I'm Sorry!//Winterbreeze (OC) X Male!Reader

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Requested by flowertherogue

"Y/N! Hurry up or we'll never get this patrol over with!" You sighed and followed Winterbreeze. She was the one being fast and you just couldn't keep up with her pace. "You're so slow!" She teased. You rolled your eyes and nudged her playfully. After some time you did end up back at camp. "So you want to do something?" You asked Winterbreeze. She just shrugged. "Maybe." She muttered. You flicked her ear with your tail. "Is everything okay?" You asked her gently. She nodded, smiling a little. You didn't believe her but decided not to push her. "Alright then, well. I think we should-"

She cut you off. "You know what? I'm not really feeling good." She mewed. You blinked, concern immediately filling your eyes. "Oh. Maybe you should go and see (insert med cat name cuz idk when this is ;-;)?" She looked at you. "No. I just need to rest." You nodded. "I could stay with you." You offered. She sighed. "No thank you, Y/N. I'll be okay." You watched her leave and sighed. I care too much about her to just let her... you thought, knowing that she wouldn't be too happy about this but you didn't care. You waited for little bit before walking into the warriors den.

Winterbreeze was curled up in her nest already. You sat down and looked at her. She looks fine. Maybe I'm just overthinking it! You thought, getting up to leave. Although, you did end up worrying even more. But she could take care of herself. You knew she could! As the day passed, you rarely saw her come out of the den. Only leaving when she was needed. Did she want you to worry so much? "Winterbreeze!" You called her as she was about to re-enter the den. She turned to look at you. "Uh. Yes, Y/N?"

You shuffled your paws. "Do you want to go on a walk?" You asked, doing your best to keep yourself calm. She hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Of course, Y/N." she said cheerfully. You purred and flicked your tail. "Come on then!" You said, running out of camp. She raced after you. "Wait up!" She called after you. You stopped and waited for her. "What? Am I too fast for you?" You teased. Winterbreeze shook her head. "I'm just tired!" She spat with a slight hiss.

You jumped a little at her reply. "Oh...you could've told me." You meowed, looking down at your F/C paws. She blinked. "Yeah. I guess it's partly my fault huh?" You looked at her with your E/C orbs. "No!" You said, nudging her. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever...can we just...go back to camp...?" She asked you. You felt a bit hurt but agreed either way. Maybe she's just having a rouge day. You thought. Your F/C bristled a little.

You were upset with yourself. Out of all cats, you should know if she's tired or not. You sighed. It's just today. She'll be better by tomorrow...

(Time Skip)

Winterbreeze hadn't spoken to you at all ever since that day. Was she that mad at you? You wanted to talk to her but were just afraid if she'd get more upset. But you were willing to take that risk. "Uh...hello, Winterbreeze!" You said, walking to her, trying to remain as casual as possible.

She just looked into your E/C eyes before turning away. "Hey..." she muttered, ears down. You said down next to her. "What's wrong...?" You asked her gently. "You haven't spoken to me ever since that other day." You sighed.

"Look, I didn't mean to upset you! I didn't know and that was stupid of me. I know..but you've got me worried sick for you..." You nudged her for to face you.

"Hate me all you want. Never talk to me again. Want me dead. But please...just talk to me and tell me what's going on..."

You could feel tears forming in your E/C eyes. She was silent.

It actually was a brief moment of silence before,

"Alright! Fine!" She said, looking close to crying. You nuzzled her comfortingly. She got up and you followed her out of camp. As soon as the two of you were alone, she started crying. "Y/N...I've been training in the Dark Forest! I don't like it but I also don't want to leave!" You felt yourself jump up in surprise. "Winterbreeze-" she didn't give you a chance to respond. "If anything you should hate me! I've been so upset and taking it out all on you!" She sobbed into your fur. You felt speechless. "I'm really sorry!" She whimpered. You remained silent, regretting it. It didn't seem right to stay silent but your words wouldn't come out.

"The truth is...I love you, Y/N...but I had no idea if you'd except me after all of this!" She looked at you. Oh... she was waiting for you to answer. Oh great...

It's been a while since I did some choices :3 if you want it in your request(s) then tell me please ^^ I want to make sure you like your request now onto the choices

A. Except feelings
You brushed your tail against her paw. "Winterbreeze..." She didn't respond. You nuzzled her cheek lovingly. "...I love you too...I don't care if you had been training there. All that matters to me is your well-being and just you in general." You whispered. She seemed surprised but only responded with a nuzzle. You started licking her shoulder, as a way to try and comfort her. "But you can't go back there...please."

She slowly nodded. "I'll try...for you Y/N..." she said in your F/C fur. You pulled her into a tight embrace. And just sat there in silence, not moving away from each other.

B. Reject feelings
You turned away from Winterbreeze. "I'm sorry...but..." you sighed. "Winterbreeze, I love you. But I only see you as a sister...I'm sorry." You felt bad but you couldn't lie to her. After all, she told you the truth.

She looked hurt. You spoke once more, "But I know that'll you'll find someone for you, and I'll be happy." She slowly nodded. You touched her head with your nose, sighing. There was silence. "But don't train there again...okay?"

She just nodded then the two of you returned to camp.

C. Like someone else/Reject again ;-;
You shuffled you paws, looking down at them. "I'm sorry but I like someone else..."

She didn't answer.

She looked away from you and just left you alone. You felt a bit hurt but could you blame her for being upset? She just confessed and you liked someone else. You basically rejected her. But you know that she'd someone for her. I just know she will...

D. Don't know ;-;
You just remained silent. She kept waiting. "I...I don't know what to say..." you whispered. "I don't know how to feel, Winterbreeze!" You said, starting to cry yourself. She nudged you with her muzzle. "I-It's okay! Just please don't cry!" She pleaded. You stopped, but it was hard to keep in. "You'll know when your ready..."

OMSC IT'S BEEN SO LONG. So with the holidays being a big thing for my family and with my parents having a divorce earlier this year, it's been hard on my siblings and mom. So I've been helping out but I promise to try and make these more often. flowertherogue Sorry if you don't like it! I tried!

Up next: As Long As You're Happy//Gingershadow (OC) X Reader

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