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Stiles was out of breath by the time he reached Scott's house, all of the lights were off but he could see Scott waiting for him outside. He'd called him and let him know he was on his way, there was no way he was staying at home tonight.

Scott jogged down his steps, "what's up, bud? You sounded worried on the phone."

Stiles took deep breaths from running all the way there, "there was this... I don't even know how to describe it, a demon in my house."

Scott scoffed, "a demon? Really?"

The boy glared at his best friend, "you're a mythical werewolf, are you really questioning me right now?"

"You have a point." He sighed.

"I don't know what it wanted... it kind of just stood in front of me and then disappeared." Stiles said.

"Are you sure you're not seeing things?" Scott questioned.

"Will you just trust me for once?" Stiles asked exasperatedly.

Scott raised his hands in defence, "okay, I trust you. Maybe we should talk to Deaton." He suggested, already heading towards his motorbike.

"Will he still be at the veterinary practice at midnight?" Stiles asked as he followed him.

Scott raised his eyebrows at his friend as if to say 'really.'

"Of course not, but I know where he lives, just hop on." Scott said as he revved the engine of his motorbike.

Stiles shrugged, thinking to himself that he'd never seen where Deaton lived, he thought he never left work.

They arrived at a small cul-de-sac hidden in the hills of Beacon Hills. Small bungalows lined the streets, it was almost like a different world to the rest of Beacon Hills.

Scott pulled up outside of one of the homes and hopped off, taking long strides to the front door as Stiles hurried behind.

The door opened before either of them had knocked, a tired looking Deaton answered.

"How did you—" Stiles began.

"You think your loud motorbike wouldn't wake the whole neighbourhood?" He asked sarcastically.

"Sorry." Scott said sheepishly.

Deaton nodded before opening the door wider, "I hope this is important."

"I think it is." Stiles said.

Both boys headed inside, Stiles' eyes widened in awe as he looked at all of the ancient artefacts that hung from the walls — faux fur rugs covered the floor to add to the decor of his home. He had no idea what he expected, but now that he'd seen his home he realised that it was totally Deaton's style.

"How can I help you boys?" Deaton asked as he sat down on his couch covered with throw pillows and blankets.

"Stiles thinks he saw a demon." Scott blurted out.

"Scott!" Stiles whisper-yelled, yelling felt too much in such a home like Deaton's.

"Tell me more, Stiles." Deaton said, looking at him with intensity.

As he explained, the man nodded as he listened to everything the boy had to say. At first he couldn't figure out what he'd seen, until he mentioned that the 'demon' had been searching Stiles' room that Rose was occupying.

"So, what do you think it is?" Stiles asked, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

"From everything you've told me... I believe it is something the universe has created to find your jeep, also known as Rose." Deaton said, his hands clasped together in his lap as he spoke.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asked.

"Well, there's certain things that the universe just can't accept when something changes. And you literally created a human being out of thin air... it defies everything, it's unnatural. Of course the universe will try and fight it. Until you change her back into your jeep, the demon is not going away."

Stiles shook his head, running his hands through his hair, "no... no I'm not doing that." He mumbled.

"Stiles..." Scott spoke softly, "you have to listen to Deaton here. As much as Rose has become our friend, and maybe more to you... shes not real."

Stiles' eyes widened in shock before he began blinking rapidly, "not— not real? Are you kidding me, Scott?! She's a living, breathing human! Just because I made her because of a magical error... doesn't mean she's not human." He spat in anger.

Scott took a step back, glancing at Deaton for back-up.

"Scott's right, Stiles. And the only reason you're having trouble realising it is because you've become too emotionally attached." Deaton explained.

"You know what? I thought you were going to be helpful, I'll solve this myself." Stiles scoffed as he stormed out of Scott's home.

Scott let out breath, "He didn't mean that."

"I know," Deaton said, "I'm just worried... he's taking too much on. Even the most powerful spell wielders can't battle the forces of the universe."

"I know someone who can talk to him." Scott said, immediately thinking of the strawberry blonde beauty who would most definitely get Stiles to listen to her.

As soon as Stiles got home after a long walk, refusing Scott's offer of a ride home, he got to work. Flicking through books that he'd gotten from Deaton and the school library that he'd failed to return, most of them being about magic and the universe. There had to be something in them that would allow him to keep Rose alive and not turn her back into a jeep. He'd never felt so connected to someone more than her, and he knew if he turned her back he wouldn't be able to replicate the accidental spell he used to create her.

He opted to sleep in his dad's room that night, he often slept there as a young boy after his mom died and he had reoccurring nightmares. Though he didn't plan on sleeping, being in a familiar environment was comforting to him. Stiles wouldn't stop until he found an alternative, even if it meant going against the universe's will.


ugh i'm sorry for the wait again guys, i've not been inspired lately and i'm afraid updates are gonna be slow after this but i'm trying my best. xo

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