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o. into the unknown

The group of teenagers who had strayed from the false safeties of Washington Lodge had reached a dead end

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The group of teenagers who had strayed from the false safeties of Washington Lodge had reached a dead end. After finding the way in which Mike had exited locked, they'd continued their journey through a manhole, the atmosphere within the tunnels eerie. Though people had both attempted to stay behind or investigate a strange noise within a different path, they had remained together.

Before them lies a towering cliff face, with a broken, rickety ladder placed upon it; one which Ellie doubted would hold even one of them. Though it may appear intimidating to the naked eye, it may be possible for few among them to climb. Sam, in particular, is one to speak out upon this. "I think I can... I think I can do it. It's like... a rock wall. I'm gonna keep going. You should head back to the lodge, I've gotta get Mike."

"Hey, uh, didn't we do those rock climbing walls together, back in high school?" Ellie's voice is small, the hoarseness within her throat echoing out with her every word. Her fingers absentmindedly clasp tighter around the sickle, which she hadn't allowed to leave her person since the incident at the barn. "I'll come with you. Some extra protection never hurts."

A hesitant expression washes over the features of Sam, unsure about the idea of her accompanying her. As much as she did not wish for the Greene girl to remain alongside Ashley, as she did not know could happen between them in her absence, she knew Ellie was not the most stable among them at that moment. "Ellie-"

"What, you want me to stand by as Mike gets dragged away by those fuckers too?" Ellie's voice is sharp as she retorts, her eyes narrowed into a half-hearted glare. "Or maybe even as you get killed, because you went alone? I'm coming with you."

Knowing her odds of winning the argument against the stubborn girl are low, and that it'd consume the precise time of which they were in short supply, Sam begrudgingly gives into Ellie's will. Following the lead of the blonde, the Greene girl moves toward the rock wall, yet she's stopped within the midst of her stride as a gentle hand wraps around her wrist. Yanking her hand beyond their grasp, Ellie's head whips around to look upon whoever had stopped her, both in a mix of alert and annoyance.

Her eyes land upon the sheepish appearing Chris. There is a kindness within his eyes as he looks upon her, something which, though she'd never admit to such, ignited a small spark of fear within the girl. Chris' hand falling back to his side, he speaks, though his words are shaky. "You, Uh... Stay safe, El."

The dull eyes of Ellie gain a soft edge as these words dance within her ears, even if only slightly. A lump builds within her throat merely by the way in which he looks at her; as if she'd not witnessed nor done what she had upon that night. She offers him a slow, hesitant nod, her silent way of converting the message that she wishes the same for him.

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