Feeling Complete

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Alpha Reuben's gaze fixates on LUNA. He grins slightly when he finally spoke, it was about Luna "He is something else huh." I chuckle deciding to poke at him "Yes he is.... lover boy."

For all his immense size. Alpha Reuben turns a little red chuckling, his gaze watching Luna who was being the welcome host. Busily greeting the arriving members warmly and by name. Directing those lost families as to exactly what town and where their house is located. It's obvious from the growing line of wulves in front of Luna they were excited. Or he needed help.

The truth is, having received emails and pictures of our territory, the whole pack has fallen in love with their new territory, eager to get settled into their new homes so as to explore and run.

Before us was miles of dense woods and prey for hunting. What is there NOT TO LOVE! Turning my head, I look to Alpha Reuben looking like a love struck puppy, his eyes as fixated as is his smile. Luna, again. Luna, his world. I chuckle, love. Attracted by a familiar rising voice, I scan through the busyness occurring in our home, searching.

Locating the source, my head stops to watch. It's Beta Randall. In the two years we have formed, Beta Randall has become a big brother to me. Right now, he was... apparently, arguing about something with the remaining wulf contractor supervisor on something relating to the Elite Protection Academy training grounds.

Nodding my head I can tell he is losing his composure, Beta has VERY theatrical tendencies and from the looks of it, this is turning into one of them. His head posing, swinging like a cobra, arched to strike. Then it begins swishing circular motion as he now adds in his eyelids blinking like flashing headlights. Finally, the last touch begins, Beta raises his left arm with palm-held open in the contractors face, stiff fingers pointing skywards saying STOP.

Grinning, I nudge Alpha Reuben to see this. Alpha, like many times, was not paying attention. His eyes on Luna about to take a step towards him. It was at this moment Beta Roderick looked up and found me watching and waved with a smile. Next, he points to Alpha Reuben who began to head over to Luna, probably to hug him from behind. Again. My nudge to him though, snaps him out of this intent. "Hey lover boy, Beta Roderick wants you."

I snicker watching this 39-year-old grown man of 6'5" 310 lbs. With some husky wrestlers build; now pouts like a spoiled brat. I try to hide a laugh as ALPHA RUBEN, grumbles to me "Fuck Alina you should have made believe you did not see him."

Giving me a kiss on the cheek, Reuben looks again towards his mate one last time and huffs. Turning to Beta with a fake smile he mumbles "BITCH" under his breath. Beta's next action causes me to laugh out loud and Luna to turn around facing us.

Beta Roderick responds in wulf speak "MS. BEYOTCH TO YOU" Snapping his fingers, twirls his hand twice midair as he takes a gentleman's bow knocking his heels "For I... am ROYALTY SO DARE!!"

Luna looking towards the three of us, remains smiling to the present wulves in front of him. In wulf speak however, his tone is sarcastic lacking patience "REALLY?? People are moving in & you three have time to laugh?"

Beta Roderick responds "Relax gurl we jus enjoying our work, Massa Luna"

In wulf speak, Luna chuckles  for just a sec "Uh huh, Lying ho."

Ignoring Beta, Luna addresses Alpha Reuben "Kojak would you mind helping me here please?"

THAT to Reuben was like the heavens opening up hearing an angelic symphony! By his behavior, you thought my Alpha won the lottery or something! Because suddenly, He does an arm crunch as he lifts one leg wulf speaking "YESSSSS!!!...... On my way amour!! (love)" In a joking manner, Alpha is seen now jogging quickly towards LUNA behaving like a two-legged wulf, raising his two hands up like he is begging, tongue out panting, hunching his shoulders forward making knee-high strides towards LUNA. But before reaching him, Alpha turns his head sideways to Beta Roderick quick and sticks out his tongue silently, giving Beta Roderick a raspberry tongue sound.

Reaching him, Alpha hugs primo from behind simultaneously kissing his neck.

Beta scowls at Luna saying "GURL! COME ON I NEEDED HIM A SEC"

Luna's response triggers their gay sassy mudslinging "Sorry gurl, I got him first."

"Latina Bitch"

"Black alley Sally"

"Conchita da Knee pad Queen"

"trailer Park ho"


"Angelique De Broke ho"


Out of nowhere, we hear a third wulf speak female, firm, strong interrupt their slashing "uh hmm Boys."


"Lata BITCH"


Celestial Wulf Chronicles: Born Necromancer    Book # 2Where stories live. Discover now