She's Back pt.2

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~Luke's POV~

   I walk out of the cabin, ready to fight anyone of these shadow bitches. They tried to kill me, tried to kill Ben, My mate. Anyone who messes with my mate will pay, and it will not be pleasant.
   I quickly shift into my wolf and dash towards the army of shadow soldiers, or whatever they are. I ponce at I group if them and bite one at the neck. I pounce at another and scratch at its stomach. I notice that when they die they turn to black dust.
   The soldiers shoot arrows at me I smack them away. Many come to me charging with there swords, but I smack they're swords away and take all their lives in an instant. Some of them strike at me and I try and doudge, but still get nicked in the process. This pisses me off and I strike at them with me teeth and bite down until their dust.
   I have killed most of them and then I notice that there are a few left. They're not backing down until their goal is met, and their goal is to kill me. I made a promise to Ben that I would protect him. I am not going out today.
   I run towards the rest of  them and pounce and claw at all of them. I take the last one by the neck and bite down until its head is severed from its body. The head drops to the ground and falls to dust, just as its body does.
   Shifting back into my human form, I look down and see that black dust and dirt cover my chest, hands, and mouth. Sweat drips from my forehead. I'm about ready to walk inside, until I her an awful familiar voice. "Where do you think you're going?" Says a female voice from behind me.
   That voice. I know that voice. That's the voice of someone who has evil in their veins, someone who wishes to conquer and destroy anything to get what they want, someone who I know all too well. This was the voice of Levyesinth.
   I slowly turn around towards the forest and I see a cloaked figure walking towards me, hood hiding her face. Once she's close enough she stops. I just stare, my heart racing. "'re back?" I say, more of a statement. She then removes the hood of her black cloak from her head. Her blonde hair and pale skin seems to glow in the sunlight. "Surprise!" She says, only with little enthusiasm.
   We stare at each other for a while before a word is spoken. "How are you-" I say, only to be cut off. "Here? Well, it was quite easy." She says with an evil smile. I glare at her. "What do you want?" I ask. She continues to smile. "Well, since your little whore didn't do as I said, I might as well kill him now and deal you with you later." She says, walking closer to me.
   I suddenly dash at her and hold her by her throat and squeeze with all of my might. "You leave him alone." I say  through gritted teeth. I stares down at me and just laghs. "Or what? What could you possibly me?" She asks. She raises her hand towards me and suddenly my grip from her neck is gone and I fly through the air and I hit the cabin behind me. Vines sprout out if the ground and wrap around my wrists, holding me back against the house.
   She levitates off of the ground and flashes over toward me, and now she holds a grip to my neck. She squeeses and begin to lose air. She puts her lips the my ear. "It's a shame that I'm going to have to kill him, he is quite handsome, but he really, really pissed me off sometimes." She whispers. She look at me, her amethyst eyes furrowed and her smile remains. "You...leave!" I say, stuggling to speak as I lose more air. "You should have stayed in the house, Luke, because you just broke your promise to him." She says. Suddenly I hear something glass breaking, as if a window has broken.
   My eyes widen as she says this. She releases her grip from my neck and back away, and let air back into my lungs. "What...have you...done, you witch-bitch!?" I say, choking as I speak. She says nothing then suddenly disappears in a thing of purple smoke. The vines the held me sink back into the ground, releasing me.
   I run into the house to see Ben. I burst the door and into the living room. I don't see Ben, and Joseph is missing from his spot on the couch. Everything in the living room is mess. The curtains on one of the windows have been ripped, tables and lamps have been broken and knocked over, the couch cushions have been scrached and ripped, the glass from the sliding doors have been broken through. That must have been the glass I heard breaking outside. Where the hell is Ben and Joseph?!
   I walk to the breaken doors and search for anything that could help me to find where they went. I find nothing but blood on the broken glass. I take some of the blood onto my fingers and I take a sniff. Oh my god, this is Ben's blood!


Ahhhhh! Cliffhanger!

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