Chapter Seven

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Ian's POV

"Get in," I told her, opening the passenger door of my truck. She shook her head and kept on walking. I groaned and put my truck in park and climbed out. "Halie!" I called out and she turned around.

She looked so fragile in that moment. "Where are you going? Don't you have a class soon?" I questioned, noticing it was already after twelve and she nodded. "I'm walking there," she stated with sass. I rolled my eyes, causing her to glare at me.

"Get in the truck Halie," I growled and walked towards her. "Im good. Let me walk Ian. I don't have time for bullshit," she said and I clamped my mouth shut, flaring my nostrils. "Don't make me throw you over my shoulder and toss your ass in the truck," I told her and she sighed.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" She asked in defeat, turning on her heel. She stormed towards my truck and climbed in, slamming the door. "Thank you!" Aunt Carol screamed and I chuckled. "You're welcome!" I hollered back, walking towards my truck.

I climbed in and looked at Halie. She had her head leaning back, eyes closed, humming along to the music playing. She opened her mouth and her smooth voice filled the truck, leaving me in a trance.

"She just wants to be beautiful
She goes unnoticed, she knows no limits
She craves attention, she praises an image
She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor
Oh, she don't see the light that's shining
Deeper than the eyes can find it
Maybe we have made her blind
So she tries to cover up her pain and cut her woes away
'Cause cover girls don't cry after their face is made"

I smiled at her and sang the next part, making her blush and look away. I didn't even know I knew the words to the song.

"But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart"

The rest of the ride was nice and comfortable between us. Halie sang her heart out and I listened with a new found admiration. She made things stir inside of me that I didn't know were still there. She had me feeling like I could be happy one day again. Maybe one day with her.

Woah, where did that come from?

We neared the campus and Halie sighed rather loudly. "You good?" I asked her and she shrugged. " I don't know. I have Kyeese in my art class, which I have to attend today again. I'm not looking forward to drama," she told me and I frowned. "I'm sorry she said all that stuff to you. It wasn't true."

She cocked a brow and I chuckled. "Well I did fuck her. After all, I'm a player right?" I questioned and she frowned, looking away. "Thanks for the ride. See you whenever," she said and climbed out of my truck. I watched her retreating figure and groaned.

"What are you doing to me?" I questioned in frustration while leaning my head on the steering wheel.

A knock sounded on my window and I looked to my left. James. I turned my truck off and got out, holding my breath. "Sup?" I questioned and he raised an eyebrow. "You back to normal?" He asked and I smirked.

"I'm better than ever," I replied and he smirked. "Good, because dude, news is spreading like wildfire," he said and I looked at him in confusion. "What news?" I asked and he laughed. "That you fucked Kyeese man. Way to go! She been holding out all year for you. How did you not know?" He questioned and I shrugged.

"Shit, what have I gotten myself into?" I asked with a chuckle. "Don't know but we got practice in ten. Let's go," he said and I groaned. "I'm so not ready for practice. Didn't he kill us enough over break?" I asked and James laughed.

"Dude, we are all dying, but we gotta get ready for the game coming up. You have to lead us to another victory. We haven't lost a game yet and we can't afford to lose one," he said I nodded in agreement. "I know. Scouts are going to be watching. We need to make good impressions this weekend, that way they'll continue to keep an eye out on us," I told him and he smiled.

"There's my boy. Head in the game?" He questioned and I first bumped him. "Head in the game," I told him and grabbed my bag. We made our way to the locker rooms to change into our football practice gear. As I was walking on the field, I spotted my favorite brunette heading towards the dance team captain.

Halie was wearing a crop top and short black spandex shorts with her her hair in a high ponytail. I licked my lips at the sight before running over to them. "Good morning ladies," I said to the girls and they all smiled. "Hey handsome," Kyeese purred, causing Halie to shift uncomfortably.

"Hey Ian. Away or home game this weekend? Halie is a new member and we need to get her outfits sorted out," Heather told me and I smiled at her. "Home game," I told her and she went about jotting things down in her notebook. She was the captain of the dance team and my cousin.

"Take care of her," I told Heather and she smirked. "You got it big boy," she responded and Kyeese scoffed, turning away from me. She walked over to her friends, who were glaring at Halie. "You tell Heather if Kyeese is bothering you. She has your back," I told Halie.

"Former girlfriend?" She questioned and I chuckled. "Cousin," I said and she nodded, a slight blush on her cheeks. "I'm bringing you home and you're not going to argue," I told her then walked away before she could protest. I didn't make it far before I felt someone tug on my shirt.

I turned around and was met with Kyeese's lips on mine. "Come over later Ian. I have a treat for you," she whispered and sauntered back over to her friends, swaying her hips. The guys whistled and cheered, while Heather frowned and glanced at Halie who was avoiding all eye contact.

I don't think I'll ever write a normal romance with normal characters. My people are emotional, crazy, and sometimes plain cruel. Hope y'all are enjoying.

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