Secrets, Secrets & More Secrets

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-Fallon POV-

"So let me get this straight. Your not only a werewolf and shadow hunter but your also part seelie. And the Seelie Queen told you about a group of Hybrids in hiding which may include Tasha."

I nod.

"Why are you telling me this?" Aiden asks.

"Can't I wolf boy?"

"Yeah but we barley know each other."

"I don't know, there's just something about you that I trust." I look into his eyes and they lock.

"Uh, well I should go. You have my number, call me or I call you or something." He stutters and we both laugh.

I walk him to the door of the institute building with a few people giving death stares. I look to my right and see Clary and Jace.

"Shoot, walk faster." I whisper to him.

"What why?"

"Fallon!" Jace calls.

I stop and turn around, putting a smile on my face.

"Don't give us that smile." Clary says.

"Oh come on, your not my mum."

"No I'm not, but we're the adults here."

I grunt and roll my eyes and say good bye to Aiden. I then get pulled into a private room. Where I was questioned about last night which I told them everything...except for the group of hybrids part cause if the Clave found out we would be in deep shit right now.


While walking past Alec's office I hear Clary's voice and decided to listen in. He is asking Clary about what happened to Jace when they were at Lake Lyn since is parabatai rune disappeared. But she says she doesn't know which she is lying.

As she walks out she see's me.

"What happened at Lake Lyn. The truth Clary."

"Like I said, I don't know."

She tries to move past me but I block her way.

"We may not be sisters by blood but I know when my sister is lying. You tell me your secret, I'll tell you mine."

Clary looks up at me and into my eyes. It looks like she really wants to tell me but she tells me once again she doesn't know what happened and walks off. By the Angel when am I gonna get the real answer out of her? It must be a big secret since she won't tell me.

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