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o. thoughts of the past

 thoughts of the past

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"HOME, sweet home."

The distinctive voice of Josh Washington echoes throughout the open space of the large ski lodge. Floorboards creak beneath the feet of many, being stepped upon in the first time in what others could only assume had been months. The items that lay scattered across the interior of the structure, which is purposed simply to make the building appear less bland, remain unmoved since the last time the group of teens had entered the lodge, even with the countless investigations that had occurred within it.

A sad smile tugs at the corners of Ellie's lips as she observes the scene before her, watching on in remembrance as those around her rejoice, as they're finally able to escape the freezing temperatures of the outside world. Soon after Chris had hesitantly agreed to stay silent about the events of the past, at least for the one singular night, the two of them had unlocked the front door to the lodge, allowing the others inside. But while others had allowed the feeling of joy wash over them, Ellie had instead been struck with only flashes of her horrific vision.

Her eyes linger over a painting hung on the wall, an item that Ellie recognised from not only her past experiences inside the lodge but also from her vision. Although blurry, she had been able to make out what the item was, even as the vivid horror and gore flooded her vision. The sickly crimson colour of blood had been splattered across the artwork only mere moments before her lifeless body had been slammed to the ground. Sheer terror had so easily flooded her veins at the thought of the corpse that had been sprawled across the floor, the mere image enough to send shivers tiptoeing down her spine. The horrific scene had been burnt into the mind of the girl, and the reigns it holds upon her thoughts only tighten with each fleeting moment.

But as she always does, Ellie forces herself to suppress whatever negative emotions were bubbling up inside her. It almost seemed as if pushing her feelings away was the only thing she could truly do. The bad habit had been something that sparked many years ago when her family had been struck by a sudden wave of grief, the already existing practice only amplifying after the disappearance of the Washington twins. It would appear countless times during her therapy lessons that she was forced to attend when she would lie to the professional in hopes that she may no longer have to return. Her tactics never worked, however, as her father was forever insisting that she continued to go.

Ellie readjusts her attention so she is once again focused upon the current reality, as she had tuned out the chatter of those around her as thoughts had consumed her mind. Her gaze quickly observes those who stand around the cabin, taking note of how they have barely moved since she had last looked around. She soon catches the eye of Josh, who seemed to have been watching her while she was lost in her own mind, in what Ellie could only assume was a concerned manner. He sends a small smile her way, a gesture that is swiftly returned, before breaking away his gaze.

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