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o. the wrath of vengeance

Ellie Greene is first awoken to the harrowing, terror-induced screams of another

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Ellie Greene is first awoken to the harrowing, terror-induced screams of another. This raw sound echoes from within the very depths of their being, aching out within whatever space entraps them. With both curiosity and concern bubbling within her stomach, and any memory of what had caused such a situation having yet to return to her disorientated mind, she forces her eyelids open, disregarding the heavyweight in which tugs down upon them, and within a mere instant, dim illuminance utterly floods her vision.

And when her dull emerald eyes settle upon the scene in which lies before her, a deep-set panic with the fury of many hell fires ignites within her, setting her veins alight. Across the table in which she is sat in front are Ashley, who now has a black eye, and Chris, both fearful, and with hands tightly tied down to the arms of their chairs, allowing not an ounce of freedom to the teenagers. Out of sheer instinct, she too makes a fear-fuelled attempt to move, and she is quickly restricted also. Yet, unlike the others, it is only one of her hands in which is tied to the chair, which, although she would usually be thankful for the not having being entrapped within the small confines, only confused her further.

"Every second that I spent with you was the only thing I ever wanted to do with my time," The words of Chris echos out throughout the harrowing room, the Greene girl having heard these such things utterly out of context, as she had been beyond the realm of consciousness when the conversation first began. Yet, at that moment, not knowing what those around her were speaking of was the least of her worries.

"Guys..." Ellie speaks up for the first time since awakening, trailing off gradually as her mind finds itself unable to conjure so much as one singular coherent sentence amongst all the fear and confusion. "What- What's... How?"

"Ellie," Chris breathes a sigh of relief upon first seeing that the brunette had awakened, his previous thoughts being ones of an incredibly doubting nature. "We had begun to think you wouldn't wake up."

Before another word can be uttered between the two whom where once close friends, the echoing, screeching sound of gears beginning put to work fills the tense air within the room. Directing her frightened gaze upward, where the noise had been produced, Ellie can feel her heartbeat skyrocket beyond belief as he eyes lock upon the descending blade in which was of a saw, one that was soon to reach them and condemn them into a state of eternal nothingness. And soon enough, the horrified screams of teenagers fill the air also, crafting a horrible melody when mixing with the clicking of the saw.

"Hello there, my special little subjects," the spine-chilling, mechanical voice of the psycho whom had been terrorising the teenagers for the span of that night echoes out within the small confines of the room, his voice having become all-too-familiar to the ears of Ellie Greene. And instantly upon first hearing the harrowing voice, the Greene girl's panic spikes beyond a level in which it had ever reached before, the already dimmed light at the end of the tunnel being smothered out by the mere sound of a voice.

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