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Stiles sat in his jeep the next morning, it took him fifteen minutes to finally turn his key in the ignition. He couldn't stop thinking about how he could be hurting Rose, but then he realised that he was just overthinking it. His dad had promised he'd be home that night so they could have dinner together, that was if Stiles felt like eating at all.

When he showed up at school, Scott was waiting for him in his usual parking spot besides his motorcycle looking solemn. 

As soon as Stiles stepped out of his jeep Scott was by his side, neither of them said a word but the silence was enough. Stiles could see how sorry his best friend was by the look in his eyes. 

Lydia joined them when they walked through the doors of Beacon Hills High School, her eyes puffy as if she'd spent the night crying. 

Stiles placed a reassuring hand on her arm, they'd all lost their fair share of friends and loved ones, but this was different. Rose hadn't died, Stiles had simply transformed her back into his jeep. He wasn't sure he'd ever get her back, in fact he was entirely sure he wouldn't. He didn't know which of his spells had made his jeep transform into a girl in the first place and if he used the wrong one he could jeopardise his chance at getting Rose back.

Every class he went to his class mates asked the same question, "Where's Rose?" to which Stiles would reply, "She had to go back to San Francisco, family emergency." 

All of his friends were equally affected, Mason missed his 'study buddy' as he called her, he was in the middle of teaching her the next unit they'd be studying in history to ensure she was ahead of everyone in the class. Liam also missed her, whenever Mason was too busy with Corey she'd always make time for him, to listen to him. 

Malia, Kira and Lydia missed Rose too, they'd gotten used to her being in their little friendship group that the first day without her felt empty.

During lunch, Scott and Stiles sat together in silence until Scott broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, Stiles." He said meaningfully.

"I know." Stiles replied.

"No, you don't. I know you blame me, but I didn't force you to do it. I even spent the whole of the weekend trying to find a solution for you." Scott said.

Stiles looked at him properly for the first time all day, "you did?"

He nodded, "I didn't find anything... but I just needed you to know I cared about her too and I wouldn't have suggested, you know, turning her back if I didn't think it was the best idea."

Stiles let out a long sigh, "it's okay, Scott. Thank you for trying, I appreciate it... but at the end of the day, it was all my fault for creating her in the first place."

"Don't blame yourself, Stiles. Rose made you happy, everyone could see that. She definitely wasn't a mistake." Scott said.

"No, she wasn't." Stiles said quietly. 

For the rest of lunch they sat in silence, Scott was content that he'd had the chance to say what he wanted to say without the others around.

When the day finally ended Stiles drove home in his jeep, it no longer felt natural to call it Roscoe. He couldn't even call his jeep Rose, it'd be too weird.

Upon opening the front door, the aroma of his favourite meal drifted through the air towards him. His dad must have decided to make it for him since he made it whenever he knew Stiles was upset.

"Hey, Son." Noah greeted him as he noticed him slope into the kitchen.

"Hey, Dad." Stiles replied.

"Curly fries and pizza?" His dad asked, gesturing to the food in the oven.

"Sure, Dad."

Noah turned around properly and took in his son. His skin was paler than usual and his golden brown eyes had lost their usual spark. His backpack was gripped in his hands as he stood in the middle of the kitchen. Noah stepped towards him and wrapped his arms around him, he rarely hugged his son and he regretted that- but now he could see that Stiles was in desperate need of one. He heard the backpack drop to the floor as Stiles wrapped his arms around his father. 

"I know you don't want to think this right now, but you'll be okay. There's going to be someone out there in the universe who's going to make you the happiest guy alive one day, and hopefully they won't be your jeep." Noah said, chuckling slightly.

"Not the time for jokes, Dad." Stiles muttered. 

"Right, sorry." 

Later that night after Stiles and Noah had finished eating, Stiles headed straight to his room and locked the door.

He picked up one of the frames from his bedside table and lay down on his bed. He bit down on his lip as he looked at the photograph in the frame, a photo of him and his mom.

"I miss her Mom... I really do, and I don't know what to do," he choked out, his eyes burned with tears as he tried to hold them in, "I just... I wish you were here to help me... you always knew what to do."

He'd often spent the first few years after her death talking to her in his room, he didn't know if she could hear him or if she was listening, but it was comforting to talk to someone you loved.

Stiles closed his eyes and let the tears fall as he hugged the frame to his chest, it was the closest he could get to his Mom. 

Even if Stiles knew of a spell to revive the dead he would never bring his Mom back to life, he'd read enough about how it could change a person. He just had to accept the fact he'd never see his Mom again. 

It was a restless night, Stiles tossed and turned until he eventually fell asleep at 2am the next morning. 



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