Only One Mate//Brambleclaw X Reader X Ashfur

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You see Ashfur padding after Squirrelflight like a lost kit. You growled under your breath then continue to eat.  You feel someone lay down next to you. You turn to see Brambleclaw. "Hi, Brambleclaw..." He took a plump mouse before saying hello back. There was silence as you both ate. "So uh...have you sent out any patrols yet?" You asked breaking the silence. He nodded. "I was going to send one after I eat." You nodded and felt your fur rise as he pressed close against you. "You can come if you want..." You lay your fur flat. "Uh...okay..." He smiled and got up.

He flicked his tail for you to follow and called over some other cats. You were sad Ashfur wasn't coming but didn't show it. You followed the patrol of cats. "Alright. I want Brightheart and Sandstorm to check near-" (He said it cuz I'm lazy and don't remember the lake territory well. But just to clear things up you're with Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight is a jealous bean ;w;) You pad after Brambleclaw.

"why are we bothering to check near the border? WindClan hasn't been near it for weeks." The deputy looked at you then shrugged. "You never know..." He told you simply. You nod, ears flattened. You both stop close to the border. Both of you made sure your side of the border had ThunderClan scent.

"The others should be back wanna hunt to pass time?" You nodded at him. He tasted the air. "Squirrel.." He mumbled before glancing around. He got into a crouch. You crouched down next to him.

He tensed a little before pouncing and biting into the squirrel until it went limp. You smile and pad next to him.

"Good catch!" You praised him.

He nodded, a warm glow in his eyes. "You try now." He said, voice muffled by the squirrel.

You looked at the ground. "I-I don't know...I might not be very good..." He dropped the squirrel and licked your ear gently. "You will be. I know it!" He purred. "I scent a vole." You looked around then scent it. You get into a crouch. You slowly stalk to the vole. You feel your heart beat faster. You see it scurry off. You blink then run after it. Hunting a vole shouldn't be this hard! You told yourself. You stop as it goes into RiverClan territory. "Oh. Fox-dung!" You see Brambleclaw walk up to you.

"I told you I couldn't do it!" He sighed. "It's's just a vole..." he told you calmly. He brushed past you as you both walked back. As you make it back to camp, you see Brambleclaw walk up to you. "I'm sorry about the vole..." You shrugged. "It's not your fault..." You said, padding into the warriors' den. You lay down. "How was the patrol?" You pricked your ears as you hear Ashfur's voice.

Is he talking to me? You felt your ears go down as he was talking to Sandstorm. You sigh. Of course not... You curl up in your nest. He'll never notice me...he's not like Brambleclaw... You purr at the thought of his name then lift your head. You shake your head. You let your eyes take in darkness.

*Time Skip*

"(Y/N). Wake-" You jolt awake, your (F/C) fur standing on end. "Oh it's just you Ashfur..." He twitched his whiskers in amusement. "Come with me..." You follow him, confused.

He almost never does anything with you.

"W-What is it? Did I do something wrong?" You asked quickly. He shook his head. "But...I've noticed you've been hanging out with Brambleclaw lately.." He touched your nose. "Is he...a mate?" You shake your head. He smirked. "Good..." He backed away. "If he's bothering you...tell me." He brushed up against you. "I know I haven't been the greatest Clanmate but I'm willing to make it up to you."

You smiled. " didn't have to...I-I thought-" You silenced you by licking your cheek. "Hush...I know I've been acting as if Squirrelflight is the only she-cat in this Clan..." He curled his tail around you. "But...I've been a blind cat..." He smiled warmly. "I-" "Hey!" You get up and look behind you and Ashfur. Brambleclaw got in front of you.

"What do you think you're doing?" He snarled at Ashfur. The gray warrior growled at him. "I was going to ask her to be my mate!" Brambleclaw unsheathed his claws. "You've barely noticed her! Unlike me!" Brambleclaw yowled.

"Besides, she'd rather be mates with me!" You swallowed hard as the toms yowled and hissed. It was either Ashfur, Brambleclaw, or neither.

(Okay. Here are choices A, B, and C for you)

A. Brambleclaw

"Stop! I choose Brambleclaw!" You yowled, stopping the two. Brambleclaw smirked and stuck out his tongue at Ashfur. "Ha ha ha." He said before padding back to camp with you. "You can go after Squirrelflight for all I care!" You called back to Ashfur. He licked your cheek. "When we have kits. They'll be amazing." He purred. You see Squirrelflight walk up to Brambleclaw. she opened her mouth to speak but Brambleclaw spoke first.

"Yeah...I have a mate. (Y/N). Go after Ashfur." He padded past her, leaving her frozen. You giggled and went after your mate. "Real nice, Brambleclaw. Real nice." you purred with a bit of sarcasm.

B. Ashfur

"I-I choose Ashfur!" Brambleclaw stopped and looked at you. "But he-" Ashfur stopped him. "She chose me. Sorry for ya." He said before brushing against you.

You padded back to camp with him.

"I'm so glad you chose me. I promise I won't ignore you anymore." You licked his ear. "I know you won't..."

C. None (you a single pringle)

"I don't like any of you!" You cried, making them freeze. "Brambleclaw you're like a brother to me and Ashfur barely have given me a glance!" You pad back to camp, leaving the two toms. You hear Brambleclaw say, "I bet she still likes me more." And Ashfur said, "Dude...she brother-zoned you..."

You rolled your eyes. "I'm going to be a single pringle."

(Yeah okay for none I wanted to try to be funny but I know it's cringy...forgive me)

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and uh yeah.

Up next: I Always Have//Crookedstar X Shy! Reader (Willowbreeze will not exist in this just a head's up)

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