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The weeks following Rose's disappearance were the toughest, Stiles had gotten so used to her being around his house all the time that he couldn't stand being at home. He spent his time after school at the library, his friends thought he was studying his school subjects - in reality he already knew the entire years syllabus and instead he was practicing magic. He kept all of his spell books in his locker and after his last class he'd collect them and head straight to the library, sitting in a corner behind the many bookcases to avoid being seen. Obviously, he never physically practiced his magic until he knew everyone had gone home, that's when the library was truly a sanctuary for Stiles.

He started with simple spells at first, making books fly off of the shelves before putting them back. Then he moved onto conjuring objects such as figurines from his room to the library. With every success he felt he was capable of doing greater things, but he knew he still needed to keep practicing before he tried anything big. 

One night he was sat pondering what to practice when he heard the library doors creak open, he quickly ducked behind one of the bookcases in case it was the school janitor. He peered from behind his hiding place to see the familiar strawberry-blonde girl he used to be madly in love with.

"Stiles?" Lydia called out as she looked around.

Stiles stepped out from behind the bookcase, "Lydia... what are you doing here?"

"I went to your house to check on you, I've been worried about you for weeks. Your Dad said I'd find you here." She said softly, tucking a piece of her hair that'd fallen onto her face behind her ear.

"Oh." Was all he said.

"Stiles... we're all worried about you. You haven't been the same since..."

"Since Rose, I know." Stiles replied.

"You know we're all here for you, I'm here for you." Lydia said as she stepped closer to him and rested her hand on his arm comfortingly.

"Thanks, Lydia. I appreciate it, but I really need to get back to studying." He said, his eyes flickering away from her unnervingly.

"Studying what? Because I know you're not studying any school subjects. I've seen you put all of your text books in your locker after school." She said, raising her eyebrows questioningly.

Stiles sighed, whilst Lydia continued to stare at him, waiting for an answer.

He took a seat at one of the tables in the middle of the library, gesturing for Lydia to sit opposite him. She sat down, confused.

"Remember when I first got my powers? And Mason was all like 'intense! You could literally do anything with those kinds of powers?' It made me think that I really can do anything, and what's the point of having them if you don't use them? So I've been coming here to practice. I can't practice at home, it  just reminds me of her."

"I remember. Stiles, what exactly are you going to do with your powers?" Lydia asked, worried he'd do something stupid.

"Nothing, yet. I just want to be able to protect my friends from any future threats we encounter. I couldn't save Rose, but if I can learn as many spells and incantations as I can, then I won't have to lose anyone else." Stiles said, his eyes never left the table as he spoke, he couldn't look at Lydia and her emerald green eyes that he could so easily fall into.

Lydia was quiet for a long time, but she reached over and told hold of his hands that were clasped together, "show me something."

"Like what?" He asked, his eyes flickering up to look up at her, she smiled at him reassuringly.

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