Blind Love//Jayfeather X Bullied!Reader (Part 2)

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A/N: You're an apprentice now so... :3 oh and I know this isn't Jayfeather's normal behavior but with the reader it's different. So you can hate me ALL you want but idc
(F/B/N) = First Bullies Name
(S/B/N) = Second Bullies Name

You woke up, yawning. It felt as if every night you had been sleeping with Jayfeather. The other kits who have been bullying you already became apprentices. They made fun of you more now that you were so close to Jayfeather. But you didn't care at all. You knew cats would say that you were 'too young' to understand what it was like to love. But you thought otherwise. You padded out, feeling tired. You looked around and saw your mother with her eyes narrowed. You ignored her and sat down. Jayfeather padded out and nudged you with his paw.

"You should go and get something to eat. In case you need to train afterwards." He meowed. You nodded and grabbed something from the fresh-kill pile. You walked back to Jayfeather and nudged him, smiling. He stared back at you with blank blue eyes. He laid down next to you. You smiled and started eating. Moments later, you went to go train. You worked on some fighting moves. But they weren't very difficult. Almost the same ones as last time! You sighed. "Can't we work on something else?" You asked.

You're mentor, Wildfang (my OC), nodded. "I just wanted to make sure you got these right." He meowed. You shrugged. "I think I'm doing okay." Wildfang flicked his tail. "I want you to know that you're doing it good." He meowed. You sighed and slowly nodded. "Right. We might as well hunt for a bit. Unless your too tired." You blinked. "I'm good." You told him. He nodded. "Don't hunt all you can to waste all of your energy. You might go on a patrol." He said. You nodded. "Yeah. Yeah...I promise."

He chuckled. "We'll meet back here in a few minutes." He said before running off. You rolled your eyes and tasted the air. Your pelt prickled as you scented a bird. Or something. You crouched down. Your muscles ached from training. Maybe Wildfang was just as hard in the fighting moves this time! You shook you head and walked around. "Maybe I'll find something farther?" You thought. You shrugged.

You loved being on your own. Nobody was here to bother or make fun of you. You sighed deeply. "Oh well..." You looked around and saw Jayfeather. You tilted your head slightly. "Hi, Jayfeather!" You mewed, padding over to him happily. He sniffed then slowly smiled. "Hey, (Y/N)." He meowed, purring. You purred as well. "What're you doing?" He shrugged. "I'm just out." He meowed.

He smiled at you. You loved his smile. It almost seemed as if he had one special smile for you. You smiled back. "You training?" He asked. You shook your head. "Nope. Just finished." He nodded slowly. "Okay. Well, I better get back to camp." He hesitated before giving your cheek a quick lick. "Stay safe, my (Y/N)." You felt your fur grow warm.

What? My (Y/N)? He's never called me that before! All you did was smile as he left. You felt your heart racing then went back to hunting. Apparently, Jayfeather brought you back the energy to hunt. You didn't hunt much. Just a mouse or two. Wildfang wasn't surprised. "I knew you were tired. Come along."

You nodded and padded back to camp with him. You attempted to not look desperate as you look for Jayfeather. You wanted to share your mouse with him, even if it was a little small. But you didn't see him. Maybe he's in his den? You thought.

You shrugged it off and brought your prey to the fresh-kill pile. Wildfang did as well. "You can eat something and rest for bit." He meowed. You smiled and nodded your thanks. All eh did was nod then walked off.

Instead of seeing Jayfeather, you saw (S/B/N) and (F/B/N). You sighed. "Oh great." You muttered. "Hey, (Y/N)." One of them said. You ignored them and grabbed a small shrew.

"Aww, come on! Don't ignore us!" You hissed as they pulled at your tail. Surely someone has to see these two! You thought, ears flattened.

"Hey! Don't hiss at us! We're older than you so you should listen to us!"

You rolled your eyes at their words.

It just bothered you that they kept trying. "And I'm older than you so you should listen to me." You looked over and saw Jayfeather. His blind eyes were narrowed at the two. "But-" he cut the two off. "Do you two really expect to be warriors at this rate?" He said. (F/B/N) rolled his/her eyes. "Well we-" He lashed his tail. "You aren't kits anymore. Stop acting like one." He said firmly. He took a step forward. "Or do we need to have a word with both your mentors and Firestar?" They shook their heads. "Then treat (Y/N) like a proper Clanmate." He said. Both of them backed away.

As they left, you stared at him. "Uh...thanks, Jayfeather." He sighed. "You shouldn't be treated like that." He said, laying down next to you. You curled your tail. "And?" He sighed. "And..." He seemed hesitant but he twined his tail with yours. "I'll be here for you no matter what, (Y/N)." You shuffled away a bit, not wanting to draw attention. "Come on..." He got up and you followed him. He flicked his tail as he quickened his pace. You tried to match his pace but he was fast. For a blind cat. As if he read your thoughts, he said,

"Blind cats can be fast too." A bit of amused was in his voice. You purred and walked next to him as he stopped. You sat down next to him. You got closer to him and purred gently. "(Y/N)?" You looked at him as you leaned on him. "Yeah?" He sighed. "Even though we can never be together...I'll always love matter what." You felt your eyes water. You loved Jayfeather...he made you feel like the most important cat in the Clan. You wanted to be with and have his kits but...the warrior code.

You sighed. "Me too, Jayfeather..." You buried your nose into his gray fur. "Me too..."

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