I am laughing hysterically so much so, I had to sit down on the ground causing my knees to buckle. My hurting stomach and cheeks from laughing at the gay mudslinging those two always do. Hearing them, you would never THINK!! they were LUNA and Beta or BROTHERS for that matter!! But don't be fooled, this was a Wulf Speak mudslinging. In actual verbal communication, they are far more cordial to one another. One, because they are the leaders of our pack. Two, because titi Cary has been seen whacking THE SHIT OUTTA THEM BOTH!! Luna, Beta or not SHE DON'T PLAY!!!
Anyway, at Alpha Reuben's arrival, I see the families in the front bow their heads. Alpha addresses them with a smile simultaneously reaching and hugging Luna from behind for a moment, before taking the clipboard Luna was holding, out of his hand. I can hear Alpha Reuben welcoming them "Welcome home, I am sorry I was just missing my mate for the past three hours. Now, Lets' see here." The waiting families' eyes glow for a moment as they smile also hug their mates and respond, "We understand Alpha Reuben."
Turning my attention to the Training Academy Grounds I see Delta Carmen. Delta Carmen was not only appointed our Elder Seer. But also, the head director of the Elite Protection Academy and the Mystic Academy where titi Cary and previous Alpha, is principal. SHE, pretttttty much has her hands full.
However, at Alpha Reubens request, Delta Carmen had begun combat training LUNA. She often paralyzes Luna in an ethereal chain. Levitating him to take him to train. NO ONE EVER GOT INVOLVED. As a matter of fact, after a while, we all learned what time his class was and stayed indoors watching the two pass safely behind windows. Again, it was ALPHA Reuben's idea nevertheless it remained a funny sight to see. Luna being pulled by an ethereal chain as Delta Carmen was deflecting lightning coming down at her. Sent by Luna.
Delta Carmen's real protege is not Luna, however. It's Robert, Beta Roderick's mate. Previously having been an Omega, Robert joined the school, worked hard, practicing harder proving he is more than capable of keeping up with his Celestial Guardian mate. His hard efforts paid off on an excursion he had accompanied Luna. Luna had gotten accustomed to city life and its shopping luxuries. He was showing Robert around as they shopped, pointing out places Beta Roderick particularly likes to shop in commenting.
While down in the battery park area, a group of twenty rogues appeared and started trailing them, determined to kill Luna. Instead, Both became aware of what was happening and led the scouts away from the prying eyes of humans. Twenty rogues which ended up dead at Robert's hands and fangs said, Luna. According to primo who told the event as Robert stood humbly standing with his arms around Beta Roderick. Luna was so busy window shopping and talking to Robert. He had not picked up on the scent changes of the wers following right away. ... Robert however had.
He wulf spoke this to Primo and everything changed. Together they led them away from the busy main street to a side street behind some restaurants. Luna kept us enthralled recounting the event with enthusiasm. But beta Roderick silently wulf speaks to me "Gurl Lies. Ya kno LUNA GOT A FIERCE TRACKING NOSE Beyotch! DA NO WAY HE DIDIN PICK UP ON DEM WER'S! I am sure he was testin my boo." My face remains focused on luna but I wink to my Beta with a small nod, he knew I agreed with him.
There the buildings were so tall, it dwarfed half of the sunlight making it an ideal spot.
Deep enough inside Robert reacted in a blur when their exit was cut off. Before Luna could. In human form, he leaped over Luna snatching the first two simultaneously gripping and ripping out their throats. Then again over Luna to barrel into another five preparing to phase, breaking their concentration.
Snapping their necks with a ghostlike speed. Leaving a surprised Luna to wonder how an ordinary wulf could possess such speed. It was when another group of rogues attempted to surprise attack lune from behind, Robert LOST IT!

Celestial Wulf Chronicles: Born Necromancer Book # 2
WerewolfInfernos rage takes possession within my soul. Then, explodes forth, engulfing all natural sense in its wrath suppressing my human side. Color fades, melting from my eyes leaving white soulless orbs. Lips curve upwards, nine-inch canines expose, moi...