Chapter Thirty One

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Halie's POV

"What the hell is taking so long?!" Ian snapped at the nurse and she gave him a forced smile. "He won't be much longer sir. Please calm down," she told him and I groaned. "Ian. Please sit. Please," I begged with defeated eyes.

"Fine," he mumbled and sat on the chair on the side of the hospital bed. The door soon opened and an older man walked in with a clip board, smiling. Finally. Maybe now my husband could calm the hell down.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Pine. I'm Dr. Alvarez. I have the results back from the tests we ran on you," he stated. "You fainted my dear. It was caused from a lack of iron. In other words you simply have an iron deficiency. I'm going to prescribe some iron pills that are safe to take along with your prenatal vitamins."

"My what?" I asked in shock and Ian's head snapped in the doctors direction. "My what?" I asked again, my voice strained. "Your prenatals for the pregnancy," he said, giving me a confused look.

"Pregnancy?" Ian asked in shock.

Staring at the doctor, my mouth hung open. "What?" I asked, hoping I heard right. "You're pregnant Mrs. Pine. We need to get you on the prenatal vitamins and schedule you an ultrasound appointment."

"How far?" I asked, still in shock from the news. "You are at least four weeks along according to the blood work. You're still early on in the pregnancy so we will keep an eye on you. Your records show a miscarriage, so if you feel anything strange at all you come in," he told me and I nodded.

I'm pregnant.

I'm four weeks pregnant.

Four weeks!

The last time Ian and I had sex was four weeks ago!

"Why do I have bad morning sickness this early on?" I asked and he chuckled. "You don't have it yet dear. You have a mild case of food poisoning. I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics that are safe to take to help ease your pain," he told me with a smile.

"Thank you," I mumbled before looking at Ian. He was smiling at me, his eyes shining with love. "We did it baby," he whispered, walking over to me. "We did it," I repeated and smiled up at him.

"Okay, So no going out tonight. We are staying home. Come on babe. Let's get out of here," he told me and I nodded. "Okay, but you're free to go meet the guys baby. You have a game coming up soon anyways. Go strategize and stuff," I said, waving a hand.

"You sure baby. I really want to be with you this time," he said softly and I smiled. "Go spread the joyful news. I'm going to take a nap once I'm home until aunt Carol arrives," I told him, yawning loudly.

"Okay baby. If you say so," he whispered before kissing my cheek. After we picked up my medicine, Ian dropped me off at home, kissing me multiple times. I was nervous, beyond nervous at that. My last pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and it scared me.

What if I miscarried again? Would Ian feel different towards me? Would he think I am a problem? "Ugh," I groaned while lying in our bed. I soon dozed off, forgetting all of my problems.

"Sweetie. Wake up," someone said softly and I groaned. "What?" I whispered and rubbed my eyes. "It's me honey. Aunt Carol," she whispered and I opened my eyes quickly.

"Hey!" I said happily and sat up. "When did you get here?" I asked and she smiled. "About twenty minutes ago dear. How are you? I heard the news," she said, smiling brightly at me. "I'm good. Really nervous but good. Tell me all about your news though!" I told her and she beamed.

"I'm engaged!" She yelled, holding her hand up to show me the ring. "Oh my god! Congrats!" I said excitedly and she blushed. "Thank you. The lucky man is downstairs and so is Ian," she told me and I smirked.

"How's that going?" I asked and she shrugged. "No clue." I hopped out of bed and made my way over to the living room with my growing family.

We spent the night laughing and making memories. Aunt Carol decided she and her man were going to move here so she could be close to me and the baby. It made me happy and feel more at ease with her being close to me.

"So are you ready for a baby?" Aunt Carol asked and I nodded my head. "I am. I'm just scared that I might miscarry again," I told her and she nodded, a sympathetic smile on her face. She placed her hand on my leg and patted it gently.

"You'll be okay sweetie," she spoke softly. "I miscarried after your uncle died and it nearly broke me, but you're so strong Halie," she whispered. "You'll be okay. You're braver than I ever was," she told me and I looked at her in shock.

"Wow. I never knew Aunt Carol. That must have been hard," I told her and she nodded. "It was, but the difference between me and you is that you have Ian and you have me. Whether you miscarry or not, we will be here to help you through it," she said and I smiled softly.

"Thanks Aunt Carol. That means a lot. I'm glad you're moving here. I can't wait for my first ultrasound. Will you come with me and Ian?" I asked and she blinked away her forming tears. "I'd love to come baby girl."

Epilogue coming soon! (I'm exhausted. Might edit it and post it tomorrow.)

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