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˗ˏˋ PROLOGUE ˊˎ˗
o. when tomorrow comes


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DRIED TEARS COAT THE DIRT COVERED SKIN OF ELLIE GREENE. An undeniable look of emptiness has utterly consumed her once vibrant green eyes. Her gaze seems as if it is trapped in a haze, never focusing on a single point in the dimly lit room. Her short cut nails absentmindedly tap on the metal table which is positioned in front of her. A layer of blood has stained the once clean skin on her hands, causing a spark of panic to ignite within her each time her eyes flicker down to them.

"Miss Greene, you can't keep ignoring the question," A male's voice speaks from nearby, the air of authority in his voice never fading. "We need to know what happened at Blackwood Mountain."

The brunette teen hesitantly looks up to meet the gaze of the authority figure. She doesn't give much thought to his standard police officer outfit, not allowing it to intimidate her. She didn't ever want to relive what had happened at the mountain, let alone reiterate the experience to a complete stranger. The memory causes a great amount of a grief to surface within her, enough to drive her to the verge of utter insanity.

When the girl across the table from him gives no response to his answer, the police officer decides to take another approach to his way of questioning "Can you tell me how this all started?"


The distinctive sound of joyous laughter echoes throughout the once silent atmosphere of the night. Glasses clinking against polished marble tabletops pierces through the crisp night air, only furthering the cheerful atmosphere.

A bright smile had completely overtaken the lips of Ellie Greene. Genuine happiness had been slowly building up throughout the entire night, and only now had she finally reached the peak of her joy. She continuously raises a bottle of cheap alcoholic liquid to her mouth, attempting to drink more than her both her good friend Chris and beloved boyfriend Josh. The Washington boy has an arm slung around the brunette girl's waist, wanting to hold her as close as possible.

Beth had somehow managed to convince Ellie to go join the two boys in their quest to become utterly wasted. She hadn't completely agreed with the idea of her best friend getting drunk, but she could sense Ellie's desire to go join the two males. After a lot of encouragement from the youngest Washington twin, Ellie had left Beth to join the boys at the kitchen counter.

The effects of alcohol had already invaded the brains of the three teens, creating an utter feeling of bliss within them. An endless amount of jokes manage to slip past the lips of the teens, causing genuine laughs to erupt from them. But as more time passes, their minds begin to succumb to the alcohol-induced state of unconsciousness. And soon enough, all three of them are left passed out on the kitchen counter.

At the moment that Ellie had raised the bottle to her lips for the first time that night, she had sealed the fate of the Washington twins. She had assumed that the worst thing that the night could possibly bring was a hangover the next morning. She never thought that she would be rendered completely unable to help as the two sisters were left to fight for their lives.

She hadn't awoken when Beth Washington had attempted to shake her awake before she had rushed outside. She had failed to help her best friend out in a moment of great need, a moment which could have prevented the disappearance of the twins.


"Well?" the police asks once more, his patience toward the teen quickly lowering. His eyes are locked on the brunette girl who sits before him, closely observing her for any sign of a reaction. The only change in her demeanour which is noticeable to the eye is the way all the muscles in her body tense up at the sound of the question.

Ellie averts her eyes down to her hands, flinching as her gaze linger on the dried blood yet again. She begins to pick at her own nails nervously, wanting nothing other than to leave the interrogation room she had been forced to enter.

With an audible sigh of annoyance, the officer leans in closer to the female. He begins to speak yet again, but this time he attempts to show more compassion in his tone whilst simultaneously reinforcing his authority "I can't help you or your friends out unless you tell me about what happened on that mountain, you understand? So let me ask again, how did this all start?"

Ellie looks up to meet the man's gaze for the first time since the interrogation had begun. After everything that had happened up on the mountain, the great amount of trust she had once held for humanity had withered away. She had already come to a conclusion that anything she speaks about will be written off as a figment of her imagination. But the fact remains that she will not be permitted to leave the interrogation room until she explains what happened at Blackwood Mountain. So, against her own gut instinct, she begins speaking.

"It began the night Hannah and Beth Washington disappeared."



Welcome to the prologue of my
Until Dawn story, I hope you enjoyed it :)

I don't really know how to feel about
this chapter? It varied a lot from my
original plan, mainly because what I
originally thought was going to happen
didn't work so well for my character.
So you got this, and I hope it's decent?
Constructive criticism is always accepted,
it helps me improve so much as a writer.

Hopefully I'll have the first chapter
up something soon. Until then (:

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