Chapter Thirteen

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Halie's POV

I flipped through the channels and groaned when I couldn't find anything good to watch. The past couple of weeks flew by with all my classes and practices with the dance team.

The college has temporarily stopped all sport activities while the investigation into the rape was on-going. Even though we weren't performing, Heather had us out in the heat, sweating and busting our asses to make sure we were perfect for game day.

It was currently almost noon and I was having a lazy day until my phone went off. I sighed dramatically while reaching over to my bed side table to grab my phone. Of course it would be Ian. Who else would dare to disturb me?

'Be ready in fifteen minutes' His text read and I furrowed my eyebrows as I texted back as to why. 'Our first date' appeared on the screen of my phone and my eyes went wide. Of course he'd wait last minute to let me know we were having a first date.

"Oh my god!" I screamed as I jumped out of my bed. I needed to get ready. It was our first date. Took him long enough to finally prepare something. Not knowing how to dress, I texted him back and asked him what I should wear. He texted back and I kept staring at the text.

'Something comfortable but cute. I don't know if that helps. I'm not a girl'

"That doesn't help at all," I mumbled and clicked on Heather's contact.

"Hello?" She asked over the phone and I sighed deeply. "So Ian and I have our first date today and I don't know how to dress. He said comfortably but cute. I don't know if that helps. I'm not a girl," I told her and she laughed.

"Hold on," she mumbled and I chewed on my bottom lip while waiting.

"Okay, so he said it will be outside and it's so hot today so wear maybe some jean shorts and a nice little top. Something that shows skin but not to much," she spoke suddenly and I let out a breath of relief.

"Thanks so much Heather. I'll tell you all about it!" I yelled before ending the call.

I pulled out a pair of blue jean shorts and a cute ruffled crop top. After getting dressed, I fixed my hair into a bun, looked at myself and smiled. I was happy with the result. "I look good," I mumbled then blew myself a kiss. I giggled at my silliness and smiled again. Happy looked good on me.

Not even ten minutes later, a knock sounded throughout the house. "I'll get it!" I yelled and ran down the stairs, nearly tripping over my own feet. "Slow down Halie!" Aunt Carol yelled and I laughed.

Opening the door, I smiled then frowned at who I saw. "What do you want?" I asked angrily, crossing my arms. "Can we talk?" Trey asked and I scoffed. "No," I growled and pushed passed him. I walked quickly to Ian's house and knocked on the door.

"Go away!" I snapped, looking back at Trey. He narrowed his eyes. "Are you fucking him?" He asked angrily and I gasped. "Excuse me?!" I yelled as Ian's door opened. "Why are you even here?" I questioned but I was cut off by Ian's growling.

He took one look at Trey and went to lunge for him but I stopped him. "Don't Ian. Let's just go please," I begged him and he nodded, releasing an angry gust of air. "Fine."

The ride to wherever Ian was taking me was quiet. He stopped his truck then looked at me with concern. I was getting that look a lot from him lately.

"I don't like that he came to you," he growled and I sighed. "I don't like it either, but it's our first date. Let's not ruin it," I told him with a smile and he smiled back hesitantly.

"You're right," he said softly, licking his lips. "Can I kiss you?" He asked suddenly and I nodded.

Hell yeah bitch!

He inched closer and I licked my lips, soon closing the gap between us. Our lips touched and I moaned into his mouth. The kiss was slow and passionate and it left my insides a burning mess.

The feeling didn't make me as uneasy anymore. I no longer felt dirty and guilty at the pleasures I was experiencing. "Let's get down pretty girl," he whispered against my lips and I groaned.

"Do we have too?" I asked and he chuckled. "Yes, because I want to do this right. You're different Halie. You're special," he said softly and I felt my heart melt.

I smiled then pecked his lips. "Thank you Ian," I told him and he smirked. "No problem baby." I blushed and pushed him away. "Let's get out of the truck now," I told him as I opened the door.

I hopped down and waited for Ian to come to my side. He soon appeared and laced his fingers with mine. I smiled at the sight and looked up at him. He was staring at me, smiling, as if I was the most beautiful thing he ever saw.

"So what are we doing at a field?" I asked, looking around. "You aren't going to kill me, right?" I asked, nervously and he chuckled. "No Halie. I'm not going to kill you. I just really needed to be away from home and I feel safe when I'm with you," he told me and I frowned.

"What happens at home Ian?" I questioned and he looked away. "Nothing," he mumbled. "Anyways, we're going to have a picnic then go fishing," he informed me and I smiled softly.

"Sounds good. Thank you," I told him and kissed his cheek. He'd tell me when he was ready. It wasn't my place to push. Not everyone would open up easy like I had done.

We walked for a few minutes until we got to a huge tree. Under the tree was a large blanket laid out with a basket sitting on it.

"Have a seat," he said while smiling and I smiled back before taking a sit on the blanket. He soon joined me and opened up the basket, pulling items out left and right. He set a plate in front of both of us and started pulling out different kinds of finger foods.

I grabbed a strawberry, slowly lifting it slowly to my mouth to take a bite. I watched Ian's reaction and I giggled. He groaned and narrowed his eyes. "You're evil," he said and I smirked. "I know."

"What kind of sandwich you want? Ham? Turkey?" He asked and I laughed. "Damn, you had this planned to a T, huh?" I asked and he scratched the back of his neck.

"I wanted it to be nice," he mumbled and a genuine smile appeared on my face. "It's perfect."

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