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o. something wicked this way comes

"I HEAR THAT YOU'LL BE RETURNING TO THE SKI LODGE IN TWO WEEKS," The ever-so calm, yet caring voice which belongs to Dr Hill echoes out within the small confines of his office

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"I HEAR THAT YOU'LL BE RETURNING TO THE SKI LODGE IN TWO WEEKS," The ever-so calm, yet caring voice which belongs to Dr Hill echoes out within the small confines of his office. His gaze is set upon the nearby form of Ellie Greene, who is sat straight up within the chair across from him, taking a mental note of any oddities within her behaviour that differ from how she'd acted throughout the many past therapy sessions they'd had.

"Uh, yeah," Ellie mutters in response, her dull green eyes glued to the floor beneath her feet; refusing to look gazes with the man before her. Her leg bounces up and down at an unusual pace, the girl finding that she can't remain still at that moment, and she barely realises that she had been picking at her fingernails, which have the last remains of black nail polish upon them from when she had painted them many weeks ago. "Josh asked me to go. I couldn't let him down."

"It'll be good for you. Maybe you could try to rekindle old relationships while there," Dr Hill attempts to get even the smallest beginnings of a smile to emerge on the downturned lips of the girl by first painting one upon his lips, but he is met only with silence and nerves on her behalf. "What makes you so nervous?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that the last time I was there, the twins fucking died? And that my supposed friends drove them to their death?" Ellie snaps at the man, not allowing herself a moment to think over her words before she does so. However, after she is given a few seconds to pause, a spark of guilt ignites within her, and she mutters a singular word. "Sorry."

"It's alright, I understand," Dr Hill brushes off her apologies, his experience leading him to know that such outburst was not uncommon among patients. He, however, decides to pick up from where she had left her words, and coax her into further elaborating upon her thoughts. "Your friends, do you truly blame them for everything that happened? When they set up the prank, surely that wasn't their intentions."

"I don't know. I've forgiven them, and I acknowledge that they didn't mean it. I even wish that I were still on good terms with most of them. But, some days, I can't help but blame them. I don't know if I am angry at them, or I need anyone else to blame but myself, but at those times I can't help but think that maybe, if it weren't for them, the twins would still be alive. And half of them didn't even fucking apologise to Josh!"

Nodding throughout the entirety of the female's time of speaking, as if to encourage her not to stop, Dr Hill listens intently to the words of Ellie. Once she draws to a conclusion, he quickly jots down a few notes for later on a notepad. He then, upon looking back at the girl, quirks a singular brow at her, watching as wipes the palms of her hands against her jeans. "There's something else bothering you."

"It's just..." Ellie cuts herself off before she can voice the words raging on within her mind, the same hesitance toward sharing her feelings that had been present within her first therapy session making a re-emergence, despite them trust, albeit it limited, that she had built with the psychiatrist. "Never mind."

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