Not That Bad//Thistlepelt (OC) X Male!Reader

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Requested by MetaKnightFan113

"Y/N! Wake up!" You grumbled quietly then looked up. "huh...?" You yawned and saw a Sandy colored she-cat above you. She blinked. "Come on, mouse-brain!" You got up and walked outside with her. "So why did you wake me up this early?" You asked, yawning some more. "Well you always sleep in late so why not allow you to wake up early?" You rolled your eyes. "Not always!" You said, smiling. She purred in amusement at your comment. "Whatever. It happens most of the time." You attempted to match her pace but she was faster. But maybe it was because you were tired.

" busy?" She asked. You shrugged. "It depends." You answered her, sitting down. "Well if you're not, maybe we could hand out?" You smiled, liking the idea. "Sure!" You liked this side of Thistlepelt, normally she'd be real grouchy and upset. But this was different and you liked it very much. "What would we do?" She looked at you. "Dunno...maybe we could go on a walk or something?" She suggested. You smiled and nodded. "Sounds good to me." You replied. She smiled back and nudged you. "Well how about now?"

"Since you're not busy, plus, it'll make you less tired." She purred. You rolled your eyes at her. "Yeah okay." You sighed, following her out into the forest. You decided to hunt with her. She kind of made it a competition but you didn't care. As long as her mood remained this way, it was good! You felt as if time had padded by fast because pretty soon, you were back at camp with her. You hated to cut it short but Thistlepelt seemed happy. So as long as she was happy, you were happy. She went back to her old self when she was with others.

But for you, she was different. You had to admit, you felt a bit special. Thistlepelt treating you this way. It was great! But she was just being a good friend. Sadly. You did really like her in some way. And you didn't understand why. When the two of you started off as friends, she was real grumpy or grouchy towards you. Now, older, she was being super nice. A little too nice some might say. She doesn't like me like that...she's an amazing friend and I just go along with her every move.

You sighed softly to yourself. "Anything wrong, Y/N?" You blinked. "N-No." you lied. She narrowed her eyes. She pressed closer to your F/C fur. "You only stutter when something is on your mind. Tell me." You shook your head, turning away from her. She sighed. "Why not?" She asked, making you turn your head towards her. You blushed as she touched noses with you. "I...I uh...You see I...uhm..." you struggled yo get the words out.

She pulled away form you, noticing it was hard to talk if she was that close. "Because..?" You felt your ears growing warm with embarrassment. You got up and sighed. " see there's this cat that's always on my mind and well...I wanna tell her how I feel but I don't know how." You said. You knew you'd have to drop some hints but you weren't sure if she's get it.

I sure hope she does... You thought to yourself. Her eyes had a small flash of jealousy but it left quickly. "Oh well...can you describe her? Maybe I can help you?" She asked, having a bit of a crooked smile. You smiled, flicking your tail in excitement. "Well she's always been by my side, she's very close to me."

You felt yourself blush. "And she's just overall perfect. Way out of my league." Thistlepelt purred in amusement. "Really? I'm not so sure about that last part." You shrugged. "So how should I tell her?" You asked. Thistlepelt thought for a moment.

"Well it depends on how her soft side is." She said awkwardly. You nodded. "Alright." Thistlepelt shuffled her paws. "Try it on me. But use your crushes' name." You nodded, feeling your heart race. Oh this is it...

You blushed. "Okay. So I'll say hi and we'll carry on a small conversation but when you feel like it, say it." You looked down at your paws but nodded. "Mhm.."

Thistlepelt sighed. "This'll be so awkward..." she muttered. You looked up. "Hello, Y/N. How are you?"

You smiled a little. "Uh...h-hi! I'm doing great. You?"

"Good.." she answered.

You pawed at the ground. The conversation continued for a while then you took a deep breath. "Cam I tell you something?" She nodded, curling her tail around her paws. "Of course, Y/N." You wanted to just blurt it out but then everyone would hear. So you just went along with the plan.  "Listen...uh...Thistlepelt...I know we've been friends for a while but..." you blushed even more. "You're kinda sorta always on my mind..." you told her, ears flattened. She chuckled. "Y/N, I said use your crushes' name. Not mine. Try again." You blinked. "N-No I used the right name." She smiled. "Oh thats good. For a second I thought-"

She paused, suddenly realizing it. "Wait...what?" You swallowed hard. "Okay...I'm sorry Thistlepelt...But I really do like you!" You meowed. She purred gently. "Oh Y/N! I love you too!" You blinked in surprise. She nuzzled you, purring loudly. "To be honest I was a little jealous when you wanted to confess. I thought, you meant someone else." You licked her ear. "You didn't catch on?" She shook Her head. "No...sorry." You purred in amusement. "Don't be...will you be my mate, Thistlepelt?" She looked at you. "Yes..."

(Time Skip)

You waited outside of the nursery. You were both excited and nervous. For one, Thistlepelt was having your kits! And for two, things could go wrong. But you knew that Thistlepelt would pull through. You just knew she would. You heard mews coming from the nursery and pricked your ears. "You can come in now, Y/N." you blinked and walked in slowly. You saw that Thistlepelt was okay but tired, which was good. She looked at you and uncurled her tail, revealing three kits.

You purred softly. "Oh Thistlepelt. They're perfect." You whispered. She smiled. "Aren't they?" You looked at the kits, sighing happily. Wow...these kits are really mine and Thistlepelt's...I can't believe it...

Good lord. This is long. Anyway, sorry for not updating this. I've been planning out on how to make this one and the others. So that's why its so late. Sorry! Also, MetaKnightFan113 sorry if you don't like it! :< But I liked writing it. So byeee!

Up next: Winterbreeze (OC) X Male!Reader

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