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As they sat outside in the car, the rain began to pour again. Great, Stiles thought, the irony.

He turned to face Rose who was already looking at him with those eyes that contained a million tiny stars that he wished he had the time to analyse every inch of them.



They both spoke at the same time, Stiles gestured for her to speak first.

"I know this isn't the right time, I don't think there's ever a right time. Only a now. I don't know a lot of things, but Lydia has taught me a lot about feelings... and I think I have those for you. Romantic feelings is what she called them, my heart beats a little faster whenever I'm around you, Stiles. You make me laugh... and I love how incredibly smart you are. I just wanted to tell you that before you say what you have to say." She said quietly, as if she had already sensed what he was going to tell her. 

Stiles' heart sunk a little, "Rose... I'm not smart... not at all. If I were I would've been able to find a way to save you."

"Save me from what? That demon we saw this morning? You did save me." Rose said, confused.

He shook his head, "No... I didn't. I can't. That demon is here because I created you. Apparently the universe doesn't like it when something it didn't create is walking the Earth."

"What are you saying?" She asked.

Stiles buried his head in his hands, "I'm saying that unless I change you back into my jeep that demon is going to keep coming back to take you. I couldn't find a spell strong enough to destroy it, nor could I find one that could make you entirely human..."

Even if she appeared human, and everything was human about her, her blood was still black- oil. It wasn't normal. She'd never be normal.

Rose's eyes filled with tears, but for some reason she was smiling. Stiles reached over and tucked a piece of hair behind her ears, his hand lingering on her cheek. 

"I'm ready, Stiles."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "ready? For what?"

"For you to turn me back into your jeep. I'm ready, I'm content." Rose said softly.

Stiles shook his head, "I'm not ready for you to leave."

"Would this make it better?" She asked, Stiles was confused before she leaned closer to him, slowly pressing her soft, plump lips against his. He let his eyes flutter closed as he let all of his worries wash over him momentarily as he let her kiss him. 

"Kind of." Stiles said, now his eyes were wet too. 

"You're better than anything I could've imagined, Stiles Stilinski. Thank you for making my time here worth it." Rose whispered, as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Stiles didn't reply, he was too choked up to say anything. Instead he intertwined his fingers with hers as they sat in silence knowing that as soon as they left the car they would have to say goodbye.

The rain soon let up and Rose and Stiles headed back inside, walking into the garage.

"Does it have to be now?" Stiles asked.

Rose nodded, "I want to do it now, me staying longer would only hurt you more. I don't want that."

Stiles sighed, "Okay."

He ran upstairs and grabbed his spell book, before heading back to the garage where Rose was standing in the middle of the room, her hands clasped together nervously.

He flicked through the book, finding the inanimate object spell, he had no idea if the spell would actually work, but for both their sakes he hoped it did.

"Ready?" He asked.

Rose nodded, "I'll be waiting for the next time we meet... maybe another lifetime, perhaps."

Stiles gulped, knowing she was referring to the movies he'd made her watch that contained multiple universes.

"This isn't goodbye, this is simply an I'll see you soon." He said softly, trying his best not to cry.

Stiles began to chant the spell he had highlighted, whilst Rose kept her eyes on him, observing every little detail of how he stood... how his hair looked so good slicked back with rain. She would miss him.

He finished the spell and saw her smiling at him, he smiled back despite how he felt inside.

Rose closed her eyes as a bright spark filled the room, Stiles shielded his eyes from the light. When he looked back his heart broke slightly, there in the middle of the room was his jeep.

"Roscoe." His voice was hoarse as he stepped towards his jeep, his hand trailing against the blue paintwork of the hood.

Stiles opened the driver door and got inside, it felt the same but he couldn't stop thinking about Rose.

Gripping his steering wheel hard, tears began to stream down his face as he slammed his fist against the wheel. 

Noah walked into the garage at that moment, "Stiles?" It took a moment for him to realise his jeep was back.

"Where's Rose? Why is your jeep back?" His dad asked.

"Son?" Noah said as he walked closer to the jeep, as soon as he saw Stiles crying he opened the door to the jeep and took him into his arms, letting him cry it out, "It's okay... it'll be okay."

"No it won't, Dad. I lost her, and I'll probably never get her back." He sobbed.

Noah sighed, keeping his arms around his son as he comforted him.

Later that night when his dad had convinced him to go to bed, his phone pinged besides him.

Lyds: did you get home okay? let me know!

Stiles sniffled, wiping his face with the sleeve of his Star Wars jumper. 

Stiles: I did. 

Lyds: everything ok?

Stiles: No.

Lyds: oh... do you need me to come over?

Stiles: Thanks, Lyds. But I'd rather be alone right now, see you tomorrow.

Stiles locked his phone and chucked it to the other side of his bed as he closed his eyes, trying to think of anything other than the fact it was impossible that he'd ever see Rose again. He could hear his phone blowing up with texts as he tried to sleep, he guessed Lydia had told everyone by now but he wasn't in the mood for their sympathy. Instead he'd have to face them at school tomorrow.


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