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o. not with a bang

WHEN VENTURING INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE MINES, Ellie Greene had not anticipated that the last spark of light within her shattered heart would be smothered by the darkness of Blackwood Mountain

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WHEN VENTURING INTO THE DEPTHS OF THE MINES, Ellie Greene had not anticipated that the last spark of light within her shattered heart would be smothered by the darkness of Blackwood Mountain. And the end was brought upon her, not with a bang, but with a whimper. For the glimmer of metal catching in her eyes was the first flicker that threatened to burn out the dull flame that willed the girl to survive.

She had been standing idle beside both Mike and Sam as the two debate whether it is in their best interest to wander through a lake in front of them, yet their words had been nothing more than mere static within her ears, for her attention was elsewhere. Her mind losing control over her limbs as memories cloud her judgement, her legs guide her toward the place in which the glint of metal was coming from. The hairs on the back of her neck stand at alert as she crouches down in front of a make-shift grave, her heart dropping as her blood-soaked fingers latch around a small metal item.

Clutched within her shaky grasp is a familiar bracelet, one identical to the one worn upon Ellie's wrist; the one she refused to take off. As if to rub salt into the wound, and pump more guilt through her veins, she gingerly turns the item over, as if terrified of breaking it. Engraved in tiny, cursive letters, is the name of Ellie's best friend; Beth. The concerned words spoken by Sam fall deaf upon the ears of Ellie, the memories of when the Washington girl had gifted her the bracelets capturing her mind.

Tears cascade freely down the cheeks of Ellie Greene, the droplets escaping with a ferocity that had built up over the days of her forcing them not to fall. Too long had she remained stoic in the face of devastation, acting as though the loss of her mother had not broken something deep within her; all for the sake of her father. Yet, when Beth Washington had come to visit her best friend whilst she suffered through the darkest of times, Ellie's brave facade shattered the moment their eyes met.

Hours had passed while the Greene girl had found comfort in the presence of her friend. Little had they spoken, for there were no words that could ease the loss of a loved one. When the broken sobs of the Greene girl had come to an end, for the time being, a pounding headache forming in her head, she had strayed from the kind arms of her best friend. Now, as they sit side by side, backs resting against the base of Ellie's bed, Beth reaches into the pocket of her jacket. She pulls out two silver bracelets, holding one out for the taking of Ellie.

"Here, this one's for you," Beth receives a curious look in response to her words. Ellie hesitates to take the item from the girl, having always been the one unwelcoming to the notion of receiving gifts, for she believed she did not deserve such kindness. Yet, she is not in the mood to put up a stubborn front, and when she silently takes it, a small smile passes over the lips of Beth. Helping the Greene girl put it on her wrist, Beth explains the gift. "I got them to symbolise a promise. You're my best friend. No, you're practically my sister. And no matter what happens, we'll always stick by each other's side. If something happens to one of us, the other will be right there to pick them up, to be there for them. There is no way I'll ever leave you, El. You know that, right?"

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