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o. how her world began to end

THE LONG, slender fingers of Ellie Greene nervously tap upon the surface of an old oak table, the small, almost incoherent sound of her nails hitting the wood echoing throughout the room

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THE LONG, slender fingers of Ellie Greene nervously tap upon the surface of an old oak table, the small, almost incoherent sound of her nails hitting the wood echoing throughout the room. Her gaze remains locked upon an aged Ouija board that had been carefully laid out across the tabletop, the wariness laced deep within her calculating stare obvious to all that spare even a mere moment to look. The mere presence of the item holds the power to send shivers tiptoeing down her spine, and it never ceased to frighten her when she thinks about what horrors it could unleash. Even so, the girl continued to reprimand herself for acting so fearfully, and against her better judgement, told herself that she was simply allowing paranoia to overtake her.

"So it says here: to communicate with the spirit world you must free your mind of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the Spirit-master, which is me-" Chris begins, his eyes flickering between his three friends that occupy the chairs around him. His gaze passes by Ellie without realizing her true discomfort, which the girl couldn't help but feel appreciative of.

"It doesn't say that," Ashley interrupts the blonde before he can finish, knowing that the words he spoke were merely created in an attempt to joke.

Chris quickly brushes off whatever words Ashley had just spoken, a small grin playing at the edges of his lips as he continues on. "And all present will remove their garments at my sole discretion."

"Chris, come on, this is serious," Josh states, finding no humour in Chris' words at that moment. He simply wanted to continue on with using the Ouija board, as they had planned, yet the blonde seemed to have no intentions to treat the situation seriously.

"Oh, I'm deadly serious," Chris replies with a chuckle, his voice imitating what the other three could only assume was meant to be a posh English woman.

"Can we just get this over with?" Ellie says, allowing an impatient sigh to pass by her lips. She pulls her hands away from the table as a layer of sweat decides to settle on her palms, wiping the substance off onto her pants.

"Yes please," Josh exasperates sarcastically, the air of dramaticism in his tone unmistakable.

Ellie can't help but notice how her heart skips a beat as she, along with the three other teenagers gathered around the table, gently places her hands upon the ouija counter. She couldn't shake the pounding feeling in her gut that something was only moments away from going wrong - something that she couldn't identify, at least at that moment. Her nerves were only spiked as her suspicions toward the board continue to rush through her mind, the horrible things that she had always been told about ouija boards making her hesitant to continue on. Yet she did so anyway, as she refused to be labelled the 'buzzkill'.

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