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˗ˏˋ EPILOGUE ˊˎ˗
o. the curse of dawn


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FRESH TEARS DRIP DOWN THE CRIMSON-TINTED CHEEKS OF ELLIE GREENE. Anger brews within the dullness of her emerald eyes, the girl unable to remember a time in which they'd held a light of innocence. She scratches violently at blood that stains her porcelain skin, the mere sight of it a constant reminder of the horrors she had endured upon that night, and the loved ones lost. As the story of how she'd come to be sat within the police station draws to it's end, she gathers the courage to meet the eye of the officer.

From the glimmer of amusement in which flickers through his eyes, Ellie knew he did not believe her. A shark-like smile curls the edges of his lips upwards, an expression that causes the pits of the girl's stomach to churn. Unlike the kind nature one would expect to be held within a man's eyes as they look upon a child whom had endured trauma and heartbreak, he looks upon her the way a predator would prey; examining her with a scrutinising gaze. Raising a singular brow in Ellie's direction, he speaks with an eerily calm tone, his every word calculated. "That is a real interesting story you have there, Ellie. But now, would you like to tell me what really happened on that mountain?"

"You don't believe me? Go down into the mines, you will see it with your own fucking eyes," Ellie's jaw twitches as she cares not to bite her sharp tongue, her eyes brewing with an inferno of anger at the officer's unwillingness to believe her. After all she had been through, he was accusing her of lying. "That is, if the Wendigo's don't rip them out of your head first."

"No offence, but are you sure this isn't all in your imaginations? After everything Josh Washington put you through, it wouldn't be past you to hallucinate," the officer overlooks the underlying nature of threat in which the girl's words had possessed, leaning closer to her to examine if she will break beneath his harsh gaze. "God, that Washington kid was a psycho. He deserves to be locked away."

A chord deep within the mind of Ellie Greene snaps, the officer's smugly spoken words finally pushing her over the edge. The very people whom had taken an oath to protect them, to keep them safe, were acting as though their pain and suffering were nothing. But above all else, they were blaming Josh, the boy who's sisters they couldn't find. They who had failed to help Josh through the darkest of times, and who hadn't yet bothered to send a search party for the boy who still may be alive. 

A rage unlike any other that Ellie had ever felt ignites from the place her heart had once been at the notion of how so many, herself being one of them, had failed Josh Washington. In the heat of the moment, Ellie pushes herself up from the interrogation table, and punches the police officer. The sickening crack of her knuckles and his nose colliding echoes throughout the police station, and within an instant, other officers are rushing in to detain her. But she cares very little as they grab her arms and yank them behind her back, for she could only see red.  

"You failed him! You failed us!" Ellie thrashes within the vice-like hold of the officers, hitting anything she can. Her struggles only serve in slowing them down as the begin dragging her out of the room, where she will face the consequences of lashing out at an officer. Her throat is raw as she screams at the man who had been interrogating her, her constant screams echoing out through the hallways of the police station. "You killed them all! They're dead because of you!"

Her screams echoed throughout the early morning, but Ellie Greene did not care. For there were people who would never again be gifted the chance to do the same; their voices having been stolen alongside their lives. She could only hope that, if the very people who swore to protect them are too blind to see the truth, they will see it themselves, first-hand.



Wowie , this story is now done 😌
I hope you all enjoyed, even if it had
been a complete and utter mess.

Anyway, what are your thoughts
on how this has ended? What do
you think about all the shit that
happened to ellie and the others
throughout it? I sure know I feel
bad that Sam died, but you know
I had to do it to em 😌👌

Anyway, I hope you have a good day!
Thank you so much for reading! 💛

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