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   Another week of school passed, every day followed the same routine. Stiles and Rose got a ride from Mason or Lydia depending on the day, and the rest of the pack would help Rose in every lesson.

It had only been a few weeks since Stiles turned his beloved jeep into Rose yet she was learning at an incredibly fast pace. Even Deaton thought it was extraordinary, but he kept checking in on her and checking her vitals to ensure she was okay— he was still dubious about the fact she had never been human before, yet Stiles had been able to create her.

One day after school Kira found Rose waiting outside in the parking lot.

"Hey, Rose!" She called out as she walked over to her, smiling widely.

"Hi!" Rose replied, turning to face the girl who was heading towards her.

"Need a ride?" Kira asked.

"I'm actually waiting for Stiles..." Rose replied.

"You spend an awful lot of time with him, don't you get bored?" Kira asked jokingly.

The brunette smiled, "not really, I like Stiles." She replied, Kira wasn't sure how deeply she meant by 'like' but she chose to skip the subject.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Malia and Lydia are coming over to my place for a sleepover tonight. Do you want to join?" Kira suggested.

Rose perked up at the mention of Lydia, a girl she'd become close to over the past week as she'd helped her study.

"I'd like that." She smiled.

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice asked, Stiles appeared besides Rose and glanced between the two girls.

"Kira was just telling me about a sleepover she's hosting with the girls, she asked if I wanted to join." Rose explained.

Stiles nodded, "sounds great! I'd offer you a ride but I'm walking home."

"That's not a problem, Lydia's driving." Kira said.

"Well, have fun, Rose," Stiles said, "text me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay." Rose smiled before walking away with Kira.

He sighed as he watched them walk off, he'd planned to have a film night with her since it was Friday night but now it looked like he'd be spending the night alone since his dad was in work that night too.

   Later that night as the girls were all in their pyjamas, Rose had borrowed a pair from Kira, they all sat in her bedroom in their sleeping bags in a circle around open boxes of pizza.

"Can we do something? I'm bored." Malia said as she finished another slice of pizza.

"Like what?" Lydia asked as she glanced at the brunette who began to smile mischievously.

"Truth or dare!" She exclaimed.

"What's that?" Rose asked.

Lydia sighed sympathetically, "oh, sweetheart— it's a game, someone can ask you a question that you answer truthfully or they can ask you to do a dare like... finish a whole pizza by yourself."

Rose grimaced at the thought, "oh, okay. Let's do it."

"That's my girl!" Malia said, immediately perking up, "who's first?"

"I'll go." Kira suggested.

"Okay... truth or dare?" Malia asked.

"Hm... truth." She decided.

Malia smirked, "do you have a crush on anyone in the pack?"

Kira hesitated before answering, everyone was watching her waiting for her answer, "yes."

Lydia squealed slightly, "who?!"

Her gaze dropped slightly as her cheeks burned, "I can't say... they don't feel the same anyway." She sighed.

"Kira, anyone would be a fool not to like you back." Malia assured her, reaching out to touch her arm.

Her touch made Kira shiver slightly, if she ever told her how she really felt she was scared she'd ruin their friendship— but deep inside she'd always wondered if Malia's lingering glances ever meant more than just a friendship.

"Rose's turn!" Kira said, quickly changing the subject, Rose looked shocked but agreed as she could sense her friend was uncomfortable.

"I'll pick truth." She said softly.

"Oh come on, no ones gonna pick dare?" Malia groaned as she lay down on her sleeping bag in protest.

"I have a question," Lydia said, "who do you like more, Scott or Stiles?"

"I can't pick between them!" Rose said, "I like them both."

The strawberry-blonde raised her eyebrows, "but which one do you like?" She asked, emphasising the 'like.'

Rose sighed, "Scott is sweet and kind, but I don't know... whenever I'm with Stiles he just makes me happy." She shrugged.

Malia laughed quietly, "boys are so overrated."

Everyone turned to face her as she lay on the floor, looking up at the ceiling.

She turned her head slightly, "what? It's true."

Kira smiled to herself, wondering if this meant she had even the slightest chance with her.

For the rest of the night, the girls talked about everything from boys to conspiracy theories until they eventually fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Stiles was laying on his couch at home, covered in blankets and watching Star Wars for the millionth time. He couldn't bring himself to sleep in his own room, it didn't feel right now that Rose slept there— and besides, the house felt empty without her so he didn't need to be reminded that she wasn't there.

Halfway through the film he got up to use the bathroom, only to hear a thud upstairs. He stood still, knowing he was the only one home. Stiles crept up the stairs slowly, his heart racing as he looked around.

He pushed his bedroom door open slowly, everything seemed normal. All of the other rooms were empty too, nothing seemed out of the ordinary until he stepped out of his dad's room.

Turning to head back downstairs, he saw a figure, almost like a black shadow at the end of the corridor. He froze as neither of them moved, the figure looked like a human yet had no specific features apart from black wisps escaping its body.

Stiles' hands surged with magical energy as he prepared to fight the being, until it disappeared right in front of him. He ran forward, his eyes darting around as he checked to see where it had gone. Yet as he got to the end of the corridor there was nothing there.

He searched his whole home again, but it was like the figure had never been there. Stiles couldn't go back to his movie after this, instead he did what he always did when something happened, he called Scott.


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