Replay || 11

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A/N: Pretty much the exact same as the scene literally copied word for word so please don't report me for copy right  when Cheryl get's rescued with a few tweaks because this story was sad so I decided there needed to be Choni.

Cheryl POV

I had finally stacked up all the rattan bags filled with god know's what. I slumped over them with sweat covering every inch of my body. My hair stuck to my face and neck. I heard footsteps on the concrete behind me.

"Movie night." Sister Woodhouse announced to me. "And clean your self up." I turned around and gave her a death stare. 

"Can Betty come at least?" I asked with no emotion in my voice. She shook her head. I trudged my way along the corridor, trying to find Betty's room, but the nuns were behind me so I couldn't. I went into my room, hearing the door lock shut. I changed into another dress and cardigan, cleaned my face, and re tied up my hair. I could feel a tear rolling down my cheek. I sat there for a moment, my feelings overcame me. I eventually left my room, and walked down to the dimly lit room that was the movie room. I couldn't see the screen as my eyes were blurred over. 

"Cheryl?" I heard in the back of my mind. I missed Toni that much I thought I could hear her. More tears fell down my face. 

"Cheryl?" I heard again. I ignored it. Then, Toni came running into the room.

"Cheryl are you in here?" She yelled. I got up and walked closer to her. I didn't believe my own eyes.

"Toni?" I asked in disbelief. 

"We came to rescue you." She said out of breath. 

"You did?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing. She nodded. I ran up to her and wrapped my arms around her. It felt so nice to be in someones arms. Then she looked me in the eyes, and kissed me slowly. Veronica ran into the room.

"Cheryl, Toni there are a bunch of nuns coming we have to go." She announced we all ran down the corridors, we had to take different paths because nuns were coming at us from every angle. We ran down into a tunnel. The floor was covered in water and I could feel it splashing in my socks. 

"Wait! We have to get Betty!" I finally remembered. 

"We have to leave her here." Veronica mumbled. We ran and climbed a ladder to get out. And I was finally free.

A/N: AGAIN I know I copied directly from the episode, so please don't report me. 

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