Chapter Fourteen

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Halie's POV

"I really enjoyed my time with you," I whispered to Ian. We were standing outside of the house and he was holding me against his chest, refusing to let me go. It was quite romantic, even though I was still getting eaten alive by mosquitoes.

"Spend the night with me?" He asked softly and I sighed. "I'm not sure that's a good idea," I told him and he groaned, more than likely rolling his eyes at my statement. "I just want to hold you all night Halie," he spoke softly and I couldn't help the smile that etched it's way onto my face.

"Fine," I mumble. "Just let me go talk to aunt Carol," I told him and he nodded his head. "Okay baby." I pulled out of his bear like hug and walked into the house to find aunt Carol already standing there with a goofy smile on her face.

"Something you want to tell me?" She teases and I blushed. "Um, Ian wants me to spend the night. Is that okay?" I asked and she smiled. "You're an adult. Just be safe and careful," she said sternly and I groaned.

"Oh my god," I said with a disgusted face and quickly left before she could give me the sex talk. Ian stood outside waiting for me with a goofy smile on his face. "You heard?" I asked and he smirked. "Yes. I heard everything," he said then chuckled.

"Let's get inside and shower," he then suggested and I nodded in agreement. "I smell like the outside so bad," I mumbled and he chuckles again. "No you don't Halie. Come here," he said, opening his arms. "You smell amazing like always," he mumbled, kissing my forehead.

I stepped into the embrace and hugged him, inhaling his earthly smell. "You make outside smell sexy," I mumbled and he smirked. "You're sexy," he whispered and bent down to kiss me.

I let his lips touch mine before I pulled away smirking. "Shower time," I said with a wink and walked around him and into his house. "You coming handsome?" I asked, looking back at him. I giggled at his pained expression.

"I think I need a cold one," he mumbled and glared at me. Being the vixen I was deep down, I smirked and shrugged. "Well I guess you won't be joining me then," I said seductively.

"Fuck Halie," he growled and stalked towards me. His hand snaked around my neck and gripped my hair, pulling my face towards his. My lips clashed with his and I moaned into his mouth, loving the feeling of his kisses.

Every kiss caused my stomach to tighten and heat spread throughout my body. "Let's get inside," he mumbled against my lips and I pouted. "Will we continue this?" I questioned and his eyes went big.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I smiled. "Yes," I whispered and his eyes darkened. He lifted me up and my legs wrapped around him automatically, my head soon resting on his shoulder.

He walked us up the stairs and into his bedroom, lying me down on the bed with him on top of me. "You're perfect Halie. Beyond perfect," he whispered and I felt my shyness kick in. I looked away and his grabbed my chin, turning my face back towards to him. "You're truly amazing baby," he said softly.

"Just say stop and I will," he then told me and I nodded, my voice lost. My whole body tingled as his mouth made its way to my neck. He kissed and sucked on the sensitive skin as his hands roamed up my shirt, rubbing against my bare skin.

I had no bra on, due to the fact that it was a crop top, so it didn't take long for his hands to reach my breasts. His fingers pinched my nipple and I arched my back at the foreign feeling.

I felt him smirk against me before he sat me up and lifted my shirt from my body. My hands instinctively covered my breasts, earning a growl from Ian.

"Drop your hands Halie," he told me softly and I took a deep breath. "Okay." I moved my hands, letting my arms fall to my side. Ian laid me down gently, his hand squeezing one breast and his mouth on my other, sucking my hardened nipple.

His free hand trailed down my stomach all the way to the top of my shorts. I squirmed beneath him and he chuckled, releasing my breasts. He then sat up and licked his lips while he looked at my shorts then up at me, asking for permission.

"It's okay," I whispered and he smiled. I took a deep breath, doing my best to keep myself calm. He kissed my stomach and pulled my shorts down slowly, his fingers brushing the inside of my thighs.

I shuddered and closed my eyes, unable to stop the dark memory that sprang to mind.

His filthy hands tugged at my shorts, pulling them down with one swift move. "Keep still bitch!" He yelled, slapping me hard. He spread my legs widely, positioning himself between me. "You know you want this!" He hollered as he lined himself up with my entrance. "Please don't!" I begged but he chuckled and shook his head. "You're mine now baby," he whispered before he rammed himself inside of me. "Stop!" I yelled as I continued thrashing wildly against him, my head and body hurting from the assault.


"Halie!" Ian yelled and I opened my eyes. He stood at least five feet away, scared. "I.. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry. Don't cry," he whispered and I frowned at the scene I caused. I felt the wetness on my cheeks and I covered my face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry," I whispered,  jumping up and grabbing my clothes. I dressed myself quickly then ran out of his room, ignoring his pleas for me to stop. So much for moving on and being happy.

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