We Have Company

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IT'S FINALLY SUMMER!!! Now I have so much more time to update for you guys! I'm so excited to finally be able to continue writing with this story with less interruptions. I hope you enjoy this chapter!


   Luke stares out the window at the rainy, wet day that had started yesterday, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed at his chest. He's been this way all morning and, I'm assuming, possibly all last night. I walk up to him from my spot on the couch. I wrap my arms around his torso as I step on the tips of my toes and kiss his neck. I then place my head on his shoulder and gaze out the window as he does. "Are you still thinking?" I ask. He stays silent as he continues to look out at the wet day.
   He's obviously still thinking, or else he would have answered you.
   I laugh silently to myself. "You know what's funny? Yesterday was the first day of June, and it's raining." I say, trying to lighten the mood. Luke gives a light chukle. "Yeah, I guess that is a bit funny." He says, turning to face me as I release my grip from his neck. "I'm sorry if it feels like I'm giving you the Silent Treatment, because I'm not." He says. "I'm know, and I understand." I say. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug as he holds me close to his chest. "It's just that, from what you've told me, if there really is someone watching us and warning that bad things are ahead, I want to protect you." He says. "I know, Luke. I know." I say.
   Suddenly, there's a knock at the front door. Luke and I look towards the front door, then look at each other with looks of confusion. Luke looks back towards the door and releases his grip from me. "That's funny, we never get visitors." He says, walking towards the door.
Luke unlocks the door, which I didn't even know was locked, and opens it. Luke seems to go still as he sees who ever it is behind the door. I hear Luke speak in a quiet voice, and I hear another man's voice too. I then see Luke hug the man that was speaking with him, although I still can't see his face.
   What's going on? Who is that?
   Luke and the man walk back into the cabin. Once Luke and the man come closer, I now see the man perfectly clear. He's a tall, built man, about as tall as Luke. His hair is as black as night, his eyes are as silver as Luke's. They don't look exactly alike, but their noses are very similar. The man wears a black leather jacket with a white T-shirt underneath, denim jeans, and a silver chain around his neck. "Ben, I have someone I want you to meet," Luke begins, "This is Joseph, my brother." He says.
   I look at Luke and then at Joseph, unable to find my words. "Joseph, this is Ben. He is...my mate." Luke says, almost finding it difficult to confirm I'm his mate. Joseph looks calm yet a bit surprised. "I-I see, and...is he...?" Joseph asks, his voice a bit deeper than Luke's, referring to something I'm not quite catching onto yet. "No, Ben is...human." Luke says. Joseph looks at me and studies me as if I'm some dangerous animal.
   Joseph walks up to me and stucks out. his large hand so I can shake it. I take his hand and he grips mine strongly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ben." He says. I gulp nervously. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Joseph." I say, giving a friendly smile.


   Luke and Joseph sit across from each other at the dinning table, laughing and talking, while I silently sit at end. "Oh dear brother, it's been to long." Says Joseph, laughing. "Yes, it has." Says Luke. Joseph and Luke stare at each other and just smile for a bit, just enjoying seeing each others faces again.
   I have no problem with Joseph, but for some reason it feels like he has I problem with me. I think this because he's been giving me weird looks every now and then, like glares of fear. Is it because I'm gay? Or that I'm a guy dating his brother? I have no fucking clue. I feel like I need to get away for a little bit, like get away from Joseph - cause I'm done with the looks and the pretending like I don't exist. "Hey, how about I get us something to drink. Whiskey?" Luke says. "Sure." Says Joseph.
   This is my chance.
"No, wait. I'll get it, Luke." I say, placing my hand on his as he's about to get up. Luke gives me a questioning look. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yeah, I got it. I'll let you two catch up some more." I say smiling. I smile at Joseph and get out of my seat and walk to the kitchen.
   I open the cupboard with all the alcohol in it and grab a bottle of whiskey and some glasses I move to the counter closest to the doorway, trying to listen to what Luke and Joseph are talking about. "So," I hear Joseph begin, "How long have you been with your mate Ben?" Joseph asks. "I've been with Ben for about two weeks now." Luke responds. "When did you get into guys?" Joseph asks. Luke chuckles. "I got into guys ever since I met Ben. I don't know what it was about him, but one day I saw him walking in the woods, and he was just...different. I could feel it when I saw him." Luke says. "What was he doing in the woods?" Joseph asks. That's something I hope Luke doesn't answer. Luke sighs. "I'm not sure that's something Ben wants anyone to know about" Luke says.
   Thank God.
   I hear Joseph hum in agreement as he understands and respects Lukes answer. "Have you thought about turning him?" Joseph asks. Those words make me go still and sends a chill down my spine. "I've thought it about, of course, but only if Ben wants that." Luke says. Joseph understandably hums again. "Hey, Can...can I stay for a little while? I've been searching for you for weeks now and I'm quite tired. I'm just happy that I finally found you, and I want to make it last." Joseph says. "Of course, brother. We have a guest bedroom upstairs." Luke says. "Thank you brother." Luke says.
   I walk out of the kitchen with whiskey bottle and glasses. "I got the whiskey!" I say, walking to the table and setting the items down. "Thanks, BenBen. Oh, and Joseph is going to be staying with us for a bit." Luke says. "Oh really? Well thats sounds great." I say, pretending to be excited. "Yes. Yes it is." Luke says pouring himself a glass and passing down to his brother.
Joseph pours the whiskey in his glass and passes it down to me. He takes a drink and stares at me and smirks.
   Fuck. This is going to suck.

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