Chapter Five

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Ian's POV

I stood there and watched as Halie stormed into her Aunt's house, leaving me irritated. I couldn't quite tell where the irritation was coming from. Was I mad at her or myself? She seemed to hit all the right nerves when it came to my aggression.

I walked back over to my house and cursed when I saw my mom's car in the driveway. I physically and mentally prepared myself for the abuse waiting. Going to Carols meant that I didn't get anything done. I never planned on it, but I also didn't plan on sticking around for the night.

"Ian Anthony Pine!" My, of course, drunken mother screeched when I walked in. "What ma?" I asked, trying my best to keep my face neutral. "Why you didn't do the dishes?" She questioned angrily. "I had supper with a friend mom. I'm going to bed, I have practice in the morning," I told her and walked away.

A plate crashed near my head and I rolled my eyes. "Seriously?" I questioned, turning around to face the psychotic woman behind me. "Don't walk away from me boy. I'm your mother. You'll do as I say!" She yelled, earning a scoff from me.

"You're not my mother," I told her low and coldly. She faked a hurt expression and clutched her chest. "I gave birth to you Ian. I'm your mother. How dare you?!" She screamed and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, you birthed me, but that's all you did. You never took care of me. I fended for myself all these years," I retorted.

"You're a bastard. I wish I never had you!" She spat. I could lie and say that didn't hurt, but it did. It cut deep down. "Go to hell," I growled and walked towards my room, ignoring the profanities she was screaming behind my retreating figure.

I locked my door, pulling out my phone. Scrolling through my instagram, I noticed I had a message from a beautiful girl. Extremely beautiful at that. I clicked on her profile, looking at her pictures. Her brown skin glowed. Her chocolate eyes smiled, showing how happy she was in life.

I went back to her message and opened it. It was a simple 'hey :)' from a girl named Kyeese. I smiled for the first time since my encounter with my mom and Halie and typed out a 'hey beautiful' in response.

She quickly messaged back asking if I wanted to text her so I said sure and asked for her number.

Part of me felt guilty for flirting because Halie was on my mind, but we weren't anything. Not really even friends. I ignored the feeling and waited for Kyeese to message me back. I hated talking to people on Instagram. Her number popped up in the messages and I copied it, sending her a text saying hey.

She texted back instantly calling me handsome. I smirked and bit my lip. Feeling like a horny young boy, I asked what she was doing, hoping she'd get the double innuendo. Of course she replied with message stating she was bored. Being sneaky like I am, I told her I was looking for something to do and she finally took the bait by telling me I could come over.

I grabbed my keys and headed back out of the door. My mom was passed out with a beer bottle in her hand and food spilled all over. I groaned at the sight and walked passed her quietly, doing my best to not disturb her. I typed Kyeese's address into the maps app and started my truck.

Shutting my mind off, I drove to her house and parked my truck, texting her that I was here. She opened the door and walked outside, wearing tights and a crop top. She looked stunning. Before I knew it, I was thinking about Halie. I shook my head and growled, climbing out of my truck.

"Hey stranger. You know I'm on the dance team right?" She questioned and I furrowed my brows. "Really? How the fuck did I not notice you?" I asked and she shrugged. "Maybe because I always hid in the background," she said with a chuckle. "You want to come in?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah," I replied and followed behind her.

I licked my lips as I watched the way her hips swayed. She looked over her shoulder and smirked. "Like what you see, Lover Boy?" She questioned and I smirked. "I do," I told her, licking my lips once more. She smiled and turned back around, opening the house door. I walked inside after her then pulled her close to my body.

She shivered at my touch and I smiled. "Want to go upstairs?" She asked, barely above a whisper. "Yeah," I whispered and let my hold on her loosen. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs behind her to her room.

Everything about this felt wrong, but I was tired of my shitty life. People wanted me to be the bad boy player. Well guess what? I was that person now. I looked at Kyeese and I mentally cursed myself. She was so beautiful and innocent. She didn't deserve to be my first victim, but I shut my mind off and smirked at her.

"Stop thinking," she said with a smile and I laughed. "Just fuck me already and don't worry, I won't get attached. I'm not looking for a relationship. I want some fun with the bad boy quarterback," she purred and I felt my member stir. Shit. She planned this attack on me.

I pulled my hoodie over my head and dropped it on the floor, watching her ogle my body. "Like what you see?" I mocked and she licked her lips. "I do," she whispered before pulling her top off. She slid her tights down her legs along with her panties, leaving herself bare to me.

I bit my lip as she walked over to me, swaying her hips elegantly. She had me hypnotized by her confidence. Her arms snaked around my neck and she pulled my face towards hers. She placed her lips against mine and kissed me with a fiery passion.

I kissed her back before picking her up and tossing her on the bed. To hell with everyone. They unleashed a beast and this beast was just getting started. "Finally," she whispered with a evil glint in her eyes. I growled and smashed my lips against hers again.

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