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After the short car journey to the high school, Lydia parted ways with the pair as she headed to the library to grab some new textbooks whilst Stiles enrolled Rose at the school.

"Miss Croft, here's your timetable and important papers you'll need to fill out and bring them back tomorrow. In the mean time, enjoy your time at Beacon Hills High." The receptionist that enrolled Rose said, smiling as she handed over a packet of papers.

Rose looked overwhelmed as Stiles took them for her, "Thanks! I'll make sure she gets them back to you." He said as he guided Rose out into the crowded hallways.

"Follow me." Stiles said as he ushered her into an empty classroom, he began to realise how hard it must be surrounded by people and new surroundings when you've never been human in your life.

He closed the door slightly, "I'm sorry, I thought this would be okay... but it's pretty overwhelming out there." He apologised.

"It's okay." Rose said quietly, taking the papers from him and putting them into a backpack he'd given her.

"If it gets too much just tell me, okay? I'm in most of your classes..." he said as he checked her timetable, "Scott is in the rest which is good."

"Scott?" Rose asked.

"He's my best friend, you can trust him." Stiles said.

"Oh, okay." She nodded, seeming unconvinced.

"I'm gonna call him right now, then at least he'll know." Stiles said, taking out his phone.

Rose hadn't noticed it in the morning but she stared at his mobile, wondering what it was.

He noticed her staring, "this is a smartphone, I can talk to people on this little screen." He tried to explain the best he could, and fortunately she understood.

Once he finished explaining, he called Scott who picked up on the first ring.

"Hey, Stiles! What's up?" Scott's voice could be heard through the speakers.

"Hey, bud! So I kind of have someone I'd like you to meet." Stiles said.

"Can't that wait? I have class in like ten minutes." Scott complained.

"Not really." Stiles said.

"Fine, where are you?" Scott asked.

"Empty classroom on the first floor." Stiles replied.

"Be right there." Scott said as he hung up.

No sooner as he'd hung up, the classroom door opened and Scott appeared.

Rose looked up and examined the tan boy who looked eerily familiar, his brown hair fell over his chocolate brown eyes and his jaw was slightly uneven, but she thought it was cute.

"Hey." Scott said.

"Hi." Rose replied, her eyes lighting up slightly as she stared at the boy.

Stiles noticed, he frowned slightly, "Scott, this is Rose... I mean, Roscoe."

Scott let out a laugh, "Roscoe? Are you high?"

"No, this really is Roscoe. I turned my jeep into a girl." Stiles said seriously.

Scott's eyes widened, trying to take it in, "oh."

"Yeah, I don't have time to explain, she's gonna be in some of your classes and I need you to look after her okay?" Stiles said, looking at his best friend hopefully.

"Okay, okay!" Scott said.

"Just make sure not to tell Lydia." Stiles said as the bell rang signalling the start of first period.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"Because I kind of said she was a family friend," Stiles shrugged, "Rose we have to go to class now."

Rose followed him out of the empty classroom, but not before looking back at Scott who was staring at her in bewilderment.

As Stiles entered another classroom, this time one that was filled with students, Rose stopped suddenly.

He turned back to look at her and he placed his hand on her arm comfortingly, "hey, it's gonna be okay. Just sit besides me and I'll talk you through everything."

She nodded as she followed him to the two empty seats at the back and sat besides him, looking around anxiously.

Coach Finstock entered the classroom with a steaming mug of hot coffee and his whistle dangling around his neck, he sat on the edge of his desk and took a deep breath.

"Good morning, students. We all know none of us want to be here this early in the morning... or ever," he muttered the last part under his breath, "but we have a new student today who I'd like you all to welcome, Rose." He pointed to the girl at the far end of the class.

She smiled despite wanting to hide away, everyone smiled back and said hi before returning their focus to Coach.

"Now, I need you all to read page 45 of the text book and answer the questions, hopefully that isn't too hard to understand," he said before locking eyes with one of the students sat in the front, "Greenberg."

Stiles passed Rose a text book, "just pretend to read it, okay?" He whispered, "I'll write the answers for you."

Rose nodded, looking at the words on the page that didn't seem to make any sense, but she wanted to try so she started to read each word one by one in her head until the bell rang and Stiles passed her a piece of paper with the answers on. They weren't scribbled like his usual handwriting, he'd tried to make it neat and he even doodled a little rose next to her name at the top.

When she gave it to Coach he smiled, "did you find that okay? I know it can be tough going to a new school with new topics to learn."

Rose simply replied with a 'yes' and smiled before leaving with Stiles.

The rest of the day passed by without any problems, in Stiles' classes he'd simply write the answers for her, and with Scott he did the same. Stiles realised they couldn't do this forever so he knew he had to teach her how to read and write as soon as possible, but when they finally got home that night he realised he'd barely have time since he'd forgotten the most important thing he was supposed to remember.

Dinner with his father.

Stiles hoped he'd be able to worm his way out of it by explaining they'd had a long day, but Noah was insistent on meeting his new house guest.


awkward family dinner anyone? look forward to the next chapter! :)

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