest friends. Considering I only have one, then that makes you two, so yeah." I say. He smiles. "Do you have a girlfriend? Someone special?" He says. As he says that, my body stiffens and my eyebrows rise up. Shit, I didn't tell Luke that I was gay. I figured that he would've already known.
I look up at him with an awkward smile. "Nope, I don't have a girlfriend." I say. His smile brightens, but then fades. "Do you...have a boyfriend?" He asks. This question makes me stiffen even more than the first one. ", I don't have a boyfriend either." I say. He continues to focus on the road. "Hmm" He says. "Thats surprising. I would've expected a good looking guy like you to have a mate." He says.
Mate? Thats a strange way if putting it.
I get a confused look on my face, but hide it by looking the other way and out the window. "You know it was great having you with me. It gets pretty lonely out there, in the woods." He says. I look up at him. "I bet it does. How do you occupy yourself?" I ask. He looks down at me and smiles. "Like to take walks. It nice to see and hear all the things that go on in the woods. It helps me clear my mind." He says. I smirk at him, "Sounds nice." I say. He smiles, "it i-" He cuts himself off.
Luke sniffs the air, as if he could smell something bad. "What is that smell?" He mumbles. I smile, "Well I didn't fart." I say with a giggle. "It's not like that. It smells like.....smoke." He says, his voice getting deeper. He's still driving as he tries to find out, what ever it is, he smells.
This is a bit strange.
We stay quiet as we continue to drive a about another mile. As soon as we turn a corner just a few blocks away from my apartment, I see a cloud if smoke and I now can smell it.
We drive closer and I see that my apartment complex is on fire. I look at the burning building with a fearful and confused look. Is this what Luke was smelling? How could smell this from so far away? It's almost as if he's like...a wolf, or something.

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