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o. with rose-tinted glasses

Once Ellie Greene had reached the false safeties of the Washington Lodge, and the initial fear of near-death experience had eased ever so slightly, her veins were flooded with rage

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Once Ellie Greene had reached the false safeties of the Washington Lodge, and the initial fear of near-death experience had eased ever so slightly, her veins were flooded with rage. All the joyous greetings uttered by the lips of those already within the room fall deaf on her ears, static the only thing she can hear. The image of Ashley refusing to allow her inside was played on a constant repeat within her mind, dumping fuel upon the already blazing fire.

Slowly turning around, with her mind latching onto the emotions which flood her veins, Ellie glances at Ashley for a few seconds, a dangerous glimmer held within her eyes. And then, she dashes at her. Her fist raises as she the distance between them closes, but as she makes a move to take a violent, rage-fuelled swing at the girl, strong arms wrap around her holding her back, and instead, a scream leaves her mouth. "You were going to let me die!"

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Ellie-" Mike exclaims, rushing forward, wrapping an arm around the Greene girl's waist, pulling her to a sudden stop before her fist can slam harshly into the face of Ashley. "Take a second to calm down-"

However, his words are cut off by Ellie Greene, who thrashes within his arms, trying to escape his hold and reach Ashley. "She was willing to watch me be ripped apart by those... things!" Ellie shouts, her gaze piercing into the sole of the girl in question; Ashley staring back in surprise. The Greene girl then gestures vaguely at Chris as she continues, "She would have never let me in if it wasn't for her fucking lover boy over there."

"You wanted to cut me in half!"

"Better you than Josh," Ellie spits out these words as though they were poison, venom dripping from her voice as she speaks. "I didn't want anyone to die! But if I had to choose between you and Josh, I'd pick him. Even after the shit he's done tonight, he's still a better friend than you ever could have ever been!"

"You're just as bad as him!" Emotions bubbling high, blame woven deep within her shrill voice, Ashley yells at the girl that she'd been close friends with just mere hours earlier. "He's been fucking with our heads all night, torturing us, and what? You're still in love with him? Wake the fuck up, Ellie, he's a psychopath!"

"No, don't you dare speak about him like that! He needs help, and no one is giving it to him! We killed his sisters, we deserve whatever the fuck he decides to throw our way." Even if Ellie Greene wanted to stop herself at this moment, she couldn't. She lost control. Her emotions now have full reign of her mind. "You know, I thought that maybe you weren't like everyone one else, that you were actually my friend and not just there out of pity, but I have never been so wrong-"

"Hey, hey, hey! Guys!" Sam's raised voice, a rarity for the usually kind girl, interrupts the emotion-fuelled argument between the two females, forcing her way in between them. "In case you've forgotten, we're trapped down here, while those things out there are trying to kill us. If we could please just put this aside, for now, so we don't die?"

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