3. ALLAH'S FAVORS UPON YUSUF [Surah Yusuf 12:6-7]

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6. “And thus will your Rabb choose you and teach you from the interpretation of events, and He will complete His favor upon you and upon the family of Yaqoob (Jacob) just as He has completed it upon your fathers from before Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ishaq (Isaac). Surely your Rabb is Knowing Wise”.

7. Surely there have been in Yusuf and his brothers signs for the askers.


1. Allah chooses certain people over others to bless with His bounties. The existence of this fact is confirmed in this Verse, we can use this fact in our lives to reduce envy and hatred between ourselves instead of increasing it.

2. The first reason why Yusuf (AS)’s family will show him (as) this respect is that Allah (Swt) will choose him (AS) to be a Prophet. From this, we can take the lesson that we must always be helpful and supportive of anyone in our family that is involved in the dawah. There is no task that requires greater effort or struggles or sacrifice than calling to Allah (swt). So if anyone in your family is involved in this work, then they need your help and support. Try to be understanding of their lifestyle, and try to be understanding of why they do not spend as much time with you as you may like. Allah (swt) Knows that they do want to spend time with you, but at the same time they also have this duty and responsibility that they must carry out for their Rabb.

3. The favors of Allah does not always come in the form of wealth, fame, beauty and power.  What is this favor that Allah (swt) would bestow on Yusuf (AS)? Is it power and authority over the people? Is it wealth and riches? Is it the most beautiful women? No, as we will see in the rest of the Surah, Yusuf (AS) will actually be denied these things for most of his life. He will be a slave, and he (AS) will be poor, and he (AS) will spend prime years of his life without a wife. So what is this favor that Allah (swt) will bestow and complete upon Yusuf (AS)? The Prophet (P) has told us that when Allah (swt) wants good for a person then He (swt) bestows upon him knowledge of the religion. Knowledge about Allah (swt), knowledge about how to worship and serve Allah (swt). This is the great favor and blessing that Allah (swt) bestowed on Yusuf (AS). Allah also blessed Yusuf with the full understanding of the problems of life and their solutions and gave him the insight to reach at the reality of every matter.

4. Anyone who seeks to be guided by this story will be guided. Just by asking you will see the signs and lessons in this story. You do not need to make a great effort to get the guidance in this story as there are signs in this Surah that will lead you to Allah (swt) and show you what is pleasing to Him (swt).

5.  “We will choose you above the rest.”  Allah chose Yusuf by making him the one whom his brothers turn to for help even though he was the one whom the brothers abandoned and threw into the well.  Even though his brothers abandoned him, Allah chose Yusuf and forced the brothers to come back to Yusuf.

6. If a father is righteous, the children will also be righteousness.  Therefore one of the best ways to guarantee that your children are righteous is for you to be righteous yourself. This is a general rule, and there are many exceptions.  Therefore one of the best ways to guarantee our children are righteous is by us being righteous ourselves.

7. Allah is the One who is All-Wise and Allah is the One who judges.  Allah knows what He does, and He does everything with wisdom. He saved Prophets and righteous people before you and He will save you also from whatever problem you may be facing. Allah puts you through trials to teach you something that will benefit you later in life. Put your trust in Him, and know that everything He does, he does it for wisdom. Allah is ever watching, and in the end, victory is always given to the righteous and sincere.

8. Tables can turn anytime. When the Quraish of Makkan were considering killing, exiling or imprisoning Prophet (PBUH). At that time some of the chiefs of Makkans put this question (at the instigation of the Jews of Madina) to test him:"Why did the Israelites go to Egypt?" This question was asked because they knew that their story was not known to the Arabs. Therefore they expected that he would not be able to give any satisfactory answer to this question or try to inquire about it from some Jew, and thus he would be totally exposed. But, contrary to their expectations, the tables were turned on them, for Allah revealed the whole story of Prophet Yusuf then and there, and the Holy Prophet recited it on the spot. This put the Quraish in a very awkward position because it not only foiled their scheme but also administered a warning to them by aptly applying it to their case, as if to say, "As you are behaving towards this Prophet, exactly in the same way the brothers of Prophet Joseph behaved towards him; so you shall meet with the same end."

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