Chapter Twenty Six

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Ian's POV

"Come on babe!" I yelled, waiting for Halie to come down the stairs. Why did women have to take so long to get ready? Within the time she had been in the tub, I showered in the guest bathroom and dressed myself. Hell I even swept, vacuumed, and mopped the damn house.

She made a reservation for seven and it was already ten till. How the hell did she spend the day in the tub? That girl would be late for her own funeral. "I'm coming!" She finally yelled and I smirked, letting the dirty thoughts take over.

"Not yet!" I yelled back and her giggle filled my ears. "I'm ready bad boy," she said while walking down the stairs, finally deciding to grace me with her presence. My lips went dry as I watched her make her way over to me, her heels clicking on the wooden floors. Licking my lips, I admired the breathtaking view before me.

Her red dress stuck to her body like a second layer of skin, showing off her small yet perfect curves. And boy did I love them curves. That body of hers sure did something to me.

I never noticed the dress the first time she wore it because I was too busy being a nervous wreck. The slit along the side of her dress showcased her long tanned leg.

"You might want to wipe your mouth," she said while giggling. "You have some drool," she teased, licking her lips. "Damn baby, you look good enough to eat," I tell her and she smirks. "That's the point Mr. Pine. You'll be eating all of this later," she purred with a wink before walking around me. She swayed her hips with every step she took.

"Lord, help me," I prayed out loud before following after her, watching her round ass move in that dress.

"Hold on baby," I told her, running ahead of her to open the car door. She smiled and climbed inside of the passenger side, thanking me with a melodic laugh. I made my way over to the drivers side and climbed in, glancing at Halie one more time.

She looked absolutely stunning in that dress. Plus her hair was curled and flowing over her shoulders and down her back in perfect waves. She had her diamond stud earrings in her ears and the silver pendant from her uncle around her neck. 

"You know I love you right?" I asked and she nodded her head with a smile. "I know baby. I love you too Ian Pine," she said softly. Even though she looked happy, something was different about her tonight. She was up to something, something mischievous. I just couldn't put my finger on it yet, but I would figure it out. Throughout the drive she kept smiling to herself, in her own world, oblivious to my staring.

It felt good to have her back. She was happier now a days and laughed more often. She even invited Kyeese and Heather over one night to get drunk and watch romance movies. It was annoying yet cute to watch and listen to her mock every movie that came on.

It pissed me off when an actor she so-called loved who starred in the movies because then I had to listen to her talk about how hot he was or how he was daddy on so many levels. I still never figured out what that meant.

I pulled up at the restaurant and parked in the front, letting the valet do their job. I smiled, realizing we were at the same one I proposed to her at. "Place seems familiar," I said in a joking way and Halie smiled. "It does indeed," she mumbled and winked.

"I heard the food is good over here," I said loudly and she laughed. "I don't remember. Food was the last thing on my mind," she said with a small smile. "I remember the dessert being amazing though," she stated while licking her lips.

"What about tonight? What's on your mind?" I asked and she looked at me with heated eyes. "You are," she said with pure desire.

Holy shit. Dinner needs to end already.

"Let's go inside," I told her with a hoarse voice.

She nodded and linked her fingers with mine, staking her claim. "I can't wait to marry you," she whispered and my heart swelled like never before. "I can't wait either baby girl," I told her and I meant every word. "We're going to be a hot married couple. Maybe the new 'it' couple," she said and I couldn't help but smile.

"Sounds pretty amazing to me," I told her and she squeezed my hand. "On second thought, can we go home?" She questioned and I frowned. "Why?" I asked in confusion. "Because I want to make a baby," she said with a goofy smile and I stared at her in shock.

"You mean?" I started to ask but she placed a finger on my lips. "Yes Ian. Take me home and fuck me, right now," she interrupted. "Yes ma'am," I said and picked her up, carrying her back to the car.

The valet looked at me with longing eyes. Poor bastard was probably single. I growled and he looked away from Halie's ass. Her round plump ass. "Fuck!" I cursed and Halie laughed.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I smacked her ass hard. "I want to fuck you and I want to fuck you now. You better be ready for me Halie," I warned and she smiled. "Oh, I'm ready," she purred. "It's you who needs to prepare themselves," she mumbled.

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