Only On A Patrol//Brackenfur X Reader

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"(Y/A/N)! Wake up!" You blinked your (E/C) eyes to see golden-brown tabby, nose to nose with you. You felt your fur heat up and turned away. "What?" You mumbled, covering your face with your paw. He nudged you. "Come on! You promised we could get up real early to explore!" He said quietly but excited. "Brackenpaw..." He sighed. An idea popped into his head. He curled himself around you. "I'll stay here until you agree." You blushed and growled. "Mouse-dung...Fine." You got up and he smiled. He followed you. You two slipped out of camp unnoticed.
"So..what first?" You asked with a yawn. You were still tired. Brackenpaw flicked his tail. "Maybe...the river?" You shrugged. "Near it." You told him. He rolled his eyes. You both went over to the river. "Come on!" He bounded closer to the river. You sighed. "Brackenpaw...I don't think we should be here..." He shrugged. He curled his tail then flicked it to signal you over. You sat down. "I'm fine right here!" he nodded. He placed his paw on the frozen water. "Be careful!" You told him. He backed up and pressed close to you.
"We should go back to camp...I don't like it here." You nodded and walked back with him. What was the point of this? He sighed. "I'm sorry for waking you, (Y/N)." He said quietly. "It's fine." You gave him a friendly lick on the cheek. He blushed and slowly smiled. "I'm not tired anymore." He nodded. The both of you sat down at the entrance of the apprentices' den. "You lovebirds got up early." You felt your fur stand on its end. Brackenpaw smiled awkwardly, turning to face his sister.
"We're friends...nothing more." He muttered. Cinderpaw laughed. You nodded. She rolled her eyes. "Right now you are..."

(Time Skip)

"Congrats on your warrior name, (Y/W/N)!" Brackenfur said happily. You smiled at him. You and the golden-brown tomcat had gotten closer than ever. You had developed feelings for him but you knew he could never feel the same way. After all, he did say you were only friends.

(Time Skip Again)

Brackenfur was on a patrol with you. Word was getting 'round that the two of you were mates. You wished it was true. Even though cats were talking, you tried not to get your hopes up. "Lets split up. I'll go with Longtail. And you two can go together." Thornclaw meowed.
Brackenfur nodded, tail twitching. "C'mon, (Y/N)!" He meowed, trotting off. You followed him. He waited for you after stopping for a bit. You walked next to him. "You seemed excited to leave." You purred.
He smiled, scooting closer to you. "Well...I mean...we rarely get alone time now. Ya know, a way to just talk..." He looked at his paws. You rolled your (E/C) eyes.
"We're on a patrol here." He nodded, ears flattened. You kept walking. "I like you!" He blurted out of nowhere.
You stopped and turned to him. His face heated up. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)..."
You slowly smiled and jumped on him.
You licked his cheek. "I love you too, furball." You whispered, touching his nose. He blushed then smiled. "Oh...I didn't think you'd like me back..." He meowed, smiling. "Will you be my mate?" He asked, knowing the answer already. You nuzzled him and nodded. "Yay!" Thornclaw meowed from a bush with Longtail. You looked over at the patrol guy. "You set this up, didn't you?" Thornclaw nodded. You got off of Brackenfur. "I'm being honest." You nodded then looked at Brackenfur. "Well you got your ship to set sail, now shoo." Brackenfur meowed, flicking his tail.
They left and Brackenfur nuzzled you. "Who's a furball?" He asked with a purr. "You." You answered, licking his cheek. He chuckled. "'re right." He curled his tail with your (F/C) tail. "I love you, (Y/N)..."

Up next: I Was Forced//Goosefeather X Male!Reader

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