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o. the breaking of young hearts

"HOW ARE YOU TODAY, MISS GREENE?" The voice of Dr Hill echoes throughout the small, enclosed room, a delighted and caring tone varying through his every word

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"HOW ARE YOU TODAY, MISS GREENE?" The voice of Dr Hill echoes throughout the small, enclosed room, a delighted and caring tone varying through his every word. Although his attempts to reach the heart of the girl across from him fall only open deaf ears, he will not allow this small detour from the path falter his outward manner of calmness.

The dull, emerald coloured eyes that belong to Ellie Green remain glued upon some insignificant space within the room, her eyes refusing to focus on one singular spot. She stares out into a void of nothingness, her short, bitten off nails tapping lightly upon the prestigious wood that makes up the desk positioned directly in front of her. Occupying the seat opposite the girl is the man she had come to the location to see, Dr Hill, his observing gaze noticing her each and every move.

The cracked lips of Ellie make no attempt to open from the tightly pressed position, the girl possessing no words to speak to the professional. She swallows down whatever honest thoughts attempt to push past her false facade of bravery, whatever small amount of trust she holds toward the stranger nearly non-existent. Her facial features remain void of all emotions, with the exception merely of annoyance - something that she vividly displays for the observation of the man across from her.

"This isn't going to help me," finally giving in to the need to break the unsettling silence, Ellie speaks up with a voice that holds only disinterest. Her words carry an aroma of disobedience as they echo throughout the crisp air within the office, her gaze meeting that of the psychiatrist in a challenging manner.

"And what makes you think that?" Dr Hill urges the girl to continue on with her speech, glad that he was at least getting somewhere with his newest patient. It wasn't unusual that the individual he was speaking with would at first showcase great hostility toward him and his line of work, and he knew that, with time, they could eventually reach a point of even ground.

"I don't need a stranger to help me," Ellie spits out, utter distaste toward the subject seeping through with each word more that slips by her lips. Her fingers absentmindedly begin to fidget with the bracelet clasped around her wrist, the girl no longer taking notice of the habit. "I'm only here because-"

Dr Hills eyebrows furrow together in a manner of thinking as he takes notice of how the girl cuts off her sentence before she can reveal her true reason, and he quickly scribbles down a note upon the topic so he could later review it. "Because of what, Ellie? Can I call Ellie?"

"I'm only here because my dad thinks it's necessary," Ellie replies after a few fleeting moments of hesitation, the untruthful reply exiting her mouth so easily. She took a swift step backward after almost stating more information than she ever wished to, and she frantically scurried around in an attempt to cover her tracks. She then arches her eyebrow at the man, remembering the small added sentence he had spoken. "And I'd prefer Miss Greene."

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