Chapter Nineteen

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Ian's POV

"Ian," Halie whispered and I groaned, rolling over. "Ian!" She whispered louder and I growled. "What baby? I'm trying to sleep," I told her, opening my eyes. Rubbing the sleep away, I groaned while stretching. "What is it?" I asked again, yawning.

"Um, there's some chick here asking for you. I heard her talking with your mom," she spoke quietly and I looked at her with concern. She looked uncomfortable for some reason.

"Okay and?" I asked with raised brows. "Uh, the chick came in the room mumbling how she was ready and sorry," she whispered and my eyes went big. "Is she still here?" I asked, regret creeping in.

"I think so. She ran out apologizing. I think she's still downstairs. Your mom left, but told her she could stay," Halie said softly. "Fucking hell!" I groaned and rolled out of bed. "Stay here," I told her and she sighed.

"She's your ex. The one you wanted to marry huh?" Halie asked and I stared at her with wide eyes. "How do you even know that?" I asked in bewilderment and she frowned. "Your mom filled me in," she mumbled in distaste and I cursed. "I was young and dumb. She means nothing to me now."

"Come here baby," I told her but she didn't move. "You have company and unfinished business. Find me once you've decided what you're going to do," she said angrily before leaving the room.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I questioned out loud and ran out after her. "Halie!" I yelled but she never stop. Amanda came into view and my breathing hitched. She still looked the same even after these past couple of years.

Long red hair and bright green eyes. "Ian. I think we need to talk," she whispered and I nodded my head. "Fine. Just give me a second," I told her before I ran out of the house.

Halie was sitting on the porch and I scooped her into my arms. She sobbed softly as I played with her hair. "Baby, stop crying. I love you and only you,"I whispered into her hair, not caring that I dropped the L word to her like this.

She looked up and sighed. "I'm sorry for overreacting. Your mom is truly a bitch," she mumbled and I laughed. "I already know. Who knows what the fuck she told Amanda," I mumbled.

"Go talk to her. I'll be waiting for you Ian," she whispered and I hugged her tightly. "Okay baby," I told her and kissed her gently.

I made my way back inside to talk to Amanda even though I didn't want too. She was sitting on the couch, talking on the phone. "I'm sorry! Please baby I love you. He was my first everything. His mom is evil. She set me up and I fell into her trap," she sobbed over the phone.

I frowned and cleared my throat. "Ian," she whispered and ended her call. "I'm so sorry!" She sobbed and I walked over to her. "Hey, it's okay Amanda. My mother is evil indeed. We didn't last for a reason. I wasn't the one for you and I'm still not. Now go get your man," I told her and she smiled softly.

"You're truly amazing Ian. Halie is very lucky. I'm sorry again for all of this," she told me before standing up. "It's okay Amanda," I whispered and she nodded.

She walked away and I smiled, following after her to claim my beauty's lips once more. "Halie," I said and she looked up at me with a smile.

"I love you," I stated, my heart beating wildly. I was scared she wouldn't say it back, but the love in her eyes eased my nerves. "I love you too Ian," she whispered and stood up. She hugged me briefly before kissing me passionately.

Our kiss was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Not just someone. My mother. "Still together I see?" She questioned nastily. "Yes. Not a damn thing you can do to break us apart. Not like you did with Amanda mother," I told her and she scoffed.

"Whatever boy. Leave my property. You're no longer welcomed here," she spat and I shrugged. "Whatever woman. Let's see how long you'll last without my money keeping you afloat," I spat back and she scowled at me.

"Go home Halie, I'll be over in a bit," I told her but she shook her head. "Hell no. I'm staying right here with you to help. It'll get you away from this bitch even faster," she said, linking her arm with mine.

I smiled at Halie while my mother stared daggers her way. "Come on baby," she whispered, grabbing my hand. I walked into my room and packed all of my belongings quickly, thanks to the help of Halie.

By the time we made it outside, my mom was standing near my truck with a bat. "You won't leave me with no money boy!" She yelled and went to swing the bat but the sound of sirens stopped her.

Multiple cop cars pulled into the parking lot and my mom froze. "That's right! Go to jail bitch!" Miss Carol yelled and I couldn't help but smile. Halie giggled on the side of me and squeezed my hand.

"We will always have your back baby," Halie whispered and I smiled down at her. "What's going on here?!" My mom yelled at the cops. "Ma'am. You're under arrest for distribution of narcotics and destruction of personal property," an officer stated.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law," the officer tried to read her her rights but she wasn't giving up. "Fuck off pig!" She yelled and my eyes went big.

"That woman truly is crazy!" I said loudly and shook my head. "Come on, let's go to your house," I told Halie and she nodded. "Please," she said laughing and I laughed with her.

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