I'm Here For You//Longtail X Depressed! Reader

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Requested by Foxloveforever
A/N: YAY LONGTAIL :D okay, so, I'll be making up a reason for why the reader is depressed. So let's just say that a family member died. Also, you have an apprentice because why not?

F/M/N = Family Member Name
A/P/N = Apprentice Name
F/M/K/N = Family Member Kit Name

You stared at the body of F/M/N, tears running down your F/C face. "F/M/N...Please wake up..." you whispered. You had always been very close to him/her. And now...he/she was gone. Forever. You felt someone nudge you but you didn't look at them. All your focus was on F/M/N. "Y/N..." Longtail... You thought. You glanced over at the pale-tabby. "What do you want...?" You asked him with a slight hiss at the end. "I-I'm sorry for your loss." He mewed. You sighed. "C-Can I just be alone...?" You asked him. He sighed and nodded, leaving you and F/M/N's body alone. You could've sworn that he mumbled, "I love you..."

But you didn't pay any attention to that. You just wanted to be with F/M/N.

(Time Skip Cuz Im Annoying :P)

It had been weeks since F/M/N died but you were still upset. You hated yourself for being this way. You had never been sad for this long for a death. But you guessed that nobody really cared since no one said a thing. The one cat that was there for you was...Longtail. Just him. Nobody else. He would try to make you happy, or offer you something to eat if you didn't feel like going outside. He even took up training with A/P/N. It was nice of him but...

What if everyone thought you were just being lazy and using F/M/N's death as an excuse? Your thoughts got interrupted but a, "Y/N, You in here?" You sighed. "Where else would I be...?" You mewed quietly. You felt Longtail curled his tail around you, trying to comfort you. "Hey...um...you think you're ready to go outside and visit F/M/N?" He asked. You looked at him. "Don't know.." you said quietly, feeling your eyes water.

You nuzzled Longtail as you cried. "I'm so sorry for doing this to you, Longtail..." He sighed. "Hey...it's okay...I'm fine with it. I honestly don't care. Just let it all out." You kept on crying on in his fur. He didn't complain at all. Even if this was the first time you cried in his fur this much. You liked the comfort he gave you. But you felt as if it wasn't enough.

His comfort wasn't enough. "I could've done something..." you whispered. Longtail sighed. "There was nothing you could do...he/she made that decision..." You shook your head. "Both of us don't want you to go down that same path..." He whispered. You blinked your E/C orbs and stared at him. "What?"

Longtail flattened his ears. "Y/N...I know your sad right now but..." He paused for a few heartbeats. "I love you...I always have..." he mewed. You blinked in confusion. "You love me...?" He nodded. "I've always been so scared to tell you since...Tigerclaw..."

For the first time in a long time, you smiled. "Oh Longtail...I love you too..." He smiled then purred happily. "Will you've my mate, Y/N?" You nodded, nuzzling him lovingly. "Of course I will..." You told him quietly.

"You think F/M/N would like to hear?" You asked. Longtail smiled warmly. "Of course he/she would..." You purred and touched noses with him. Happiness...I haven't felt that in weeks...

Up next: I'll Still Love You//Mapleshade X F! Ghost! Reader

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