Bright boy, Gorgeous girl || 22

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2 months later

Jughead POV

I woke up to Betty digging her nails into my arm. 

"Betts, what's wrong?" I asked her. She screamed, and clutched her stomach. The bed was soaking wet. 

"The baby is coming." She whispered. I got out of bed and grabbed the bag. Betty got out of bed slowly, and slowly made her way to the door. She screamed again, and we carefully made our way downstairs. We got to the car and I drove as fast as I could to get to the hospital. When we arrived, I got her a wheelchair and checked her into emergency. She was taken to a room, and changed into a hospital gown. She was given an epidural, and we were finally left alone. 

"So what are we going to name our kids." I asked her. 

"Well for a girl I've always liked the name Amelie." She whispered. 

"What about Amelie May, for a girl?" I suggested. 

"I love it. Amelie May Jones." She said softly. 

"Jones?" I smirked. "No Jones-Cooper?"

"No, because guess what Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, I'm going to ask you to marry me." She grinned. 

"Oh yeah." I grinned even larger. 

"What do you say." She said quietly. 

"Yeah." I whispered. 

"What about for a boy?" She asked. 

"Well I've personally always liked Sawyer." I replied.

"Sawyer?" She asked in surprise. "No Forsythe Pendleton Jones IV?"

"No way. Sawyer Ford would be fine." I smirked. 

"Well then, Amelie May and Sawyer Ford Jones it is." She grinned. Not before long, the doctors were in the room, telling Betty to push. I was holding Betty's hand tightly. 

"It's a boy!" The doctor called out. And exhaugsted Betty hang her head backwards. The boy was placed on a towel, and was given to me. I brought him over to Betty, who gently touched the babies cheek with her hand.

"Hey Sawyer." She whispered. The baby was taken from me, and placed in a crib. 

"Here we go again." I whispered to Betty, and she groaned. I held her hand again, and we did it again. This time, the doctor called out that is was a girl. Glad that it was finally over, Betty laughed in relief. I was given the girl to hold, and Betty was given the boy. 

"Hey there babies." Betty whispered, choking up. 

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