The next morning we all met for breakfast. Alpha Ruben and Alexi entered grumbling in agreement "Tonight we get them a room or WE GET A ROOM!" Knowing what they were referring to, My Father-in-law Don Yonell chuckles into his coffee. Mima turns red with a smile and keeps cooking. Titi, not one to pass up an opportunity to poke fun ,asks straight out "not much sleep huh. But baby, I slept just fine." causing everyone to burst out laughing.
Leering at his mother who is giving me that 'awww poor baby' face, I ask for my liquid ambrosia responding "Ma. You had your bed! We gave them our room and we slept in the living room. Worst night EVER!! Please Please if you VALUE YOUR LIFE YOU WILL HAVE COFFEE READY!" I chuckle, mulatto can be so dramatic. But as I reach for the sugar, I am reminded by the soreness in my arm of my night's sleep. Still, he is my only cub, the second best blessing the goddess gave me going to his defense "come on mulatto, they are newly mated wulves after all. We were just as bad." winking at my mate adding "BUT! We are still getting that room!"
Looking from my mate to my mother "DON'T CARE. Ma, how did you sleep thru all that, um, noise? Really and that fucking floor was so dammed hard. UGH!" my eyes bounce leering pointing a finger at Ruben grinning "And you Mr. Acosta don't defend him!" Mom curls in her lips in an attempt to suppress a laugh. She fails.
Grinning trying not to giggle, I watch my son massage a muscle and could not resist "Mijo. As big as Ruben is. You could have just slept on him. Or phase to Sable." Everyone present nod heads while attempts at suppressed snickers are heard.
My look to toti comes with some fake facial sarcasm, my voice tone matches my mother's joking nature "Really Ma? Really? Your just as bad as your son-in-law!" eyes briefly dart over watching as a grinning mom gestures high five to Reuben, which he claps saying, "I like that idea." Then sips his coffee adding "He would just have to fix the BUMP at my construction site first" shaking my head I can't help but laugh as everyone awake starts cracking up with laughter. Don Yonell and Ruben nod agreeing hands high fiving one another.
Silence falls as eyes and heads turn to look towards the door just before it reopens and in walks Thom with Ben right behind him. Thom turns red as everyone watches them enter "morning everyone". Ben, not being so modest kisses, the back of his neck embracing him mumbling "can we go back to bed?" We all chuckle seeing Thom turn redder than a plump tomato. Titi Carrie tries to change the focus on them, treating the newly formed mates as if they were established already "Good morning love birds want coffee? Breakfast will be done in a minute."
I take advantage of titi's attempt at a distraction looking to my left. From down the small hall, I hear a bedroom door open. I see Beta Randall and Robert come out of their bedroom heading towards us. Beta in his powder blue bathrobe with a skoal of white ostrich feather around its neck lining. Robert saying "Thanks, Mama Cary YES. I am starved!"
Wulf Speaking ta my gorgeous hunk of a mate Robert "Their HERE! NOW FOR DA JUICY TIDBITS!" lifting my eyebrows to him. With a small smile on his face, Robert slowly swishes his head from left to right "RANNNNNDALL, behave." Ignoring his wulf speak I remark. "YA THINK GURL! SHIIIIIIIT AFTER YO WORK OUT LAST NIGHT!! HELLL I AM SURPRISED YOU CAN WALK AT ALL!!!"I can't help myself it was an open statement WHACK! the sound heard of Robert smacking Beta's shoulder hard! But laughing, Randall adds another comment "SHIT!! He might be my nephew BUT DAT MUTHA FUCKA BUILT KING KONG SIZE!!! FUCK DAT!"
Everyone explodes HYSTERICALLY laughing!! Randall's sassiness causes a domino laughter effect. Ruben, sipping his coffee, spits out. Titi Cary holds onto the sink gasping for air between laughter, Mima turns away BEAT RED covering her mouth with the oven dish towel, Don Yonell, like Ruben chokes and spits out coffee, my mate Tito and I are laughing so hard, tears come out, Luna is doubled over to the floor crying from laughter screaming "BITCH !!!" We have to hold our stomachs, and poor Thom is BEET RED!! But my tries to come to poor Thom's rescue, fail. Keyword in that sentence TRIES. Titi Cary however,is successful.
My son is a menace TO SOCIETY WITH THAT MOUTH!! GODDESS!! My laughing just barely stops long enough to say "I remember a CERTAIN WULF who was no different with his mate. If memory serves me, you both did not come out for a week!" to now see my cub look at me smirking with puckered lips.
I look at my partner in crime laughing at her jib "MAMA!! REALLY GURL !!?" then wink "ya got it wrong honeee," holding up two fingers her way making a popping sound, turning my chin to my shoulder with perched lips "It was two weeks gurl. We spent one lost in da woods re---mem---ba!!" my mouth open for effect. Robert squeezes by us, grabs a slice of bacon, looks to ma with a grin "I know I DO!!" as she laughs again swiping at him with the dish towel she holds. saying "OHHH YEAH, Forgot that one."
We sit to eat and talk about our experience with the mate bond. Randall being himself gets GRAPHIC. Til we all scream "RANDALL!!" bringing him to a halt. But not before he closes with "don hate gurls. Ain't my fault ya'll be got borin sex lives. Jealous mofos." Mom casually walks up behind him and WHACK!! Smacks him behind the head. We all laugh as does a head tucking Randall.
After breakfast, we all help clean up and get ready to go site seeing. Thom asks if we would mind meeting Alex and his Boyfriend at the Supe lounge. Ruben and Alexi said yes enjoying the idea of it. Meeting other supes. Randall looks to say something when we all now see mom come up behind him silently eyes slightly move, look to her, giving her away. Randall was quick on the uptake "she is right behind me, isn't she?" Luna laughs at him saying "That depends, you feelin lucky Punk?" quoting a line from actor Clint Eastwood. Everyone chuckles as mom just casually places her hand on his shoulder causing him to jump screaming "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!! NO MORE BEN AND THOM JOKES JUST DOONNNTTT HIIITTT MEEEE MASSA, HARPO GOING BE GOOD BOY MAMA a GOOD BOY!!"
We all laugh as Titi says a witty remark to my mother in law "see Rosa, THAT'S how you KEEP your BOYS IN LINE!! Just GOTTA BE FIRM with the little PENDEJITOS (suckers)!!" shaking a fist in the air then does Randall's flair, snapping her fingers. she whips around to head towards the kitchen from leaving us in the living room. We all chuckle then burst laughing as MIMA looks to Ruben and Tito. They both tell her "DON'T EVEN THINK IT!!" but are quick to get up and excuse themselves from the kitchen.

Celestial Wulf Chronicles: Born Necromancer Book # 2
WerewolfInfernos rage takes possession within my soul. Then, explodes forth, engulfing all natural sense in its wrath suppressing my human side. Color fades, melting from my eyes leaving white soulless orbs. Lips curve upwards, nine-inch canines expose, moi...