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Stiles woke up in a cold sweat, his eyes darted around his dad's room familiarising himself with his surroundings. The sun was already glaring through the blinds, Stiles guessed it must be past 12 already, his stomach grumbling confirmed his suspicions.

He wanted to get back to studying as quickly as he could so he rushed to the kitchen, grabbing an apple before running back upstairs to his room and opening up his laptop. Taking a bite out of his apple, he used his free hand to type questions into google about what spells could possibly help Rose stay with him longer. There was no way that Stiles would ever allow the universe to take her away from him.

Stiles knew he was battling the greatest force known to man, and it was virtually impossible, but he had to try. To him, Rose was human— she did everything humans did, she had feelings and emotions. He didn't understand how Scott and Deaton could dismiss her so easily.

He was so focused on reading an article about dark magic that he barely noticed Rose standing in his doorway, Lydia was waiting besides her, both of them watching Stiles intently.

Lydia cleared her throat making Stiles jump out of his chair, sparks flying from his hands as he prepared to fight the unannounced visitors.

As he turned to face them the sparks fizzled out, "oh, it's just you two." He exhaled a sigh of relief.

Rose blinked, "were you expecting someone else?"

Lydia looked at him questioningly, then she noticed Stiles' pained look as he stared at Rose, his honey brown eyes were usually always looking around, but now they were only looking at her.

"Stiles?" Lydia said, interrupting him.

Stiles snapped out of his daze, "what?"

"Can I talk to you?" She glanced at Rose momentarily, "alone?"

"Oh, um, sure." Stiles nodded, closing the lid of his laptop before following her downstairs to the kitchen where she stood with one hand on her hip, her emerald green eyes glaring at him.

"Tell me what's wrong, Stiles." Lydia said, her tone firm but oddly comforting.

"Wh- nothing's wrong." He stuttered, confused by her question.

"Clearly there is, the way you were looking at Rose... you know something." She said, letting her arm fall to her side now as she stepped closer to him.

Stiles observed her for a moment, he knew that if he didn't tell her she would only ask Scott and he'd convince her that turning Rose back to a Jeep would be a good idea.

"Something was in my house last night... like a demon," he saw Lydia take a deep breath but he continued, "I talked to Scott and Deaton and apparently it won't go away until it has Rose... or until Rose is turned back into a Jeep because its not normal." He said the last few words as if he were mimicking Deaton.

Lydia's eyes darkened slightly, "I won't allow that to happen. I'm not losing another friend."

"I won't let it happen either, Lyds... but Scott and Deaton think it would be best to turn her back. They don't think she's a real human just because I created her with a spell." Stiles complained.

He noticed her hands curling into fists, "not real? Of course she is," her voice began to rise but she lowered it so Rose couldn't hear them, "I don't care what they think. Whatever it is that wants to take her has to go through me first."

"And me." Stiles agreed.

Lydia nodded, "do we tell her what's happening?"

He immediately shook his head, "no... no we can't," he lowered his head, "I don't want her to worry. We'll take care of it ourselves."

"Okay." She agreed.

"I was looking all night for a solution but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for." Stiles sighed as he sat down on one of the bar stools, his hand resting on the kitchen table.

Lydia sat besides him, "we'll figure this out, Stiles. Together." She said softly, placing her hand on top of his.

Stiles smiled slightly, once upon a time this touch would've sent his heart beating wildly, now it was just a warm gesture from a friend he loved.

They stayed there for a moment, the reality setting in. Stiles had no idea when the demon would come back or if it would, he didn't know how much time he had left to save Rose— but he would do everything in his power to keep her alive, turning her back into his Jeep would ruin him.

That night, once Lydia had left with promises of doing her own research and enlisting Malia and Kira's help (the only ones Stiles trusted to help him), Stiles lay asleep in his own bed. The lights were out but his mind was racing, after a day of trawling through his books and every page he could find on google, he was no closer to an answer than he was the previous night.

As he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, he heard cracks of thunder outside and the sudden downpour of rain. Joined by the faint patter of feet running upstairs, his door creaked open to reveal Rose in her oversized Mets t-shirt Stiles had let her borrow.

Stiles sat up slightly so he could see her, "hey." He said softly.

"Hey," Rose replied, "the thunder scared me and I was just wondering if I could... you know..."

Stiles knew what she wanted before she could stumble through the rest of her sentence, he opened up the covers next to him and gestured for her to get in.

She padded over to his bed and lay besides him, "thank you." She said quietly, before she lay on her side facing away from him, hugging herself comfortingly.

Another thunder strike roared outside and Rose shivered, Stiles glanced over at her, biting his lip. He knew he shouldn't, he was already too attached to her... but he rolled into his side and shifted closer to her, wrapping his arms around her small body. She immediately relaxed against him, her hands resting on his arms that were clasped around her.

He noticed her breathing became softer as she eventually fell asleep, he couldn't help but smile a little as he listened to her breathing. It soothed him.

Stiles eventually fell asleep too, his arms wrapped around her. For one moment he didn't think about anything else, just the fact that he was truly falling for her, and he knew it would end in heartbreak.


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