6.YUSUF WAS TAKEN AWAY [Surah Yusuf 12:12-14]

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12. "Send him with us tomorrow that he may enjoy himself and play, and we will surely be to him, protectors".

13. He said, "Surely it saddens me that you should take him away and I fear that the wolf would eat him while you are heedless of him".

14. They said, "If a wolf should eat him while we are a [strong] clan, indeed, we would then be losers."

Yaqoob (AS) does not mention to his sons the main reason why he was reluctant to send Yusuf with them. The main reason was that Yaqoob (AS) feared that his sons themselves may do something to harm Yusuf (AS). Yaqoob (AS) knew very well about this great jealousy that these brothers had for Yusuf (AS). He even suspected that they might do something to harm the young child. But why then did Yaqoob (AS) not mention this? One reason is that these ten brothers were still his sons and he still loved them. And even though Yaqoob (AS) had every reason to be suspicious, he still did not want to accuse them without there being clear evidence.


1. It is important to recognize that our parents have knowledge and judgment which should be respected because what you are experiencing as a child or teen, your parents have experienced as well. For example, if you were to visit a doctor, you would want someone who had the experience and training to diagnose and treat your illness. The same is true for parents. See them as professionals at life, and it will help you to develop a different level of respect for them. Because they have been through what you are going through in your life so they can help and guide you.

2. Trust in their gut instinct - They can read your face. We believe that a gut instinct is something Allah sometimes blesses us with. The more righteous you are, the more your moral compass and gut instinct will be rightly guided. This instinct in Arabic is called firasa. It's a gift from Allah. It is the art of reading the personality of another person by looking into the face. Abdullah ibn Umar RA said, one day a handsome man walked in front of us, so my father looked at him. He looked at his face and said, "If my intuition is right this man was a fortune teller for his people." So by just looking at the face of this man he never met him before, he read his face. So they called the man and the man said: "Yes, I was the fortune teller of my people. So it's a gift that is given by Allah to certain people, and Umar RA had it. The Prophet (ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "Beware of the firasa of the believer because the firasa of the believer is always true." As we can see the firasa of Yaqub also. Internally Ya'qub sensed that his sons might do something bad to Yusuf, but the brothers kept trying to make the father look bad by insisting that they were his well-wishers and blaming their father for not trusting them - *emotional blackmailing*.

3. Your parents do know what's right and what's wrong for you, let your opinion be known, but never disrespect their decision. As you keep reading this story you will understand how costly it can be not to listen to your father. And parents, there is a message for you too here: Don't treat your children differently on the basis of gender or age, you will see the potential consequences of that in the next few Verses.

4. Just because a group of people is committing a certain action, this does not make it correct. Shaitan can misguide the group just like he can misguide the individual. Sometimes it is easier to misguide the group because the members of the group will support themselves in their evil. They will each be a devil to one another. So our loyalty must always be to Allah (swt) and the Prophet (PBUH), and not to any group. We should evaluate everything that the group does and ask ourselves if such is pleasing to Allah (swt) or not. We should not blindly go along with everything that the group does. We should not have the thinking that they are correct only because they are all doing it. Sometimes the group can be wrong, so we always have to check ourselves. May Allah (swt) protect us and may He (swt) guide us!

5. Verse 14 shows the pride and arrogance these brothers had because they thought of themselves strong. They completely forgot that all Might and all Power is only with Allah. From this, we are reminded once again that these are traits that are most displeasing to Allah (swt). So we should try our best never to be like these brothers. We have to save ourselves from their way of thinking. If you ever hope to accomplish anything in the future, then you must always believe that you will accomplish it only with the Help and Support of Allah (swt) and not through your own efforts or not because you are a strong group.

6. Some children are trials for their parents and parents must learn how to deal with them. We cannot expect our family to be perfect. More often then not they will not be. More often then not they will be a trial for us. More often then not they will do things to annoy us or irritate us. We should not express our anger and our hatred towards them. We should not cut our relationships with them. This is what Shaitan wants us to do. Every time Shaitan puts some negative thought in your minds about one of your family members, then you must immediately remember Allah is not pleased with you having such hatred for members of your family.

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