PART 29:A FIRM COVENANT FROM ALLAH [Surah Yusuf 12: 66-68]

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66. He said “I will never send him with you until you give me a firm covenant from Allah that you will bring him back to me unless you are completely surrounded”. Then when they had given him the covenant he said: “Allah is the Guardian over what we say”.

67. He said “O my sons. Do not enter through one gate but enter through different gates. I cannot avail you against Allah at all. Surely the command is only with Allah. I have put my trust in Him, and on Him let those who trust put their trust”.

68. And when they had entered in the way that their father had commanded them it did not avail them at all against Allah except a desire in the soul of Ya'qoob that He made it so. And surely he was of great knowledge because of what We had taught him but most people do not know.

In this ayah Allah (swt) tells us what was the response of Ya'qoob (AS) to the final plea that the brothers had made after trying every means to persuade him. He (AS) knew the jealousy that these brothers had towards Binyamin. He knew that they might even try to harm him just like they had harmed Yusuf (AS). But he also knew his entire family was starving. He has only two options to choose from and in both of these, he is causing harm to his children. But despite this knowledge Ya'qoob (AS) still decides to send Binyamin with them. He (AS) knows that this was the only way that he could save his family from the famine.

But he asks from them of *a firm covenant from Allah*. This means that *Allah is the Witness over this contract*. In fact, the language gives the meaning that the brothers have to take this covenant from Allah. It is like something that they have borrowed from Allah. This means that they have to take care of it. If they in anyway break this covenant or even if they think about breaking it then they are answerable before Allah (swt).

Finally, Ya'qoob (AS) says that the only excuse they have for not bringing the boy back is “unless you are completely surrounded”. If they are completely enveloped from all sides and there is nothing else that they could do, this then is the only excuse that they have for not bringing the boy back. Ya'qoob (AS) accounts for every possibility and if the matter becomes completely out of their hands, only then are they permitted to return without Binyamin.

The brothers gave to their father the covenant that he (AS) had requested. Then when they do, he reminds them that *Allah is Himself is the Witness over their giving their father this covenant. Not only is Allah a Witness but He is also the Guardian over what they said. This means that He (swt) will protect and preserve them giving their father this promise.

Ya'qoob (AS) then gave his sons an advice. He (AS) tells his children that each of them should enter the city in Egypt from different gates rather than from the same gate. The scholars say that the reason why Ya'qoob (AS) gave his children this advice was to keep them safe. Imagine how it would be if the people in that city saw eleven foreigners all entering their city from one gate at the same time. Not only this but it would be for the second time in a very short period that they saw these men entering, obviously some people might become suspicious. They might wonder as to who these men were. Why were they entering their city again and again? If they were only coming for grain then why they were coming back again and again? So Ya'qoob (AS) feared that the people of Egypt might arrest his children if they saw them returning back so soon. They might think that the brothers had some ill intention for returning so soon. So to prevent this from happening Ya'qoob (AS) commands his children to enter the city from different gates.

Ya'qoob (AS) did his best to advice his children. He told them of every precaution that they could take. But he then reminds them that if Allah (swt) were to allow some misfortune to befall them then he is completely unable to stop that. In the end, everything is up to Allah. The command. The judgment. The rule. The sovereignty. It all belongs completely to Allah. Whatever He decides is what will be. If Allah wills for these brothers to be safe then they will be safe. If He wills otherwise then their father, as noble and pious as he was, cannot do anything for them.

In the next part of the ayah we learn that the brothers did indeed enter the city safely but it was not their planning or their entering through different gates that kept them safe rather it was Allah  Who kept them safe. Allah fulfilled a desire that Jacob (AS) had in his heart that his children be safe. A wish that Jacob (AS) had. A wish that Allah made into reality.


1. A covenant from Allah (swt) is no joke. It is something that is never to be broken. To break such a covenant would be among the greatest of sins. We need to remind ourselves that when we swear by Allah (swt) it is no joke. When we put the Exalted Name of the Creator and Sustainer of this entire universe behind what we say then we do not make vain promises by His (swt)’s Name. Remember Him. Realize Him. Know what it means for Him to be your Master and for you to keep your covenant.

2. If you want to put your trust in someone or something then put your trust on the One with Whom the command lies. The One with Whom the decision of every single matter lies. In the end, everything is decided by Allah. The final outcome of all things will be decided by Him. So put your trust in Allah and have the greatest of hopes in Him. Realize the Majesty and Sublimity of Him (swt). Once you realize this how then will you ever be disappointed? So take every precaution. Do your best. But in the end, put your trust in Allah and know that He (swt) is the One for all those who would trust to trust in.

3. There is neither might nor power except with Allah (swt). Do not think that things happen because of the efforts that you put into them. Rather know that everything happens because Allah (swt) wills it to happen.

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