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Clary comes into my room and says there is a demon attack in our city. Yay, they are giving me permission to go! I run out of my room and get a seraph blade and my stele from Jocelyn.

We run around corners and dodge people and we finally see a demon.

"Really, we gotta fight a flying demon?" I say disappointed.

"Hey, you wanted to go out on the field, no whining." Isabelle says and I just roll my eyes.

"On your 6!" Jace tells Alec and everyone turns around, except for me. What the hell is going on?

I turn around and see an arrow hit the flying demon but nothing happens. Alec gets another arrow out and gets in position to shoot while the rest of us prepare to attack if it comes low. It comes down towards us and Alec shoots at it. The demon falls into big chunks of pieces.

"Ew" I say.

All of a sudden, little demon creatures pop up and scatter everywhere.

"I thought you killed it" I tell Alec.

"So did I" He replies.


We're walking back to the Institute then Clary says.

"That was Luke, Valentine's on his way to Idris"



"He made a deal with the Seelie Queen" Clary explains.

"That bitch" I mumble.

Alec tells us that the Lake has been surrounded with shadow hunter soldiers and that he won't be able to pass.

"Maybe my portal rune could pierce the wards"

"Not all of us can go. Demons need to be dealt with." Alec says.

"Clary and I will go" Jace says.

"What about me?" I say.

"Fay, its do dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt or kidnapped by Valentine again. I can't lose you too" Clary hugs me.



We walk back to the Institute and slay a few of those little demon annoying things along the way.

On the screen it shows red spots everywhere, that shows where the demons are.

"Thats a lot of little annoying demons" I say.

"Theres over 50 of them now which numbers increasing" Isabelle forms.

"They attacked once, what are they doing?" Alec questions.

"We need to find the portal or whatever they are coming from and seal it" I say.

"Your getting smarter shadow hunter" Isabelle smiles.

"I'll need a warlock for that" Alec says.

OBVIOULSY Magnus. Like who else? The fairy godmother? Sadly, they forced me to stay behind since I am not fully trained for this kind of mission which sucks.

After a while they come back safe and sound, thank the angel.

"Any word from Jace and Clary?" Magnus asks.

"No. They should be arriving at Lake Lyn by now" Alec explains.

While looking at the screens, Alec collapses.

"Alec" I rush to him "Are you okay?"

He lifts up his shirt and his parabatai rune disappears. No it can't be. Jace can't be gone.

"Jace" Alec cries.

Tears start to fall out of his eyes and drip down his cheeks.

"I..I can't feel him. He's dead" Alec says.

"No" I whisper.

I get up and rush into my room falling down to my bed and letting all my tears out. Jace, my friend, my cousin, my family gone. I feel bones start moving and it hurts, I form into my light brown wolf. This is bad, I could not transform back but I don't care right now. Jace is gone, I mean I love grandmother but Jace. Its different, he understood everything, helped me with everything. He wasn't just a cousin, he was my brother. I howl loud and I see Izzy come in.

"Oh Fallon" she says with tears in her eyes.

"Izzy we gotta go" I hear Alec yell.

"We'll be back" she says and runs off.

I go into the corner of my room and crawl up into a bowl. I feel tears fall down my fur.



"I used the wish to bring you back" I explain to Jace.

Valentine killed him, I can't believe it but it doesn't mater now. He's here.

"You could've had anything else in the world and you chose me?"

"I don't want anything else"

"Bringing people back, it always has a price"

"Not this one"

I lean in and kiss him, his soft lips against mine.

"Your okay" I hear a voice who turns out to be Alec. "Jace I thought you were dead. Our rune disappeared"

"Look at it now" Jace says.

Alec lifts up his shirt to find the parabatai rune there.


"I dont know"

"Well your going to have to get back to the Institute quick for Fallon" Isabelle says.

"Why whats wrong with Fallon?" I asked.

"She shifted when Alec said you were dead. She needs to see you to be able to shift back."



I pack my bag and walk out of the institute. If something happened to Jace then something has happened to Clary. I have no family left here but I do have family somewhere else,

The Seelie Kingdom.

season 1 and 2 finished! season 3 is getting close!! I can't wait to see what's next for Fallon.

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